12-Let’s save Jin!


Park Jimin pov

Me, Taehyung, Hobi and apparently jungkook were hanging out at my house. We havent heard of Jin since morning and i am kinda getting nervous.

Jimin are you ok?? I heard Hobi ask me.

Y-yeah i am fine just spacing of a little!

What are you thinking about you know you can alwayst tell us?

Y-yeah ofc i know i am just a little worried about Jin he hasn't even called me or texted me and i dont know where he will be stying the night!

What do you mean staying the night asked TaeTae??

N-nothing its just Jin stayed the last night here with me.

So cant he just go home and sleep there i heard Jungkook say!

Y-yah ofc he can but....( its not my place to tell what Jin has been through)


N-nothing lets just continue!!

After playing few more games and having fun we were cleaning the place when i got a call.

Hold on guys i have to aswer this one i said.

Hello! Is this Park Jimin i am calling from the local hospital!!

Yes hello how may i help you?

Ah yes you friend Kim Seokjin has gotten into a big accident..


Yes sir his mother is in coma and father in prison and you were the first person in his catalog. Would you please come here??

N-no Jin i-i am such a horrible friend.. i am coming i said am ended the call..

Hey Jimin whe..... JIMIN!!

What heppened why are you crying?? Taehyung asked me while hugging me!

J-jin has gotten into an accident and is in the local hospital...


After telling everyone what happened we all rushed to the hospital.

Hello sir how may i help you? The reseption asked me?

Kim Seokjin i said!

Ah yes you must be Park Jimin i am warning you that Jin is in a really bad shape right now he has Amnesia.. The room is 312.


Yes sir i am very sorry we also found a lot of cuts and dark marks on his body.


I am so sorry sir but please go see him.

As we entered the room i see Jin sitting on his bead and staring outside the window with no emotions.

JIN!! i shouted and ran to hug him.

I-i am very sorry but who are you?

When i heard that it felt like a blade was stabbed in my heart. S-so it was true you got amnesia... i started crying.

I-its m-me Park Jimin you childhood bestfriend and thats Taehyung and Jungkook and Hobi. Dont you remember us??

He looked at us for a while..N-no i dont.

At this point i think we were all were crying i saw how Jungkook was hugging Taehyung and Hobi was just sobbing in the corner we were all cryind while Jin was watching us with a confused face.

I-i am very sorry that i dont remeber you guys i think you were something very precious to me before i lost my memory...

And then we heard the nurse come in.

He has about 70% chance to get his memories back but i hope you guys can help him with that. He will be released tomorrow so i hope you all will still go to school.

Y-yes we will do anything so he can  get his memories back! I asweres her.

Thats nice to hear well i will be leaving now and i hope you guys will go home too!

With that se left the room. There was silence no one was talking.

Well i think we should leave you heard the nurse Jungkook said.

Y-yeah w-well we will see you tomorrow Jin i said and we walked out. I looked one last time at Jin he looked so lost staring out of the window.


I walked to school the next morning after what happened to Jin i saw Taehyung and Hobi waiting for me at the gates looking also like a mess.

Hi... i said.

Hi... Jimin how are you feeling i heard Hobi ask me.

If i am completely honest like shit.. how about you guys.

Y-yeah same they aswered.

Well we still have classes to atend and after that we can go and see Jin. And with that we all left to our classes.

Fast forward to lunchtime

We were all sitting at one table eating our lunch. Guys i think we have to think about the positive side if we help Jin mayby he will get his memories back i said breaking the silence.

Yeah your right we have to stay strong guys!!

Lets save Jin and make his life good again lets forget about the bad memories!!


And thats it :)  Tell me how you feel about the story so far !