13-i feel like the new student


Kim Seokjin pov

Tomorrow is the day when i will go back to school. I was released today at the hospital at noon and went back home.

It was so weird walking home after that accident i cant really remember what even happened that day but the house felt so cold and i felt alone.

The docters told me that my friends are going to wait for me tomorrow but i dont really remember anyone but i think those guys that came last week are them.

What if i dont get my memories back..

How will everyone react..

I walked upstairs and opened my room. It was so pink.. what is up with this color? Was it my favourite color??

I walked to the bed at sat at the end i looked at the pictures i had on my wall there were a lot of people. I wonder who they are but i think i will get my aswer tomorrow.

I did my night routine and went to bed.

Next day:

I was walking to school when i spot a group of friends chatting at the entrance. They smiled and waved at me and told me to come there.

Jin!!!! Come here

I walked to them feeling kinda akward that i dont know anyone..

So Jin i know that you probably dont remember anyone of us but let's start again by introducing ourself!

O-okey i said..

Hello my name is Park Jimin and these are your friends Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok.!

H-hello my name is Kim Seokjin...

So Jin since you dont remeber us we tought that mayby we could go to a few places after school to see if you get any memories from them.

I nodded my head. I took my timetable and showed it to them. Mmm c-could you show me where my classes are?

Yes ofc come ill show you!! guys will see you later at lunch i heard the the boy say and then he dragged me away from the others.

You are j-jimin right??

Yes i am your childhood friend since 1 th grade!

I see i am so sorry i dont remeber anyone of you. You guys must feel awful... i said wispering.

Its fine Jin we are going to help you and get your memories back. I promise you..

We entered the class and i felt like i was the new kid. I think everyone in the school knew that i had forgotten my memories. So it was even more akward then usually.

I went to my seat and sat down there. I took my books out and started to listen to the teacher.


Kim Namjoon pov

I walked to school late again and saw few people wispering something. As i walked further inside the wispering still continued.

What the hell is everyone wispering about this is getting so annoying!!!

What the hell are you guys wispering about!! I said to few guys that were there.

A-a Namjoon you havent heard yet that annoying gay nerd got amnesia from somewhere and cant remember anything they laughed!

Gay nerd??

Yeah the one you alwayst bully remember! The one with be black hair.

Black hair..... WAIT JIN!!

Yeah i think that was his name.

I didnt listen to what they were saying. I started to run to my class knowing that Jin was going to be there. What the hell happened to him .. ughh its my fault for not being there for him.. its my fault i let him go that day!!

I slammed the door open and saw the teacher and all the students staring at me... i didnt listen to what the teacher said and started to search for Jin. I spotted him sitting at the back and staring at me with wide eyes.


Kim Seokjin pov

I was listening to the lesson but suddenly i heard to door slam open and a sweaty guy stepped in!

As he turned around and i saw his face i...

And suddenly my head was spinning a lot why is my head spinning when i look at him? I started to see memories... wait what!! Memories!! My memories! But my head still hurted and i felt really dizzy...

The guy walked to me and sat next to me but before i could say anything to him everything went black..

JIN!! JIN WAKE UP!! i heard him yell..


I felt the sun hitting my face and i got up. Ughh what happened? I looked around and saw that i was in the nurses office. But i also saw someone familiar sitting next to my bed..


And thats it :)