Cashius and Samson followed Gerok into the fancy pretty wooden building, which was more kept up. The three story building looked like a rundown hotel. The first floor was setup like a saloon, there was a bar to one side with tables and chairs spread throughout the floor. Cashius and Samson couldn't help but notice the saloon was filled with the Blue Paw Clan. Gigantic men all drinking and stumbling over one another. Half naked women sat on some of the men's laps, kissing and caressing all over them. The barbarians wore close to nothing as well, with some having only clothes covering their lower privates. Others just wore pants and no shirt, but all were strapped with leather sleeves for their swords and weapons. They were all heavily armed in some way.
Gerok took them to the back where the kitchen was. When they went through the double doors, huge dead animals hung from the ceiling. Rope was tied around the animal ankles then tied to the boards that were nailed up above. The room was cold but it didn't do anything for the smell. Both Cashius and Samson covered up their noses and mouth as the smell of death filled the room. There were men wearing similar white dirty aprons cutting pieces off the animals and placing them into large trays. One butcher picked up an animal's decapitated head and pulled the eyes out of the sockets. He threw the eyes in a large glass jar that was filled with other eye balls. The sight of the floating eyes in the jar almost made Samson puke. Cashius pushed him ahead so he wouldn't see the jar anymore.
At the end of the kitchen were another set of double doors. Gerok opened them to an office that was decked out in décor. It was a breath of fresh air leaving out of the kitchen. The wooden walls had floral light fixtures all around and big sacks of money sat underneath them. Sacks filled with gold and silver pieces. Some had rare and unique gems, others had fancy clothing. Women's ball gowns made of the finest materials and small clothing for children. The office was spacious and long. Gerok walked around a polished wooden desk and turned on the lamp. He pointed to the two chairs that were in front for Cashius and Samson to sit in. Cashius sat down and huffed as he looked around, "So what, you're their caretaker?"
Gerok smirked at Cashius's comment, "The Barbarians? No, but I am there leader… I killed Zou about seven years ago. I gave his men the respect and treatment they deserved. You boys came on a good night, we're having a feast. Now we have more of a reason to celebrate since our new Star Lord is here." He bowed at Cashius being sarcastic. He turned and looked at the door that was to his left then clapped twice. Two escorts came out carrying wine and a tray of food. The girls wore sexy and exotic clothing that basically showed nothing but skin. They were prettier and clean compared to the other women hanging in the saloon.
Samson was too excited. His eyes widened, a big smile crossed his face as he looked over at Cashius, like it was his birthday. He was more amazed on how the women looked. One of the lady's skin was a bright orange color and with blue hair. She looked like she could glow in the dark. The other lady had sparkly brown skin but with bright purple eyes. Her makeup sparkled bright like her skin. She looked like a shiny diamond as she danced over Samson. She laughed at Samson's reaction, he couldn't keep his mouth shut. They both walked over pampering him, pouring into his wine glass and feeding him finger foods. He thought he was in a dream… Cashius however, was not interested.
The escort with the diamond skin approached Cashius, caressing his face and neck. He quickly grabbed her hand and gently pushed it away. He looked at the shiny girl and said, "I'm good… we have business to discuss…" The escort shrugged her shoulders and went back to Samson. The orange escort was already sitting in Samson's lap when the other grabbed his hand. The escorts walked Samson out of the side door, closing it behind them. Cashius watched as Samson disappeared, "Where are they taking him?"
Gerok laughed and waved his hand towards the door, "He'll be fine… let the boy have some fun. You're the one I wanted to speak with anyway." He grabbed his mug of ale and held it up towards Cashius, "So… you had an offer for me? How did you put it?' One you could never refuse…"
"I want to make you king of Sage… I know that's what Proctor wanted. You'll be the one to open the gates to allow others to benefit from there. Carry out Proctor's plan of true glory for Sage. I honestly don't care what happens to Sage… I'm not Sagen anyway."
Gerok almost choked on his ale, "What did you just say?" His eyes widened as he focused hard on what Cashius was about to say.
"You heard right… I'm not Sagen. I'm an 'Outsider', a Saijerian."
Gerok spit his ale out all over the side of his desk. He started laughing hysterically and clapping at the news. "What?! The almighty Sage has chosen a Star Lord who isn't Sagen? Oh what joy does this bring me! Now we really have to celebrate… How can this be?"
