8-You are weird


In the morning with Jimin and Jin:

We were both running to school cause a sertain someone didnt want to wake me up and now we are late. Jimin this is your fault that we are late i said. Well i am sorry but i didnt want to wake you up Ok.

I got a lot of calls and texts this morning from my parent asking me were was i but i just ignored them. Still wondering why would they care.

As we reached the school with Jimin everyone was inside already so we walked to our class that we had together and went inside.

Mr Park and Mr Kim why are you late the teacher asked us!!

We are sorry mam it was just that this boy right next to me didnt want to wake me up in the morning i said.

Jimin looked at me with mad eyes.

Well i supose its fine for now but dont be late again

Thank you so much mrs Choi i said back bowing.

I really love mrs Choi she is such an nice teacher and she has helped me with a lot of things she also knows that my parents abuse me but she promised not to tell anyone.

As i was walking to my seat wich still was next to Namjoon i saw him stare at my legs and arms. Oh yeah i forgot he saw me yesterday what am i going to tell him i cant just say my parents abuse me.

I sat on my chair and took my books out.

So are you going to tell me why your legs and arms were full of bandages yesterday i heard Namjoon say.

W-well it was nothing i just fell while walking to meet Jimin i said. I looked at Namjoon and saw that he definitely was not convinced.

You really are weird i heard him say before he turned back and listened to the teacher.

Me weird you are the weird one here Namjoon i tought. Nobody justs suddenly starts to be nice to the one they are bullying.


After class: Kim Seokjin pov

So Jin what class do you have next i heard Taehyung ask me?

Ohh yeah i have um my piano class next i told them. Wait you play piano Jimin asked? Yeah i have for a quite a long time now actually.

Omg yeahh i have my dance class next we heard Hobi say jumping up and down. Calm down would you i heard Taehyung say while laughing. Have you alwayst been this intressed in dancing i asked Hobi. Well you see i have danced since the day i was born i love it you can express your self by dancing but there is a thing thats been bothering me since yesterday!!

What is it??

You see you remember that one guy i saw you with the first day we met. Ohh Yeah Yoongi! Yeah that guy i was yesterday walking to practise one of my dances when i heard some rapping in the music room so i went and look who it was and it was Yoongi. Oh i didnt know he liked rapping i said. No listen Jin thats not it after we talked a little. WAIT YOU GUYS TALKED i heard Jimin yell. JIMIN SHUT UP IM TRYING TO TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED.

S-sorryy i heard Jimin say

So as i was saying we talked a little and when i was about to walk away he told me something like well i guess we are going to see tomorrow??

He is definitely into you i heard Jimin say!



I dont think its a big deal i mean mayby he just wants to see you today i say. Well yeahh mayby.

I dont know if i was the only one but i think Namjoon and his gang are acting kinda weird these days!

Ohhh Namjoon you say😉


Ok ok ill stop but seriously they have been acting kinda weird!

I mean i told Kookie to stop bullying you i hear Taehyung say.

Kookie??? We all asked confused..

Ohh i call Jungkook Kookie Taehyung said while blushing. Wait since when was Jungkook and Taehyung friends we heard Hobi ask. They are not friends they are together Hobi. Wait what!!

Hehh.. i forgot to tell you Hobi hyung!

I mean Kookie listened to me right Jin or has he been bullying you i hear Taehyung ask me? No not at all and actually Yoongi has not been really bullying me eather! And Namjoon.... he is just acting weird i said.

Ding Dong!!

We heard the bell ring well i guess its time to go to our next class!! See you guys after class in the cafeteria i said while running to the music room.


And thas it for this chapter ty to everyone who has read my story i am very thankful for all of you!!💕💕