

Sorry for the bad grammar in this part i tried my best!! 💕


Park Jimin pov

I was walking with Hobi out of the dance room when we heard some yelling from the other hall. We walked to see what was going on and we saw Jin yelling at Taehyung and just walking away.

How could he i mean yes i am Jin's childhood bestfriend but that doesn't mean he can just yell at TaeTae like that!!

Me and Hobi walked to Taehyung and... Jungkook?? After Jin had left.

TaeTae are you ok? I asked.

Why did Jin yell at you like that i said with a mad tone.

N-no J-jimin its fine i think something happened to him. Jin would never yell at me like that...

I think so too! For the past month i have learned that the Jin we know would never yell at someone without a reason i heard Hobi say.

Still he should not yell at you like that!!

And Jungkook what were you guys doing??

What nothing i was just hanging out with Taehyung i heard him aswer.

Yeah right... i said.

So jin just left the school what are we now going to do we still have few classes.


Kim seokjin pov

After i accidentally yelled at Taehyung i walked past them with so much regret. Why did i do that...

I looked back once more and saw Jimin and Hobi walking to them.. Jimin looked so angry!

Wow... i might of just lost my only three friends. And its Namjoons fault!!

Or is it.....

I dont have anywhere to go the only place i could go is home since jimin is mad at me... but my parents they..

I walked back to home and look at the door.. its time to go to hell again. I opened the door and the first thing i see is my mom laying on the floor with a lot of blood around her.

MOM!! I screamed and runned to her!!

What happened i asked her??

J-jin l-listen you h-have to leave y-your father...

But before she could finnish her sentance she fainted. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the ambulance!!


I looked behind me and saw my father standing there with something in his hand.


Guess you did decide to come back you fag!!

But before i could protest ..everything went black...


That night a lot of sirens were heard people screaming and crying..what was happening.. people running around the streets scared. Police men were shook when they arrived at the scene and saw a lot of blood and two people unconscious..

And jimin and his friends had no idea what had happened to their dear Jin....


Peep.... peep....peep...

I woke up in a place i have never been it looked kinda like a hospital..

Ughh.. my head is spinning so much i said under my breath.

And then i heard the door open. A young lady walked to me and asked how i was feeling i aswered that my head hurt a little bit but otherwise i was fine. She smiled at me and nod her head.

Your mother is curently in a surgery she will be released in a few hours you can then go and see her.

O-ok i aswered and she left..Then everything came rushing to my head what had happened that night when i came home and saw her there lying almost lifeless.. all the good memories i had with her.. and now she could be dying i cried.

My head hurts so much the pain is just too much to handle... i just want to sleep i said and fell into deep slumber..

I woke up when someone was shaking me.

What is it ...? I said in a sleepy tone.

Your mother has been released from the surgery she is currently in coma i am so sorry sir. She said..

C-coma i asked?

Y-yea i am very sorry sir you can still go and see her if you like? She asked

I nodded my head and got up from the bed and walked behind the nurse into a room where i saw my mom lying in the bed lifeless..

Sir i am going to leave you alone.

I walked to the bed and sat on a chair holding my mothers arm.

M-mom.. i sobbed you cant leave me now i have nobody in my life i just lost all my friends and now this happened.

I dont care about the things you have done to me i will forgive you.. just please wake up i said crying.

All these thing were too much to take my head was spinning i felt my soul leave my body ultill i couldn't feel anything...

Sir i think you should leave now i heard the nice nurse say to me while walking towards me.

She looked at me with a shoked face. I looked completely lifeless the color in my eyes had gone away.


W-who is jin?? I asked

Come with me please!!

She dragged me out of the room into another room she took few test and looked at me worried...

Jin you have Amnesia..


And dats it :)