16- Mafia

Kim seokjin pov

ughhhhh... My head hurts so much. I slowly open my eyes.

Why is it so bright am i in heaven did i die?

I looked around and saw that i was in a room. i guess i did't die after all the last thing i remember i was with Namjoon but where is he? I tried getting up but i felt pain in my left shoulder. I looked down and saw a lot of bandages on it. Oh yeah i got shot!!

I need to know where i am! i tried standing up again but this time i succeeded. YES i said while holding on the beds frame. i tried taking a step but the pain shot threw my body. Auch....

I was about to take another step when i heard the door open.

If i was you i wouldn't do that~

I looked back at the door and saw Namjoon standing there. I- i was j-just going to look where i am.

You are currently at my house.  WAIT WHAT!! 

Quiet down will you Yoongi and Jungkook are sleeping downstairs. S-sorry....would you like to tell me what happened i am so confused i looked at him and pouted. He looked at me and then at the door.

If i tell you you can not tell anyone! Not Taehyung or Jimin no one!!

I-i p-promise you i said stuttering

You might not believe this but me Jungkook and Yoongi are part of the mafia. I looked at him confused. aren't those like just some made up stories that the mafia is real?

No like we are actually part of the mafia but we just attend normal school like you.And i don't know how you were there at that time but you saw everything which means i have to tell you everything also... Thank you for saving our lives i heard Namjoon say.

I-its n-nothing even thou i cant remember who you are i think you are the only key to get my memories back i said smiling back. 

Jin i think there is something you need to know before you want to get closer to me

What is it? i said looking at him from the bed.

Before you lost your memory i-i let's just say we were not in good terms i was really rude to you and probably made your life a living hell and i didn't know your life was a hell already and-

Namjoon i said while trying to get up from the bed. It doesn't matter who you were to me but when i saw you guys in trouble i had to do something i knew i had to do something cause there was something about you that.... made me do it i said smiling with a tint of pink on my cheeks.

Jin what are you doing you should rest you just got shot with an bullet!

I-its f-fine i said walking to him slowly i was now standing in front of him barely. I looked at him and hugged him as tight as i could even thou the pain was bad.


I backed away and looked at him. Namjoon its really fine i said smiling.

Untill i heard my stomach growling. i-i am mayby a little bit hungry heh.. i said while blushing.i heard him chuckle i guess we need to get you some food i am pretty sure Yoongi and Jungkook are awake by now. Before i could do anything Namjoon had picked me up bridal style.

N-namjoon what are you doing.!.!

You can barely walk so i thought that i could carry you downstairs he said while smirking. Namjoon was currently carrying me down the stairs while i could hear people talking downstairs and that got me a little scared so i grabbed on to Namjoon's shirt. He looked down at me and smiled. Don't worry they wont do anything to you.

After we walked in to the living room we saw Yoongi and Jungkook sitting on the sofa cleaning their guns.

So hes finally awake?

yeah i heard Namjoon say while placing me on the other side of the sofa. 

Did you tell him? yeah~ 

i-i am very sorry i promise i will not tell anyone about this mafia thing i said. You better not i don't want Taehyung to know about this and get in danger Jungkook said. S-so taehyung doesn't know?

Ofc not he will get in so much danger if our enemies saw him and me that's why its dangerous to be around him in school too. Ahhh i-i see.... well when can i leave?

Oh Honey you are not leaving in a long time~

W-what do you mean?

I already told you that you are not leaving in a long time you are staying here with us. Its dangerous for you to be out there currently.

But what about Jimin, Taehyung and Hobi? Don't worry about that i will allow you to go to school but you have to wait for me when school ends ok i heard Namjoon say.

O-ok.. so will i get any food or....?

Oh yeah i almost forgot wait here i heard Namjoon say while leaving me with Yoongi and Jungkook.
