3- Math |UPDATED|


Kim Seokjin pov

As i was packing for a new school day i took my pink backpack and went outside it was really chilly today i told myself while i was hugging my jacket . Actually  i dont have a long walk to school wich is great when the weather is windy like today i told myself.

I am definitely not exited to go past the school gates i mean i already know i am going to get bullied today and jimin told me he was going to be late so i have no one to save me... ahh i guess we just have to do it i walked past the  gates my head down. i really dont really want people to notice me but i guess they already had i could feel death stares just by walking by the corridors.

I was going to my locker to get my math books when suddenly i got pushed into the locker. And then i heard a familir voice.

???: Ohh Jin i got an mission from Namjoon to beat the shitt out of you. And i saw you going to your class so I thought why not do it now!! You do realize what in about to do.

I think i was already trembling i could feel my legs giving up i  cant stand a chance against him. He grabbed my shirt and pushed me to the locker and kicked me in the stomach so hard that i fell to the ground. I could already feel the tears streaming down my face. I-it hurts so much....

After Yoongi had beaten me he was about to walk away when we both heard a scream.

I turned to my right and saw a boy with light orange hair staring at us. I started to panick what if he tells the principal and they call my parents and they...But i was interupted from my toughts by him shouting.

Why are you hitting him you know it hurts like hell he shouted at yoongi!! I was amazed how could he say something like that to yoongi without even stuttering!

I was just watching this hole thing go down the boy grabbed yoongis dragged him of me and then i saw him come to me.

Are you ok he asked? I just nod and smile:)

I am Jung Hoseok who are you he asked me with a huge smile :)

I-i am Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin i said. Great job jin you already stuttered i said to myself.

Well Jin would you like to help me find the principals office he asked. I just nod my head and start to walk to the principals office.

After i got to know Hobi a little bit and we got his schedule we started to walk toward our next period together wich was math.

We got to our class i open the door and i could already hear the teacher talking wich was not a good sign you see we were late. In conclusion it meant that the teacher would start yelling at us .

Me and Hobi walked inside the class and all eyes were on me i could feel the stares but i just shrugged it of. I saw  Jimin and Taehyung were sitting together wich means i am probably going to sit alone.

Khhh.. MR Kim Seokjin are you just goingt to stand there or are you going to sit down the teacher asked me! Ohh yes mrs i am so sorry i look up from the floor and the only seat that is empty is next to Kim Namjoon...

Ohh please no please dont tell me i have to sit next to my bully. I was already crying on the inside. I saw him look at me and just smirk and look back at his books. Ohh no i tought this is going to be bad.

I look back at Hobi and he was just smiling at me confused. Ohh just lord if you knew hobi i tought.

I started to walk to the back of the class where Namjoon was sitting. And yes i might have a crush on him and he might be right in front if me looking so good but its just wrong..

As i sit next to him i hear the teacher say we have a new student wich i new it was hobi but i still listened.

Hi My name is Jung Hoseok i am curently 17 i love dancing and school i hope we all can be friends he said. Wow what an positive guy Hobi is i tought.

As Hobi was walking to his place i saw who he was sitting next to it was Yoongi. Well at least its yoongi and not Namjoon i said in my head Also i dont think Hobi is scared of Yoongi. I was watching as Hobi sat next to a sleeping Yoongi.

But then i heard a familiar voice. it was Namjoon!

So Jin how lucky i am to be sitting next to the nerd i heard him say.

Y-yeah i stuttered

You are going to be doing my homework for this class got it i heard him say. I just nodded my head. I looked to my side and saw Jimin staring at us. Ohh no Jimin please dont make a scene about this. I never really understood why no one else was afraid of Namjoon and his gang.

I heard the teacher say that she was going to get some papers and was going to be back soon but i just saw jimin walking to us.

Namjoon dont you dare threaten my friend to do your homework I already know what you guys do to him so you bette stop or I'll tell someone.

And what about it my family basically owns this school so you should keep your mouth shut or ill get you expelled shortie i heard Namjoon answer . Do i look like i give a fuck about your spoiled life NO. Andyou calling me short right now Jimin yelled .

J-jimin please calm down its not a big deal. Shut it Jin i heard jimin say. Meanwhile Taehyung got up and tried to calm jimin down but it didnt work.

So i just got up and hugged Jimin infront of everyone and said please jimin calm down. Everyone is staring at us I don't want attention m.

But just as i was about to sit down the teacher walked in!


And thats when i realized i fucked up real bad....


End of chapter 3 <3