Unlocking The Seal


The now transformed Alexander roared in rage as it stared at the demon who also stared at it playfully, Alexander suddenly leaped towards the demon and arrived in front of it in an instant as its razor sharp fangs headed for demon's head, in response to this, the demon swerved to the right and successfully dodged the attack but it seemed like Alexander wasn't done yet as his spikes appeared on his tail which he swung towards the demon.


The demon raised its hands to block but the force still sent him backwards, he glanced at Alexander with surprise as its wounds healed immediately.

"So your transformation makes you able to release the strength of a king but your still too weak, show me all you've got, I give you 5 moves to land a single hit on me, if you can then I will let you live but if you can't, I'll destroy you together with this stupid city" The demon mocked as he beckoned for Alexander to come over.

Seemingly enraged by this threat, Alexander's eyes grew red as his body grew bigger, the reddish tinge on his fur becoming more prominent.

"Oh going all-out from the start, that's a good idea" The demon mocked Alexander.

Alexander suddenly disappeared as he appeared above the demon and opened his mouth as a red ball of flames shot out towards the demon who smirked as it leaped backwards but midway, it suddenly saw a red blur flash past as two large swung towards it's head from the two sides, facing this two wings appeared behind it which propelled it higher into the sky and away from Alexander.

"If you want to land a hit then you will have to do better than that" Thed demon taunted as it floated in the sky away from Alexander who couldn't fly.


Alexander suddenly crouched, the ground cracked as he shot into the sky at an insane speed, he arrived before the demon in an instant, his speed shocking the demon as he his teeth shot towards the demon neck, the demon who was startled by this surprise attack only managed to barely evade this attack as he heard Alexander's teeth snap close just a few inches away from his neck.


A loud bang echoed as Alexander shot towards the ground and crashed into it creating a large crater, he stood up and glared at the demon angrily when he remembered it's words.

"Hahahaha, you're probably thinking, 'why did you attack me after what you said', well that's what you get when you trust a demon, I think I've wasted enough time here, let's end this" The demon said with a look of disdain, demons were known to be everything bad, they never kept their word and always put themselves before anything or anyone else.

"Where am I?" Felix asked as he appeared in a familiar space dimension with thousands if not millions of lights in the sky, before him were two clones one dark and another white, but one thing was different this time.

The two clones were vibrating intensely as the chains that held the both of them cracked, seeing this Felix stepped backwards in alarm as he watched the chains around them snap one by one.

"Uh system what's happening" Felix said as he watched the scene unfold before him, he didn't have a single clue about what was happening.



The last chain around the two of them finally snapped as they suddenly became still not making any movement which shocked Felix and served to further puzzle him more as he crept towards them one step at a time, when he reached in front of them he stretched his hands towards the two of them and just as he was about to touch them, the two clones suddenly opened their eyes, seeing this, Felix tried to withdraw his hand but the two clones grabbed one each.

"Huuuuuu" Felix sucked in a a deep breath as he felt something snap within him.


"Hahahaha, you will never be as strong as me, I will now send you on your way to your son" The demon said and was about to tear out the heart of the now battered and barely recognizable Alexander who was back to his old self when it suddenly paused as it's expression changed drastically, it glanced at the body of Felix which was releasing several pulses of energy that surpassed his at his peak.

"What is this?" The demon said as it started experiencing as feeling like never before.

"Is this fear?" The demon said in shock as his senses were releasing dangerous signs telling him to run away as far as he could.

"No I have to kill him" The demon said with fear as it raised it's hand into the air and condensed a very large fireball the size of a bus and aimed at Felix and fired.


The fireball shot towards Felix's location and exploded as it directly tore away almost half of the ground, the impact was so much that Damien and the others who had retreated long ago and were around a mile away felt the shockwaves, the demon stared at the place that was covered in dust as it expected to see the mangled figure of Felix but suddenly that feeling of dread appeared again and this time it seemed to be coming from everywhere, as the dust cleared it glanced at the place that Felix was supposed to be and found it empty, it's first thought was to flee but for some strange reason, it couldn't move, it had lost control over it's legs, at this moment the crescent mark on it's head lit up as it felt a type of feeling that it had never felt before, it couldn't even describe it, it felt like the feeling of known that you would definitely die no matter what you did.

As it was thinking of what to do, it suddenly felt another pulse behind it and this one was even stronger than the first, then another followed even stronger as it travelled past him, moved to Justin's people and past them across the city, then moved past several cities and across the continent.

"Where are the rest of the demon worshippers?" James asked a battered figure who he held by the neck.

"I said where are they?" He asked again as he tightened his grip on the man's neck, he was about to snap his neck and move onto the next person when he suddenly felt a large energy wave most past him.

"Felix" He said as he disappeared and appeared in the sky and raised his hands upwards as a dome spread out and shot across the continent and covered it before the aura could leak out but a little bit managed to slip out before he sealed it in.

After erecting the dome, he glanced towards the people on the ground as he clenched his fist which caused them to be bound by some strange force, he then turned towards a certain direction and blinked away, appearing several cities away.

Outside of the continent in a sandy area, an old man with golden hair was walking around with a teenager walking by his side when he suddenly felt a weak pulse of energy pass through him which made him pause and look towards a certain direction with interest.

"Mo Fan let's go check something out over here" The old man said to the teenager.

"Okay grandfather" The teen said respectfully, he had felt it too but he hadn't really paid much attention to it like that.

The demon with the Crescent shape on it's head was standing rooted to a spot as it stared at the figure standing before it, it was something he had never seen before, it was a creature that was like him and not like him at the same time, the figure was divided into two parts, one part was dark like it and the other side was golden, the dark side had a horn on its side just above his eye, the golden side had a tattoo of a blazing sun just above his eye, the eye on the dark side was red like that of a demon but that on the light side had a golden pupil like those from the light race.

"What..are..you?" The demon asked with fear as it stared at the unmoing figure that had it's bizzare eyes on it.

"Killed…so…many…you…deseve..death" Immediately the last word came out of the figures mouth, the demon felt something smash into it's face which threw it backwards like a broken kite but before it touched the ground, it was struck by something again and thrown backwards to the place it was previously and like before, it didn't even touch the ground before oit was again struck, this time even harder.




At this time the demon wasn't in control of its body because it had become like a pinball, being thrown back and forth at extreme speeds, by now only a blur could be seen as the demon was struck several times in several places in a second, all the bones in its body was shattered, the pain was so severe that it didn't even feel anything again, it was about to lose consciousness when the strikes stopped, it fell to the ground half-dead.

"An eye for an eye" The figure said as he hoisted The demon into the air and stuck his finger into its eye and pulled it out which caused the demon to cry out weakly.

"A heart for an heart, a head for a head" The figure said as the demon stared at the Connor's head lying some distance away covered by a dark aura.

"Please,,,n.." Before it could say another word, the demon felt a hand dig into it's chest and grab it's heart.

The other hand of the figure grabbed the demon's head as it squeezed it while golden flames erupted from the figure's hand and wrapped the demon's heart, consuming it as the demon's head exploded while it's heart burnt to ashes.

"Kill…kill everyone" After killing the demon, the figure dropped the lifeless body of the demon as it glanced towards the direction that Justin and the rest had gone then teleported away.