"My story is well, quite interesting… Not too many know this but King Jaron was a sickly child. The Sagen doctors told his parents he wasn't going to make it. His father, King Anthony and his queen were devastated and didn't know what to do. At the time, Isabel was making a name for herself as a grand and powerful healer within the colonies. There was a bad blight with the crops which made food temporarily scarce plus the wells for water went bad. It was a bad time to be on Blackius in the Saijerian colonies. Isabel stepped up and saved many lives, in turn the Saijerians made her their leader." Cashius grabbed his glass of wine and took a sip as he watched Gerok never blink an eye. He listened very closely to Cashius continue his story.
"The queen begged King Anthony to at least give it a try. To seek out the powerful healer from another world. King Anthony promised he would do everything he could to save his son. So the king went to speak with Isabel and she knew right away what could heal him. Isabel saw the opportunity to advocate for her people. She told King Anthony that if he wanted her help he will help supply more food and fresh water throughout the colonies. To help more with famine and blight until the situation got better. The king got mad that Isabel would even try to bargain. I think he quickly realized she was doing the same as he was, trying to save someone they loved. The king agreed to help with more food and fix the wells for better water supply. But that wasn't all Isabel wanted… She wanted King Anthony to take her daughter with him. Isabel knew Sage had more to offer than living at the colonies. At first King Anthony refused to take the girl with him. He was afraid if word had got out of this bargain, others would try to flood into Sage."
"He agreed to take Isabel's daughter in order to save his son?" Gerok was piecing the story together.
"Yes and that little girl was my mother. Isabel is my grandmother. 'Every corner of the universe we come together as one'. My mother grew up with a wealthy family that struggled to have children. She was raised right and with good parents but she kept this secret her whole life. I never knew any of this about her until her last few moments. Proctor was the one who inform me that she wasn't doing too well after I left with the Priests. He stayed there with me, listening the whole story and that's when I believe he got the idea to start up his rebellion again. My mother wanted nothing more than to see her mother one more time before Isabel passed. I think it broke her heart not being with her own kin for so long. She wasn't truly happy until she met my father. Who as we all know turned out to be a star."
"Your father didn't know your mother wasn't of Sagen blood?"
"I don't think he cared. He loved my mother and she loved him. Proctor took me under his wing because he felt like it was a sign. A sign that Sage wasn't supposed to be inclusive. I only want things to change enough so I can have who I want." Cashius gulped down the rest of his wine and poured another cup. Gerok heard the last part but before he could ask about 'who', another girl walked in and she was different. Her light green eyes quickly met Cashius's gaze as he followed her as she walked. Her eyes were super slanted, they almost looked snake like. She was very pretty. Her outfit was all black, sexy and exotic just like the escorts but he could tell she wasn't one. Her long black straight silky hair fell to the side when she leaned over and whispered in Gerok's ear. Gerok noticed how Cashius couldn't take his eyes off of her. As she walked away she winked at Cashius as she made her exit.
"If you're the Star Lord then why do all of this sneaking around? Why don't just go up to King Jaron and dethrone him yourself?"
Cashius interrupted, "Because it's not that easy! If it was do you think I'd be doing this? If we don't play this right then the whole plan fails. The Star Council could reject me becoming the Star Lord and that won't be in any of our best interests."
"And what exactly is the plan then? Corra was a complete fuck up, a failure if you haven't noticed. Kahn is dead and Corra still belongs to the Star Council."
"Corra was not a failure it was a test. One that proved a lot… it took Sage almost a year to figure out Corra's signal was jammed. That's why I went ahead and jammed the rest afterwards. Kahn wasn't supposed to kidnap Artemis. He was supposed to join our cause and use his army to fight against Sage. But you let the barbarians go crazy on him for too long. Kahn lost his damn mind after you kidnapped his daughter. Where is she by the way? Dead..?"
Gerok cut his eyes at Cashius, "You think I'm some monster don't you? Kahn's daughter resides with my wife and children. They live somewhere safe far from here. Far, far from here. You honestly think you can turn other planets against Sage?"
