A Target On His Back

"Boss Lu…" The underlings of the gang leader said in shock as their darted to the crash site in shock before they hurriedly rushed over to see the condition of their leader.

"He's unconscious.." The first underling told the others as he checked the condition of the leader who had suffered a broken bone In his arm and leg, the pain from all this had caused him to blackout.

"You, you are finished, do you know who this is?" One of the underlings shouted towards Felix in anger as he was backed by the others.

"What!, you guys want some too?" Felix asked with a menacing grin as he took a step towards them.

"Just wait, we'll be back" Seeing this they immediately grabbed their leader and bolted off.

"Hmmp, weaklings" Felix chuckled as he turned around the meet the shocked face of Li Bai.

"What was that burst of energy right now, it was like you redirected his attack against him, wow that's so cool and difficult" Li Bai immediately burst into his usual lively self as he praised Felix who shrugged.

"Could you please teach me?" Li Bai asked with a pleading expression.

"No, I'm done with you, now I just have to….huh" Felix declined as he turned around to finally enjoy the delicious meat he had smelled but as he placed his hands in his pocket, he discovered that his coins were no longer there.

"Have I been robbed?" Felix asked himself in shock as he searched his whole body for the money but turned up disappointed.

"Damn really, only a day here and this has happened, wow, I guess I'm off to a great start, urrg, I can't waste my points on this" Felix frowned with anger as he furrowed his eyebrows in thought trying to think of whether he had lost the money or it had been stolen, after some thought he finally decided that he had been robbed.

"The thief must have stolen it when I was distracted so that means that he must still be in the surroundings, I have to find him" Felix said as he pushed his perception to the peak and looked around his surroundings, he could hear Li Bai talking behind him but he disregarded him as he scanned the crowd that had witnessed the fight that had just happened for any suspicious character and before long he caught sight of someone suspiciously wearing a cloak.

"Hey, where are you going?" Li Bai asked as he watched Felix walk away.

"Got you now, what is it with the world and cloaks" Felix grinned as he walked towards the suspicious character pretending to admire the wares on sale, as he got closer to the figure, he noticed the figure's hand turning into a sort of black mist that swiped a purse out of an unsuspecting disciple's pocket.

'What an expert' Felix thought as he admired the skill of the thief who continued swiping people's valuables while Felix silently approached him, he was only a few feet away from the thief and was about to pounce on him when.

"Hey my purse's gone"

"Me too my dagger"

"And my elixir too" Several identical shouts sounded around Felix as he saw the face of the thief turning towards him and for a split second, he felt like he could sense a smile before the thief dashed away turning into a black mist.

"Shit I've been set up" Felix cursed as he saw all eyes land on him, before they could react, Felix also turned around and dashed away.

"Get him"

"He's the thief"

"Shit, what sort of situation is this, hmmp, don't think you can get away from me so easily" Felix said with anger as his senses locked onto the extremely thin presence of the thief, he ran at top speed after the thief with the crowd of angry disciples on his tail.

"Think you can get rid of me that easily" Felix smirked as he sensed the thief climb onto the roof of a building, Felix leaped onto the building but just as he was about to land, a blast of black mist suddenly erupted from the roof, the attack which caught him by surprise blew him backward and as if by fate, right toward the angry mob approaching him.


Within a quiet street, a black mist suddenly flashed as a figure appeared from it wearing a cloak, the figure first looked left and then right, and only after seeing that the place was empty did the figure relax.

"I finally lost him, such a stubborn one" The figure sighed remembering the sight of Felix giving chase.

"Aha finally found you, did you think you could escape" The figure suddenly heard a familiar voice and the next moment was flung against a wall.

"Hahaha, thought you could steal from me, that's what you get, let's see how you look" Felix grinned as he lifted the figure from the ground and threw the hood off the figure's head, the moment he laid eyes on the figure, Felix paused in shock.

"You're a she" Felix said in surprise as he stared at the face of one of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, she had black hair which fell and covered some of her face, and her skin glowed with a bright hue as eyes that looked like they could take on the world stared at him.

"Let me go" The girl said as she slammed her head onto Felix's nose causing him to wince as he released his grip on her before grabbing his nose in pain.

