Immortal Dragon Phoenix Sect

Somewhere in a large opening, several pillars could be seen erected on a stand, runes of various kinds were scattered all over the pillars, the runes were all dim when suddenly they all lighted up as a large portal suddenly appeared in the center of the stand, following which several figures walked out of it.

"Hahahahaha, welcome all of you to the immortal dragon phoenix sect, I think we're just on time for the sect competition" Di er said with a smirk as he turned to the others with a bow.

"Woah, so big and beautiful" Vane said with shock as he admired the beautiful view of the sect, he could see beautiful trees all around, the mana in the air was so thick that he could feel like he had made progress with his cultivation, the birds chirped happily around them.

"Close your mouth, you look like a village bumpkin" Mulan mocked but even she had to admit that the beauty of the place was top notch.

"If you think that this place was beautiful, just wait until you get to the main sect" Di er remarked with a grin as he turned around and led them out of the stand where he nodded to the two guards who bowed with respect towards him, this action did not go unnoticed by Felix and the rest behind him.

"Let's go before we're too late" Di er said as he hurriedly led them through the sect as their mouth opened even wider at the beauty around them, the exquisite buildings around them was something that they hadn't seen in their entire lives.

"Huh what now" Di er muttered as he took out an orb which glowed with a bright light.

"Excuse me for a moment" Di er said as he walked over to a tree with the orb, he seemed to be communicating with someone and when he was done, he walked over to them with a frown.

"I'm sorry but something important came up so I will leave you guys now" Di er said with a frown as he grumbled.

"What so how do we find our way around?" Felix asked as he heard this.

"Don't worry, Liu Qing and Wang Feng will take you guys there" Di er replied with a smile and before they could ask who he was referring to, they suddenly heard a light laugh from above them as they looked up to see a large and beautiful bird flying above them, the bird had beautiful red feathers that radiated extreme heat, its wingspan was already the size of a huge van, atop it sat two figures.

"Hahahaha, I knew he would sense you" One of the figures, a young handsome youth clothed in golden robes laughed, he had silver hair which glowed slightly in the sun, his blue eyes only added to his attractive well built figure.

"Hmmp, this is only because you decided to use an emperor ranked beast, how could he not sense its aura, my darkness aura has reached the 5th rank and very soon even master master won't be able to sense me" The other figure, another handsome youth with striking features who could charm any female with his pitch black hair and charming smile, like the first guy, he was also clothed in golden robes, the bird landed as the two of them got doen and made a respectful bow towards Di er.

"Hahahahaha, you've done well Liu Qing, keep up the good work and Wang Feng, I see that you've also advanced, your control over the Blood Qilin is getting better, well since the both of you are here, you might as well take over from me, take them over to the testing grounds, to the rest of you, I'll be seeing you soon" Di er spoke to the two new arrivals then turned to the group with a smile, while saying the last part, his gaze lingered on Felix before he turned around and walked away.

"Okay newbies, welcome to the Immortal Dragon Phoenix Sect, home to some of the strongest and talented warriors on Zenith, I'm Liu Qing and this here is Wang Feng, since you guys just arrived, we'll lead you to the testing grounds where you will be ested and split into groups based on your talent, before we continue, let me just say this, over here our requirements are top notch, and the competition between the students are really harsh, if you don't work hard, harder than you have your entire life, you will be overshadowed and left in the dust so a word of advice, don't act cocky after you advance a single realm because there will always be someone who will be better than you" The dark haired youth named Liu Qing said with a smirk as he crossed his arms and glanced at the new arrivals, his gaze lingering a little on a figure who caught his eye before moving on.

"Okay enough of that, let's go, all of you get on" The silver haired youth said with a wave of his hand as he jumped onto the bird, the group hesitatingly climbed on.

"Hang on, it's going to be a rocky ride" Wang Feng grinned as the bird shot into the air with such speed that it almost knocked some of them off.Somewhere in the sect, several people were gathered around a wide stage where some figures could be seen seated atop the stages as the people below conversed amongst themselves, atop the stage was a large pillar with runes.

"Silence" A loud commanding voice rang out from the stage as the environment became silent.

"Good, I officially welcome you all to our humble sect, you all have gathered far and wide to participate in our sect enrollement test, I thank you all for taking your time to participate, I'm quite sorry to announce that the vice sect master will not be coming today, he had to take care of something but fortunately that won't affect the test I wish you all good luck" A green clothed muscular man with a scar across his eye said.

"Okay my brother here has already said everything so I don't need to say much, I am Shandian and this is Jianke" Another man clothed in silver robes with silver hair said before gesturing to the first man.

"I will explain how the test will take place, the first test will be an aptitude test, you will all step up to this pillar and place your hand on the pillar, this pillar will determine your scores and placements, the disciples in this sect are divided into 4, the first are outer disciples, the second are the inner disciples the third are the core disciples and the last are the direct disciples" Shandian explained as the crowd listened attentively.

"The outer disciples are the ones who have mediocre talents, they usually are the ones who are left behind due to their talent, they are clothed in white robes, the inner disciples are the ones who have good talents, they enjoy better facilities than the outer disciples, they are clothed in black robes, the core disciples are some the best, they have excellent talents that are rare, they are the future of the sect, they enjoy some of the best facilities in the sect, they are clothed in silver robes, then lastly we have the direct disciples, they are the direct disciples of the elders of the sect, the best of the best amongst the best, they are clothed in golden robes" Shandian said as murmuring spread among the crowd.

"You might think that we are being cruel but the world of cultivation is ruthless, it's a stronger devour the weaker world out there but in this sect we believe that everyone has a chance to cross the dragons gate so each year we organize competitions to give a chance to those who are able to break through their limits, even the outer disciples are well taken care of so once again I wish you all good luck as we start the first test, the supervisor will be a core disciple by the name of Feng Shui" Shandian said before pointing towards a silver clothed youth standing behind him who bowed before stepping forward.

"Hello everyone, I am Feng Shui and I will be personally surpevising the first round, I wish all of you good luck, you will all step up one by one to take the test, after you place your hand on pillar, it will light up and the colour corresponds to the grade of bloodline rarity and that will determine your score, the overall score will determine your ranking, if you are ready then step up" Wang Feng explained as he pointed to the pillar then at a large board which had no names on it.

"There are 7 ranks of talent namely…" Wang Feng explained as the first person walked to the stand.






[Violet-Very Rare]


"Hmm, I wonder what mine will be" Felix said as he stared at the guy at the pillar.