"Yes I do... if we do it right. We have to split up the Sagen army they'll be much weaker, you know this. Each general has their weakness we could prey on. Once we destroy the greatest military force in all the universe then nothing will stop us from bringing Sage to its knees. The main person is the captain, Kalvanius. He's the one we have to worry about the most. We can destroy them all, I only care about one fourth born and she'll see I did all of this for her…"
"The captain? The commander was the one who killed Kahn." Gerok felt there was more to the story. In that moment it was confirmed for him, the look Cashius had in his eyes. To Gerok, Cashius was ten times crazier than Proctor ever was. However, he was willing to look pass all the drama if he had the chance to be one of the most powerful kings in all of the universe.
"I will worry about the Commander, leave her to me. Just trust me… a lot has changed on Sage since you were commander." Cashius knew he was lying to Gerok. He needed to get Kal out of the way. Even if his hunch wasn't true, he didn't want to take any chances. Cashius was going to make Iya his queen.
Gerok didn't care who he had to take out. "Alright, we'll need to scope out this Captain… One piece of advice, there is so much more the universe has to offer than Sage. Don't cut yourself off like they do. Everyone wants to be Sagen but in reality there are things out here that are far better. Things you will have to see for yourself." Gerok stood up and grabbed another cup of ale before walking towards the side door. "Come my friend, let me show you your room. Enjoy your time here tonight, we'll carve out the details tomorrow."
Cashius stood up and walked behind Gerok. He led Cashius up two flights of stairs and down the hallway to the right. He opened the double doors to a penthouse suite. Cashius was amazed and pleased at the room Gerok had provided to him. The extra-large suite had a large bed to one side and a couch with two chairs on the other.
Gerok turned towards the door, "I'll be back… someone wants to meet you…"
Cashius sat on the bed looking around as he waited for Gerok's return. He really wasn't up for any surprises plus who else knew he was there on Mortha. When Gerok returned, a couple of girls rushed in carrying trays of fresh food then quickly left out. Freshly cooked meat, fresh fruit and vegetables with several bottles of wine. Cashius dashed to the food trays and started scarfing down pieces of meat while gulping down the wine. He hadn't eaten in a few days.
Gerok stood in the doorway holding the hand of the girl Cashius saw downstairs. The beautiful girl with the snake like green eyes. Gerok escorted her inside holding her hand high as if he was presenting her. Cashius walked back to the bed and sat on the edge. "I'm good, I told you I already have someone."
Gerok looked at the girl than back at Cashius, "I'm not offering her to you… she offered herself. This is my ace-one, Aiko. She works for me in many different ways. She's about as rare and unique as you are my friend. Trust me you're going to want this…"
Aiko walked over to Cashius and curtsy in front of him. He let out a huge sigh pretending not to be interested. Aiko smirked at Cashius as she moved as close to him as possible. Gerok watched as the two got acquainted. Cashius looked up at Aiko and asked, "What makes you so special?"
Aiko smiled big and replied, "I have the ability to change into anyone you desired…"
Cashius looked over to Gerok a little skeptical. Gerok smirked then made his way out of the door. "I think I'll make my leave now… have fun Star Lord." Cashius cut his eyes at Gerok and he laughed when he closed the double doors. His attention went back to Aiko who stood still looking down at him.
"Any one huh?"
Aiko leaned down and got in Cashius's face, "Any one… Have a go at my abilities."
"A shape shifter?.. I've read about your kind in books. They call you Skinners. I thought creatures like that were just myths."
Aiko smirked at Cashius, "I'm about as real as a man who is half star…"
Cashius couldn't help but to agree, "So how do you change? Just think about someone."
"I have to physically touch a host to either transform into their image or I can read your mind and picture someone that way. I have only one rule… I don't change into children. That's off limits to me."
Aiko got in between Cashius's legs as he sat on the edge of the bed. She slowly placed her palm on his forehead. At first he pulled back a little because he wasn't sure if it was a trick. She whispered, "Relax… and only think about the one you desire. Every detail and hold nothing back." She closed her eyes as she pictured an image from Cashius's mind. He watched as she concentrated hard on what he was projecting. Moments later, Aiko skin started to scale up. The scales started turning upward towards her head. It started from her feet and finger tips all the way up her arms and legs, her appearance was changing. Before Cashius could blink Aiko had transformed completely into Iya.
