14-i saw my memories


Kim Taehyung pov

I was walking to my next class when i hear someone shouting at me! Umm Taehyung right?

Yeah and you are?

Oh no its not important your friends with Jin right?


He is curently at the nurses office.

Wait what he is!!

Yeah he suddenly fainted in class and someone carried him there.

Ill go check right away thank you for telling me! I ran past the random person and went straight to the nurses office. I opened the door and saw Jin laying on the bed sleeping!

I looked next to jin and saw... wait Namjoon?

What are you doing here i said!

I just brought him here...

Yeah idc just leave we dont need you here!! I said sounding kinda irritated..

He stood up and left. I looked at Jin he was peacfully sleeping in the bed. I took a chair and sat next to him. Few minutes later i saw him move in his sleep.

Jin... jin wake up i said shaking him.

He groaned and sat up in the bed.. where am i?

You are at the nurses office. You fainted in class..

I did?

What happened are you feeling allright ?

Y-yeah im fine its just that.. that one boy!


Y-yeah i saw something when i looked at him. I- i think it was my memories.!

Do you remember what the boy looked like?

(It cant be Namjoon right)

I dont really remember what he looked like but he was hella handsome!

Yeah here we go again i laughed.!!

After talking for a few minutes i heard the bell right wich meant that i had skipped one of my periods but thats fine.

Jin i think we should go now if you are feeling allright i said while standing up. The others are waiting in the cafeteria.

I took his hand and we started to walk towards the cafeteria. As we entered the cafeteria i saw Jimin and Hobi sitting in the corner.

Guys!!! I shouted

They looked at us while smiling. Come here!!!

We walked to the table and sat down.

Whats up?

Jin you have to tell them the same thing you told  me! I said

I-i mean today at c-class a boy entered the classroom and i think i saw my memories...

YOU SAW YOUR MEMORIES!!! Jimin shouted!

Jimin stop my ears hurt i heard hobi whine!!


N-no it fine i dont really remember who he was or anything about him but i definitaly saw my memories.

So.. we just have to find that guy and boom you get your memories back. Jimin said

Well yeah but we have no clue who it is?? I heard hobi say

Guys i think i know who it is! I said proud

You do? I heard them say


Spill the tea who is the prince charming!!

Umm well i would not say prince charming... but i think its.



W-who is Namjoon?

The guys who helped you to the nurses office but he left. I said! I looked at Jin and saw him looking down at the floor kinda sad.

Its fine Jin will find Namjoon in no time actually i think we could find him right now you see this boy right here (pointing at himself) is dating Namjoons bestfriend!

Jin looked up at me and smiled. Really??

Yeah :)


Kim Namjoon pov

After Taehyung wooped me out of the nurses office i started to look for Jungkook and Yoongi. I still cant believe how Jungkook can date Taehyung!! Ughhh he is so annoying not letting me stay with my Jin!!

Wait MY Jin...

No no Namjoon he is not yours..

After walking for i while i reached the rooftop. Finally i said hoping that they would be here!


I looked at them where the hell have you been!!

Sorry man we were smoking up here you know the rules they said.


I took a cigarette and started smoking..

I guess you heard the news?! I heard them say..

Yeahh.. i dont know what to feel i said back.

Well you need to forget everything cause we have a case today! I heard jungkook say to me.

Yeah i get it.. when was it??

Today at 11pm i heard Yoongi say

Got it! I smashed my Cigarette to the ground and walked of..


Hmm i wonder what they are talking about?