

Kim Seokjin pov

I need to call Jimin he really needs to come and take me out of here even if its just for a day i tought.

On the phone with Jin and Jimin:


Jimin are you there?


Whats up Jin?


Could you please come pick me up

my parent did it aging...


Ofcourse are you okay?


Yeah im fine i just need to get out of here!


Ill be there in 10


Thank you so much Jimin

After jimin had texted me that he will be here in 10 i got up from the bathroom floor packed my backpack. I had to get out of here somehow but my parent cant see me! How will i get out??

I looked out of my room window. Mayby i can jump out of the window but its pretty high up thou... i looked at my watch its almost 10 i have to go. Ill just get down from the window.

I open the window and throw my backpack down first and then i jumped down.

Auww.. my legs hit the ground while i could feel my cuts opening. I got up and started to run. While i was running to the spot i was suppose to meet jimin i collapsed into someone.

I-i am so sorry i said while rubbing my head.


I looked up and saw Namjoon staring at me


Namjoon just looked at me and then he saw that my legs and arms were bleeding.

Whtat happened to you he asked.

I-its nothing i-i umm have to go bye!

I started to run to the place where i was suppose to meet Jimin. I saw him waiting for me with his car.

Omg Jin are you ok Jimin asked worried.

I-i am fine lets just go i sat in the car.

The hole car ride was silent until jimin said Jin we have to tell the police what your parents do to you. No we cant jimin i said


We just cant ok.. end of discussion i said.

Jimin lived alone cause his brother had to leave to collage that was in another state. And jimins Mom had passed away when he was just a little boy and after that jimins dad started to drink and left jimin living alone. But atleast what i have heard jimin is fine with it now but it was really hard for him when we were young. But i was alwayst there for him when he needed a friend.

I am so grateful for jimin he had helped me with so many things that i cant even count!

When we arived at the house we both took our shoes of. Jin are you hungry i can make us some food Jimin asked?

Oh yeah i am but i can cook i mean i am the guest after all i said. Jimin just nod his head while we walk to the kitchen.

After i had cooked us some food we sat on the sofa and dicided that we would watch a movie and then go to sleep.

After the movie:

I guess its time to go to sleep i said while stretching. Yeah you can go and change your clothes ill go get you a mattress jimin said. I Nodded my head and went upstairs.

After changing my clothes i heard jimin come to the room with an mattress a pillow and a blanket. Thank you Jimin i said..

For what he asked confused??

For alwayst being there for me when i needed it i said with a smile:)

No Jin you were the one who was there for me when i needed it he said!

After a while of talking we both fell into deep sleep while thinking of the next day.

I wonder what Namjoon was doing back there when i saw him. I guess i didnt really tell jimin knowing he would just tease me i tought.

W-wait why am i even thinking of Namjoon i tought!!

For gods sake Jin you really have to forget Namjoon he is your bully ok... and after that i drifted to dream land..


A short cahapter for today i really hope you guys are enjoying this story and ill try to update everyday :) peace out✌🏼