10-Open up


Have yall seen the new Bts 2021 retro look !!! They look so good... Drop how you feel about your biases look??


Kim seokjin pov

After i yelled at Namjoon i just ran out of the room and straight to the bathroom. I know i am going to be in so much trouble first of for leaving class and second for shouting at Namjoon... But i am so broken i cant take this anymore.

After i got to the bathrooms i open one of the stalls and cry my eyes out. I cant believe he said that to me.. am i really that useless should i just kill myself would everything be better then.. i mean no one would miss me right??

As i was thinking these horrible things an idea popped in my mind. I took my backpack and grabbed a razor i had took that day when i left to Jimin. Mayby it wont hurt that much? I took the razor in my hand and started to cut my hand. It stings but the pain turns into pleasure in a while. I cut about 10 lines in my hands and put the razor back in my backpack i looked at my hands they were bleeding so much..

As i was about to do something to my hands i heard the bathroom door open. Oh shit i cursed under my breath i looked at my hands they were still bleading...


N-namjoon i sobbed.....

Please open the door right now!!

W-why should i?? I said while stuttering..

Listen just open the damn stall!!


Open it dammit!

I have to open it but he will see my hands. I quickly covered my hands with my long sleave shirt. I opened the stall and stare at Namjoons eyes while tears stream down my face. I could feel the blood soaking my sleeves. I then felt someone grab my hands. Ouchh i hiss in pain.

Jin why!!!

I looked at Namjoon he looked at me with mad eyes.



B-because b-because NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME IN THIS WORLD...SO WHY DONT I JUST KILL MYSELF!! I shouted at him...

He looked at me shocked.

We stayed quiet for a while before i felt someone hug me...

I felt Namjoon big broad shoulders hug my small body against his. It was so warm.. it felt just so right to be there... so i just let all my emotions out. Namjoon was patting my back while i was crying.. N-namjoon what are you doing to me...

I cried for about 10 minutes untill Namjoons shirt was compleatly soaked with my tears.. i got up from Namjoons grasp and looked at him and then looked down at his shirt.

I- i am so sorry i said while looking down...

Its fine Princess

P-princess i asked??

Yeah i thought why not  call you that since you look so beautiful while crying!!

W-what m-me beautiful.... I think you got the wrong person.

No princess there is only one person here that can be called that!!

Ok what is going on why is Namjoon suddenly so nice to me and whats with the flirting. He is just making fun of me isn't he..

N-namjoon just leave me alone i dont want to be near you. Its just going to make your reputation go down when they see you with the "Gay boy" i said while walking to the door.


I heard him say but i just walked out of the bathroom still sobbing. I missed a hole period... as i was walking through the empty halls i saw two people making out. I swear who the hell is making out while they should be in class i was about to walk past them when i saw 2 familiar faces.

Taehyung and Jungkook!!!!

And what the hell do you think you guys are doing while you should be in class!!

H-hyung its good to see you.

Dont act like nothing happened TaeTae!!

Just go to class i dont have the energy for this shit i said while getting ready to walk off when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. Ouch i hiss in pain.

Hyung are you ok?? Taehyung asked me while looking at my eyes wich were dryed with tears.

I-i am fine just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

O-ohh o-ok i heard him aswer while i walked of


And thats it for the sad chapter:(( poor jin!