"You.." Felix yelled in anger as he looked up to see the girl disappearing into a gust of black mist.

"My freaking nose" Felix grabbed his nose as he twisted the bone into place before glancing at his hand with a grin.

"I guess she'll be coming back for this" Felix said as he held the girl's student medallion in his hand, he had swiped it from the girl right before she had given him that headbutt, he waved his hand and placed it into his dimension space before he disappeared.


"Hey, brother where did you run off to?, I've been looking for you all around" Li Bai smiled as soon as he saw Felix appear.

"Yeah, I had some business to take care of" Felix replied with a shrug not wanting to say anymore.

"Yeah so I have good and bad news for you so which do you want to hear first?" Li Bai asked with a strange expression.

"About me? Uh okay, bad news first of course" Felix replied curious to know what news was about him.

"Okay so the bad news first, so you're the latest trending news of the outer disciple court, the guy you beat up was actually the brother of one of the top 10 disciples in the outer court" Li Bai informed Felix of the news circulating.

"So that's why he was able to go around committing those acts unhindered, hmm that's going to be a bit of a hassle" Felix frowned as he thought of him going against one of the top ten.

"Okay and the good news?" Felix asked expectantly.

"Wel,l it turns out that big bother's in seclusion so he doesn't know of the incident yet which means you're supposed to be free for now right" Li Bai announced with an assuring smile.

"Okay then that's good right, it means that I don't have a target on my back yet, wait why do I feel like there's more to it" Felix said suspiciously.

"Yeah so there's also a little bit more bad news, so the top 10 are seen as legends so to be in their good shoes meant a lot of privileges" Li Bai said then paused with a gulp.

"And.." Felix urged as he immediately got a bad feeling.

"And because of this fact, indirectly there's a target on your back, so now almost all the outer disciples below the top ten will be rushing to teach you a lesson, which will cause the chump's brother to owe them a favor" Li Bai finished with a sigh, he felt guilty because Felix had gotten into trouble because of him.

"Oh shit, really only a day and I already have a target on my back" Felix groaned with a facepalm.

"Well this is nice, I guess I won't have peace of mind these days, the only place they can attack me is anywhere that is not here so I just have to stay here and I'll be safe" Felix said as he scratched his head.

"Listen I'm.."

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault, I was the one that wanted to help you so you don't need to feel guilty" Felix said before Li Bai could continue.

"Uh okay thanks but I was about to say good luck on your own, I'm going to be busy for the following days so I can't help you" Li Bai said with a smile.

"Huh, why you little, really you're just going abandon me after I got into this mess by saving you" Felix said with a look of annoyance.

"Woah slow your boats there brother, I never asked to be saved, you decided to save me so that's on you, I had the situation covered" Li Bai said with a shrug.

"Okay I get it, I try to be a good guy and this is what I get, wow, you really got me there karma" Felix said as he gritted his teeth.

"By the way, I got you this as a gift for helping me" Li Bai chuckled as he waved his hand which immediately caused a strong and mouthwatering aroma to drift to Felix's nose as his eyes sat glued to the fried meat that Li Bai was offering to him.

"I noticed your interest in it" Li Bai grinned as Felix took the fried meat with gratitude, his eyes glowing with hunger.

"Thank you" Felix said with gratitude as he glanced at Li Bai who nodded slightly in acknowledgment.

"No problem brother and I was just joking about not helping you, if you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me, I'm off to bed now so goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow" Li Bai replied as he turned around and walked to his courtyard.

"Yeah, you too" Felix smiled.

"I guess he's not that bad" Felix said to himself as he turned around to head into his home, he could already picture himself enjoying the meat, he could imagine the taste of the meat in his mouth as it touched his tongue, thinking of this Felix grinned as he impatiently walked to his court but just as soon as he entered and was about to open his door, he suddenly felt the cold edge of a blade on his neck as his eyes caught sight of a cold glint in the dark which made him swallow saliva thinking someone was already here to off him.

"I think I dropped my medallion during our earlier encounter, I was wondering if you saw it" A cold voice sounded followed by the appearance of black mist as the figure of the female thief he had seen before condensed before him.