Outer Court Treasury

"Yawn" Felix yawned as he opened his eyes then quickly closed them as the sun rays struck his eyes, stinging them.

"Birds singing, sweet scent of flowers, warm bed, abundant qi, it's real, I'm here" Felix said to himself as he realized that him coming to the sect wasn't a dream, it was all real.

"Hmm, now that I'm here, I have to figure out my next moves, James didn't sound like he would be getting back anytime soon, he knows a lot about me, I should find a way to get his attention or sneak into his peak to talk to him personally" Felix said while remembering the mysterious grand elder of the sect who seemed to know a lot about him and the others the previous day.

He first got up and stretched his limbs first before soaking himself in a hot bath as he comfortably lay within, numerous thoughts began to swirl around in his mind as he thought about his current situation and how best he could utilize

"I need to find out everything I can about the sect starting with…"

"Brother Felix, are you awake?" A loud cheerful voice rang out outside Felix's house as he frowned after identifying the owner.

"This guy again, how did he know where I stayed" Felix said with a frown as he got out of the bath and freshened up, put on some robes, and set out.

"Brother, I was starting to think you were still asleep" Li Bai said with a grin.

"How did you know where I stayed?" Felix asked with annoyance.

"Oh I stay next to you, that's my court" Li Bai replied as he pointed at the next courtyard completely disregarding Felix's tone.

'Fuck this, every MC gets an OP system and a somehow strong Fatty to accompany him with a beautiful girl by his side but ever since I got this defective system, I've had so many near-death experiences than I can count, with my bones being broken so many times that it numbs me and now instead of a fatty, I get a suspicious baldie who keeps following me everywhere I go, could this day get any worse?' Felix thought with a sigh, his situation was too crazy.

"Hey we have to get to the gathering, we're late" Li Bai said as he pointed towards a certain direction where he could see a lot of outer disciples heading

"What gathering?" Felix asked in confusion, he hadn't been told of any gathering.

"Didn't you get the message on your jade slip, all the new outer disciples were asked to gather over there" Li Bai replied.

"Oh, shit" Felix cussed as he took out the jade slip as a voice rang out in his mind, telling him to meet at the Outer Court Pavilion.

"Then let's go" Felix said as he and Li Bai hurriedly left.


"Greetings new outer court disciples, congratulations on joining the sect, you can call me Elder Luo and I'm the one responsible for the outer court disciples so I am here to help you familiarize yourself with the sect, firstly you shall all receive these disciple robes which show that you are all disciples of the sect" A middle-aged man said as he floated in the sky, he waved his hand as several white colored robes flew towards all the disciples who caught them with excitement.

"Now there three departments in the sect namely, Weapons department, Elemental department and Mystique department, there are also sub departments within, the weapons department mostly focuses on those training in every weapon, archers, swordsmen, spear users and others, it is headed by Elder Jianke and Elder Wuqi, then we have the Elemental department which focuses on those talented in the elements, it is headed by Elder Yuansu and Elder Shandian, next we have the Mystique departments which focus on other aspects of cultivation, this department has 3 sub departments which are, Beast taming department which focuses on techniques to tame beasts, Bloodline Department which focuses on harnassing the hidden power of bloodlines, the last is the Ancient Technique department which focuses on lost and rare techniques such as runes, arrays, formations, pill formations, etc, the Beast Taming Department is headed by Elder Shouwang, the Bloodline department is headed by Elder Xuemai and the Ancient Technique department is headed by Elder Shenmi" Elder Luo explained as the outer disciples listened intently.

"Elder Luo please which is the strongest and which is the weakest?" A disciple asked curiously.

"It's obvious that the weakest is the Beast taming department and the strongest is the Weapons department" A swordsman replied arrogantly, immediately gaining angry looks from some of the other disciples.

'I don't think the Beast Taming department is the weakest' Felix thought as he remembered the scene of one of the first direct disciples he had met riding a powerful bird.

"It's obvious that the Ancient Technique department is the strongest, I've personally seen the might of a runemaster" Another Disciple said causing his last two words to cause a jolt to Felix who immediately thought of the mysterious old man who had said that his friends called him Rune Master, he thought of how he had captured their minds with a glance, the calm sensation they felt when they arrived at his peak.

"Silence!" A loud and commanding voice echoed which caused all those present to tremble unconsciously, the power within the words evident after their effect.

"You shall not speak unless when told to speak or you shall be punished, never must you underestimate the might of any department, all direct disciples are in at least one department so you should understand their prowess, now let's continue"

"You should all follow the path in which you excel in and not move to a department which you consider strong or you may end up remaining in the outer court forever, so be careful when making your choice, now onto the next topic, there are training facilities for each court, outer, inner, core and direct, for you guys, you will have access to some of the facilities of the outer court, the higher up the ranking you are for each court, the more access you will get to that court's respective facilities, I'm sure you were all informed of the main currency of the sect, points which will be used for accessing facilities, buying items such as pills, elixirs, etc, points are gotten through defeating opponents, from fellow disciples and from completing missions, which will be the next point of discussion, missions are issued by the sect or by outsiders and are ranked based on the danger level, the more dangerous a mission is, the more points you shall get from completeing it, but beware of biting on more than you can chew" Elder Luo warned with a serious expression.

"Lastly the yearly competitions which will be organized to shuffle the rankings, some of you think that staying at the outer court is sufficient and intend to slack off, but remember that the higher up the rankings you are, the more access you will get to rare treasures and opportunities like secret realms and exploring ruins" Elder Luo said as murmurs exploded among the disciples.

"Secret realms are top tier dimensions left behind from the ancient age, some link to the battlefield from the great war so they contain top tier treasures, and ruins are burial grounds for old and powerful experts, they mostly bury themselves with their treasures" Li Bai whispered to Felix after seeing his confused expression.

'Hmm, I guess he isn't so bad after all" Felix thought as he nodded at him with a smile.

"Such opportunities are only available to the ones at the top so you should all strive to be the best, now I shall take you for a tour around the outer court" Elder Luo said as he led them away from the gathering grounds and into the inner bustling regions of the outer court.

As they walked into the hustle and bustle, it was like a whole new world on its own, with traders and all sorts of people walking around, some looked like mercenaries, others also looked like businessmen, some advertised their wares, some also stole some wares with their secret abilities, they were eyed when they walked through the streets, Elder Luo led them to a huge building which had two shining and majestic words written for all to see.

"Don't look at the sign" Elder Luo warned.

'Huh?' Felix who was already staring at the sign which read 'Outer Disciple Treasury' froze as he felt his consciousness being pulled into the sign when a shout broke him out of his daze.

"Break" Elder Luo said as his essence thundered in their minds causing them to return.

'Scary..' Felix muttered as he noticed that he was drenched in a cold sweat.

"That sign was written by the head of the Ancient Technique department, the calligraphy contains so much enlightenment that it draws the minds of those below the Emperor realm into it" Elder Luo said as the ones who were victims to the process trembled in slight fear after experiencing the experience.

"So when I say that you shouldn't underestimate any department, you should understand why, now follow me" Elder Luo smirked as he opened the door and led them inside.

"Let's go" Li Bai said as he brought Felix out of his thoughts, they walked into the treasury and immediately they set their eyes on the interior and the contents, they froze in shock.