
As soon as they stepped into the class, it was like a whole new world had opened up in front of them, they were in a huge hallway, and the reason why they were so shocked was the significant increase in mana density, it was so thick that it made them comfortable just being there, it was like moving from under a fan to an air conditioner.

"You guys are probably confused as to why the mana density varied, the treasury contains some items with rich mana essence, so being here over the years has boosted the mana content of this hall" Elder Luo explained.

"You guys will now receive your monthly quota" Elder Luo said as he led them to a counter where a white-haired old man with a long beard sat with his eyes closed.

"Hey Elder Long Beard, the new disciples are here for their monthly quota" Elder Luo said to the old man who nodded as his aged eyes opened.

"There are some promising ones this year but the rest are still the same old" Elder Long Beard remarked as his eyes returned to their previous state.

"hahaha, same as always, your qualifications are too high" Elder Luo chuckled as he led the disciples further into the hallway, at the end of the hallway was a large door that had several intricate runes covering it.

'No guards to protect it, they are really confident in their defenses' Felix thought as he watched Elder Luo step up to the door and place his hands on it, pure essence flowed from his hands into the door as it glowed.


The door released a series of sounds as the runes that were originally intertwined moved away from each other and formed two locks, with the appearance of the locks, Elder Luo took his hands off the door as his mana flowed out of his fingers and took the form of runes as they flew and implanted themselves onto the locks which shook as they disappeared, the door dimmed as it opened on its own.


Winds blew out from the door as they passed over the disciples who trembled before calming down at the treasures behind the door which caused their eyes to shine in awe.

Shields, swords, axes, gauntlets, weird ore,s and other shiny items that were rare to see in the outside world could be seen scattered in the room, they lay on the ground and when the disciples stepped into the room, some of them trembled slightly.

"You will all receive an essence gathering elixir with the core of a 5th stage king realm beast, that will be given to everyone but special privileges will be given to the top 4, they get to choose any of the treasures here" Elder Luo said as looks of shock spread out on everyone's faces.

"So we don't get to choose?" One of the disciples asked, the one who got the 5th spot to be exact.

"No you don't, I only brought you guys here to motivate you to strive to get stronger" Elder Luo said with a cunning grin as the top 4 all beamed.

'Wow, this is great, heheheheehe, let's see the true power of the inspect skill' Felix thought with a grin as a glint flashed across his eyes.


"I hope you all chose carefully?" Elder Luo asked with a smile as he stared at the top 5 with some items in their hands but when his eyes landed on Felix's item, he frowned.

"Are you sure that you want that item, it's worth is only so-so, are you sure you won't choose another item?" Elder Luo tried to persuade Felix who shook his head with a smile.

"Don't worry Elder Luo, I know exactly what I'm doing" Felix replied with a smile.

"Well then, it's your choice, let's leave then" Elder Luo said with a sigh, there were always stubborn and talented people like Felix every year who always ended up wasting their talent due to arrogance.

'I wonder what they see in him' Elder Luo thought as he remembered how interested the higher-ups were in Felix.

ups were about Felix but he just shrugged it off as he led them out, whatever Felix did was his choice, he only prayed that he would soon receive a wake-up call, he had already decided that Felix had let this small win get to his mind not knowing that there was actually a better reason that he would never have imagined.

'Wow, this is great' Felix thought happily as he used inspect on the items in his hands.

[Essence Gathering Elixir]

Level Of Purity: Excellent


An elixir which acts like a magnet to the essence in the surrounding area, pulls the essence toward the core of the cultivator.

[King Realm Beast Core]

Rank: King Realm


The core of a 5th stage king Realm beast, 'White Furred Frost Wolf'.

[Cloak Of Versatility]

Rank: Peak Mortal(Upgradable)


A cloak designed by a master blacksmith, requires the sacrifice of a fragment of a magic weapon(Peak King and above) to upgrade itself and gain abilities.

'It seems the system classification of core, items, and consumables are different, anyways this is going to shake them' Felix thought as he saw the details of the cloak, he knew what Elder Luo was probably thinking but it didn't matter to him because he already had the requirement to upgrade the cloak, he had just remembered a certain treasure that he had gotten in a shop, a certain seemingly useless dagger which the owner had considered it rubbish and was extremely happy that Felix had purchased.


'Aha here it is' Felix thought happily as he searched his dimension ring and found it.

'Now I just have to get somewhere inconspicuous and safe to commence the process' Felix thought as he followed Elder Luo out of the Treasury, as they left none of them noticed a smile creep onto the face of the old man.