Her skin colored changed to a light golden brown and her hair shorten then turned into braids. Aiko's green eyes turned into a light brown to match Iya's eyes. Everything down to her hour glass shape figure and the beauty marks on her arms and face. His mouthed opened slightly as he couldn't believe what he just saw. He couldn't believe how accurate and on point Aiko transformation was. She even got the scar correct on Iya's neck from her battle with Kahn.
Cashius gently pushed her back a little and walked around her still shocked. He had never seen Iya in any type of lingerie before, he was stunned for how sexy it all was. Cashius walked up to Aiko from behind and inhaled her scent. That blew Cashius's mind away, how does she know what Iya smells like? He thought. He had to give Aiko her props. "Whoa… you got everything down to the 'T' even the way she smells. How did you pull that off?"
"It's all in your mind my Lord. What you pictured is what I projected. I like this body… she strong and super fit. I see, what you see in her… this Iya. She's a strong princess with a big future ahead of her."
"You're psychic too?" Cashius was really about to fall out.
"No…" Aiko laughed, "I can see you have big plans for her when she truly becomes yours. What's really going to blow your mind is, have you ever tasted her? Have you ever tasted Iya, my Lord?"
"Not the way I wanted to, I kissed her but it was only for a second…"
"Did she taste like this?" Aiko slowly pulled Cashius down to her and kissed him gently. Her aroma of Honey Milk was intoxicating to Cashius. It was Iya's signature next to the gold jewelry in her hair.
Cashius pulled away and shook his head, "This is crazy and weird… You're not the real Iya."
"Relax… think of this as the perfect practice. Once she is in your arms and in your bed, my Lord, you will thank me."
Aiko made a good point. It's not like the real Iya would know, he thought. Aiko leaned in to kiss Cashius again but he teasingly pulled back. "What do you gain from all of this?" Aiko smiled flashing Iya's perfect teeth.
She grabbed his hand gently and guided him back to the bed, "No gain… just fun." Cashius followed Aiko as he gave in to her perfect seduction. He pulled off his shirt before she laid him down on the bed and climbed on top, straddling his waist. She kissed him on his muscular chest then ran her fingers down his stomach abs. Cashius wanted to be in control so he grabbed Aiko and flipped her on her back. He sat up and to unfasten his pants to pull them down.
Aiko grinned as she watched Cashius get naked. She bit her lower lip just like the real Iya does as she admired Cashius's physique. She began to do the same and unclipped the black see-thru shaw that was covering the bikini panties. She threw it on the floor along with her panties and matching bra. Looking at Iya's naked body, blew Cashius's mind. He had to remind himself, it was Aiko and not Iya. The perfect practice, he kept repeating in his head.
When Cashius climbed on top of Aiko, she whispered in his ear, "You don't have to be gentle with me…"
Cashius put his lips to Aiko's ear positioning himself in between her legs. He whispered back, "I wasn't planning on it…" Cashius gave her exactly what she wanted. The rougher and kinkier, the better for Aiko, she enjoyed every bit of it. Being with Aiko in Iya's body made Cashius realize just how much he wanted Iya. He thought this would get the carvings he had for Iya out of his system but it only made it worse.
Afterwards, Cashius and Aiko laid there on the bed naked covered by a sheet. She had her leg draped over Cashius's leg as he laid flat on his back looking at the ceiling. Aiko slowly caressed Cashius's chest as he turned to his side and asked, "When you turn into someone, can you always turn into them?"
Aiko smiled at his question, "Yes like muscle memory… the images of their bodies leaves an imprint in my mind. Why do you ask?"
Cashius was curious, "Have you ever turn into Gerok? Because I might have a job for you…"
"I've never worked for a Star Lord before… but I would never betray Gerok. He saved my life when I was a child. He's not what people think he is, you know."
"I would never ask you to betray your master, Aiko. I have to make my way to see the Star Council soon and it might be helpful for Gerok to be in two places at once…" Cashius contemplated his next moves. "Come…" Cashius sat up and hopped out of bed. Aiko really liked Cashius and found him to be very interesting. She hopped out of bed with him and draped her see-thru shaw over her shoulders. "We have a plan to finalize before my departure."