

Hobi pov

I was walking to my dance class with Jimin after saying goodbyes to Jin and Tae. I am actually exited i mean i want to know what yoongi meant by saying i will see you tomorrow.

We walked to the dance room with jimin and we spotted a lot of new faces and i saw someone sitting in the corner of the room that looked familiar.

It was Yoongi. Wow he looks so good with those clothes and that ripped shirt and jeans and that body and the milky skin.

Umm Hobi are you okey you have been sapcing of for a while! What are you lookking at jimin asked me? He turned around and saw me staring st Yoongi!

Uhh myyy Hobi hyung you never told me you were into yoongi like that! What i am not i said turning around and looking at jimin!

You never know~~~

But before i was about to say something i heard the teacher come in.

Calm down class everybody please go and stand in a row over there! She said pointing at a line.

I walked over to the line while still whining to jimin about saying that to me.

So class i had an idea that we should do a partner dance i will be picking partners for you all. I will also be choosing the themes! So Chanbing and felix and ..... and then last but not least we have Yoongi and Hoseok.

Wait.... did i just hear that correct.... I got yoongi!

Wait my am I freaking out its just yoongi right so why am I freaking out i turned around and saw Yoongi coming towards me.

So i guess we did see each other today he said smirking. Yeahhh i guess i said back while turning to the teacher.

So as i said i will be picking the themes for all of you. So Yoongi and Hoseok i chose for you a salsa dance she said.

Oh cmon.. teacher i cant dance salsa i heard Yoongi whine next to me. I looked back at the teacher but she just shrugged and continued telling other partners their theme.

I looked at Yoongi. So umm are we going to start practicing i asked him he just looked up at me and nodded.

We watched the choreography on an ipad we got it seemed pretty easy to me i looked to yoongi who was just watching the video.

How can you be so beautiful..

Did you say something i heard yoongi ask.

W-what noo i was just thinking i said back.


We were watching the video when a sertain part came up. The male and the female on the video were literally dancing on each others laps and then they went down and the female sat on the males lap and then the choreography continued. I could feel my cheeks getting red.

I looked over to see yoongi cheeks tinting a little bit of red too.

S-so umm i think you should be the female since you are shorter then me i said.

Yeah sure he said...

Then the teacher came. So Yoongi and Hoseok have you choosen yet who is going to be who she asked us. Y-yeah actually i am going to be the male and yoongi is going to be the female i said. Yeahh thats a great idea since you are taller then yoongi she said while getting up.

Well there is no time to loose cmon guys start practicing she said while walking off with a smirk on her face.

I got up and and put the music on we both started to dance. Everything was going good untill it came to that part. I was looking at yoongi who was also looking at me we just went with it i guess. Yoongi got infront of me and started to thrusts his hips on mine. At this point i was probably so red and had a boner but what can i do.

U-umm Yoongi i think you should do it like this i said placing my hands on his hips. I started to move his hips the right way like they did in the video.

I looked down and saw that yoongi was so red.

Are you ok?? I asked

Y-yeah i am fine. I just smirked and watched him.

Then the choreography continued and it was the part where yoongi would come sit on my lap. I think i am sweating i said to myself.

Yoongi walked over to me and plopped down on my lap. I need help please someone call 911 i think i am going to explode i said in my head.

Kröhoonmmm... i heard someone say!

I looked up and saw Jimin staring at us.

H-heyy Jimin whats up i said paniching in my head!

Heyy Hobi whats going over here he said pointing at me and yoongi while smirking.

Omm.. N-nothing i said.


And thats it guys🤫