"Alas someone worthy has arrived" The old man said to no one in particular as his eyes remained shut while a smile had appeared on his aged face.


"So that is the library for those of you curious about the world, well now I think that marks the end of our little adventure, from here those of you wishing to continue looking around you are free and those of you who want to return to your court, come to me" Elder Luo said while pointing at a large building with the painting of a book above it, he then turned to the disciples.

"I think I'm going back, what about you?" Felix asked Li Bai who grinned.

"I want to take a look around, if you want to come out later, come find me around" Li Bai replied as Felix nodded and walked over to elder Luo who then transported all the willing ones back.

"Hmm, I wonder if I can get some food around here" Li Bai grinned as he walked towards a stall with a hungry gaze.


"Whooo, let's do this" Felix chuckled as he sat on his bed and activated the cloaking feature on house, this feature helps stop any disturbance happening in the house from going outside, it was set mostly for those wanting to conceal their breakthroughs and he knew that what he was about to do was obviously going to create such a disturbance.

"System, start the process" Felix said to the system with the Cloak in one hand and the fragment of the magic weapon in one hand as a bright light erupted from his hands and enveloped the two items.


[Process of fusion has been initiated]

[Progress: 1%..5%...20%...50%..70%..100%]


[Process complete]

[Cloak Of Relisience]

[State: Unlocked(10%)]

Rank: King Realm


A cloak designed by a master blacksmith, made from the scales of an Earth Dragon, the true abilities of the cloak are still unknown but current abilities include Rebound and Into The Shadows.

[Upgrade Requirements]: 2 magic weapon fragments




When the user is struck by a hit from an opponent weaker than the user or an opponent 3 ranks above the user, a force of equal strength is generated to reflect onto the attacker dealing the same amount of damage.

[Into The Shadows]


When activated, the user can disappear, and the skill works better at night.

NB: The skill is only effective against opponents in the same realm.

"What!...." Felix was shocked when he saw the current details, what shocked him more was the 10% near the name, at ten percent it gave him a skill that made him disappear from everyone in his realm, the other was the description where he saw the word 'earth dragon', he didn't even know what it was but since it had earth in it, it made him curious about the origin of the cloak but for now he would try and find other fragments to sacrifice, now it required two fragments to upgrade but it would definitely be worth it since he had just gotten two skills that would follow him through whatever rank he was.

"Whoo, why don't we go take a walk through my new home" Felix smiled as he got up and walked out of the room, but not before donning his new cloak which disappeared from his body the moment he wore it.

"Sweet" Felix smiled as he stepped out, ready to go cause mischief.


"I wonder where Li Bai is" Felix said to himself as he walked through the streets admiring the view while also paying attention to his surroundings.

"Oh that smells good" Felix grinned as a mouth-watering aroma wafted across his nose, he turned his head and quickly spotted a man grilling meat with a sort of purple flame, he was about to approach when he heard something from behind him which made him pause to listen if he didn't hear it right.

"I heard it's forbidden to attack someone in the sect, if you're caught, there will be serious repercussions" A voice which Felix identified as Li Bai sounded from nearby which made Felix frown as he turned to the meat and then turned to the direction from which he heard the voice and sighed as he headed there

"Hmmp and who's going to report me, just stop being stubborn and give me the core and the elixir you were given like the rest and I'll let you go" Another angry voice sounded as Felix arrived to meet Li Bai surrounded by some outer disciples with Li Bai being in the middle with a calm expression.

"I don't think that's happening today" Li Bai smirked as he stared at the angry face of the leader of the gang.

'Really with such a good reputation outside, there's actually such a thing going on within' Felix sighed as he thought of the phrase 'Don't judge a book by its cover.

"Do you really understand the situation you're in, maybe when I beat you up, you'll learn to respect your seniors" The leader said as qi gathered on his fists which he threw towards Li Bai who stood calmly as the punch approached by halfway through, a blinding light appeared and the next thing everyone saw was something that would be etched into the minds of everyone present as it would give a certain someone a shocking nickname.


It was like the fist had struck something solid and the next thing they saw was the leader flying backward and crashing into a wall, as the light cleared, the calm figure of Felix could be seen standing in front of Li Bai who stared at him in shock as the surrounding disciples all gawked at the shocking scene that had just gone down, they didn't even know what had happened or who the new arrival was, but you know what happened?, Rebound is what happened.