1- The bullied boy |UPDATED|

Kim Seokjin pov

I was walking to my room after my everyday beating.. I mean i never did anything wrong i have the perfect grades in school i am very nice and polite but the problem my parents saw was the fact that i am gay. I think i found out that i was gay in middle school while having a HUGE crush on this one guy but in the end of the day i got rejected by him.... in front of everyone. I was walking to my room i opened the door and i headed straight to my bathroom i walked to the mirror and saw huge purple marks on my body i really wish my father would not beat me so much it really hurts and I don't think I deserve these but he is not the only one who beats me everyday you see i am bullied in school like everyday my friend Jimin tries his best to help me as much as he can but they are really strong and probably go to the gym and my weak body can't do anything against them. And you know what makes everything even worse is the fact that i am in love with one of my bullies.. After watching my abused and marked body i walk to the shower and take a long warm shower. Thinking about today's activities. After washing myself i get out of the shower i put my PJ's on but then i hear the front door open and thats when i realized that the only person i didn't want to see right now was my mother and she had come home.

I know my mother doesnt want to harm me and i know it but she should say something to father about it but who knows what father will do. Ofc my mother was a little confused about the thought of me being gay and i totally understand that but they have been abusing me for so long it hurts..


I heard my mom yell i quickly went downstairs and bowed to my mother

"Yes mother is there anything i can do?"i asked

"Don't call me mother you fag she said and go make some food for me and your father!"she said

"Yes mam"!! i said and i ran to the kitchen.

After i reaced the kitchen i thought how lucky i was that my mother did not call my father you see my mom and my dad are never home so i have to clean and cook dinner everyday, also the days when i have a test and i need to study i cant cause i have to do chores..but i still manage to get good grades. You might be thinking why wouldnt i just get help but i am so scared they are one day going to get out of jail and do something to me.

After i was done with the food i walk to the living room seeing my mother sitting there and laughing at her phone. i walk to her and say that the food is ready and head upstairs to get ready for bed. i walk to my bed and turn the lights off and i kept dreaming of the moment that happened today at school with the bullies...


Today at school~

Please stop it!! It hurts so much i said pleading my bullies.... and they just shrugged it of and continued.

I continued to beg them to stop cause i could feel my old bruises opening. I could feel the blood that was bleeding from my stomach. I tasted the blood in my mouth wich was giving me a headache. I-its hard to breathe i said stuttering to them....

???: Such a nerd like you has the audacity to tell me what to do. I can't believe your little friend left you alone and here you are getting your ass beaten. Fucking gay faggot he said while kicking my stomach. "AUCH" I looked back at them and saw how they were laughing at me... Before everything went black..


I woke up in a familiar bed it was the nurses office.This place is like my second home I thought. Wow i am so weak I can't believe i just fainted like that. I looked to my right and saw my childhood best friend aka my bestie Jiminie. He was sleeping in the chair that looked were uncomfortable.

"Jiminie" i said shaking him.

Jimin woke up and looked at me conserved.

Jin WTF i told you that I should have gone with you but you told me otherwise. I was so worried god dammit!! It was Namjoon and his gang right?

Jin you have to do something about them you can't let them bully you forever..

Jimin you don't understand I can't do anything i try i really do... but i cant i am so weak and i get weaker everyday. I can't even fight its just a waist of time even if i tried.

"Jin.... please get me the next time something like that happens" Jimin said holding my hand.


And thats when i heard my alarm ring next to me!!!

Ughh... for fucks sake i said i got up from the bed with a huge headache and the pain from yesterdays beating...it was hard to move. But luckily my parents already left and hour ago to work early in the morning so at least i would not get beat this morning. i walk to the bathroom i took a quick shower and put my school uniform on and my shoes and left to school.

I wonder if ill get beat up today??