2-J-hope? |UPDATED|

Hobi pov

I cant believe we are moving i am so exited who would not be. You have the chance to go to a new school get some new friends!!! What could go wrong!!!. You see i never really had a problem with moving i know a lot of people hate moving cause they have to leave their friends but i am alwayst ready to make some new friends:)

Next day:

I woke up really exited i mean who would not today is the first day of school.(Literally the worst day)I got up from my bed took a quick shower went downstairs and greeted my mother. I am so happy my mom loves me for who i am i told her few months ago that i was gay and she told me that no matter who i am she will alwayst love me and be there for me.<3 (Literally a Queen!) . My father left us when i was only 6 so i dont really know or remember him but my mother told me he was very abusive and a horrible man wich i understand.

"Good morning mother" i greated her with a bright smile :)

"Good morning my dear sunshine" She said and came to me while kissing my forhead.

What's for breakfast i asked while placing my bum at the chair. She smiled and pointed her finger at the pan. PANCAKES i shout you really did pancakes i said She smiled and nod ofcourse dear its your first day at your new school we have to celebrate it with some pancakes she said :)

We both enjoyed the pancakes she made!!" "Thank you so much mother for the pancakes" i said i ran to my room took my yellow backpack wich was covered in keychains i ran back downstairs put my shoes on and yelled!

"i am going now mother i shouted"

"Hoseok please be careful and try to find a handsome man she shouted back!!"

i blushed at her comment and started to walk to school i wonder if ill make any friends i mean i am very energetic i said to myself. Luckily it only took about 10 minutes to walk to school and here i am the gates of my new school. Woooowww it's so big i have never been to a school that was this big!! i am so exited i walked past the gates and went inside.

I was walking to the principals office when i heard someone yelling. And ofcourse my curiosity got ahead of me and i started to walk to the voice. After a few turns and twists i found a boy laying on the ground crying probably because of pain since someone was literally kicking him. How can such a small light brown haired boy be yet so powerful and dominant a quite a hot looking boy if i may say so myself.

Heyy!! i shout

Both of their heads turned to me

Why the hell are you kicking him like that!! You do realize that that hurts like hell i shouted!

And who the hell are you the light brown haired boy asked me?

Hello i am Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hobi or J-hope i said with a big smile :) i am a new student i actually came today and i was looking for the principals office when i heard you guys i said.

And why the fuck are you kicking him i changet the mood compleatly i took the brown haired mans hand and dragged him of the poor boy.

Are you alright i asked the boy who was crying on the floor he just smiled and nod.

I am Jung Hoseok who are you i asked?

I-i.. i am Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin he said

"i smiled yeyy so are we friends" i asked smiling so brightly :) i asked but he looked confused?

F-friends?? Yes i answered.

Are you sure you want to be friends with someone like me he asked? Your popularity will go down if someone saw us together.

Whatt~ you seem like a great person Jin i said.

He smiled on nod. I helped him up why was that handsome man kicking you i asked? (Handsome)

"I-its n-nothing he was just giving my everyday beating" i stutter. How could they bully such a nice person like you i asked? Its cause i am a nerd and .... gay he said. Really i asked but so am i i said he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wait you are gay too" He asked i smile and nod my head yeah i am

Well Jin since you are here would you please help me find the principals office i asked and he nods his head and starts to walk towards the principals office.

After getting my schedule i was going through my classes and spotted that i have a dance class on wednesdays. Hey Jin do you have a dance class this wednesday i sked him?

No i dont i am not really good at dancing but i like playing the piano so i just chose that he said. Wow you must be really good i said. He just blushed thank you he said.

For what i asked confused?

For being my friend he said back. You see i only have few other friends and one of them is my childhood friend jimin i said. I see i answered well i am glad i smiled back :)

And after that we started to walk together to our next period we had together wich was math...


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