17- Sope is real?

This chapter will be more about sope so :3


Jin pov

I was walking back from the kitchen when I spotted Yoongi sitting on the couch. He looked sad while staring at his phone.  Should i talk to him?

I slowly sat next to him while peeking to look what he was watching it had a number but no contact. I was trying to see the number since it looked to familiar but before i could do that.

What are you doin i heard him say while pulling his phone closer to him.

I-i was just watching what you were doing.

But thats none of your business what i do he said harshly.  Sorry... i said while scooting further away from him. He looked at me once and went back to his phone. I was observing him while eating my food. What could be so important that he doesn't even want to show me i thought while pouting. While i was thinking the answer it clicked.


What is it now ?!

W-would you maybe have some love problems? He looked at me shocked and then back at his phone. Y-you know i can help you since there is nothing else i can do.

And why would i ask you to help me with anything!

I know i lost my memories but please let me help!! Who is it?

He looked a little skeptical before answering me. Its a boy in my dance class he said... I don't know why but he makes me feel so happy even thouu i don't show it.

Hmmm.. i see so you like him why don't you ask him out?

Are you out of your mind i am literally one of the schools bully's what do you expect a sweet boy like him to say!! " Oh mr Yoongi I definitely love a bully" he said sarcastically.

Well i don't think he would say it like that i said holding my laugh. Tell me more about him?

Why are you so nosy.. Well he has light orange hair and a smile that could cure depression i said almost fanboying. Ok ok i get it you have a crush on him i said waving my hand in the air.

Speaking of orange hair that sounded really familiar. Hmmm.. could the person you like be a boy names Hoseok? I looked back at Yoongi and his mouth was open.

I see so it is Hoseok!!! Wow who could of thought that the Bully Min Yoongi has a crush on the schools sunshine Hoseok i said laughing my ass off.

Stop! But at that moment the only thing i could do is laugh.

What's going on over here i heard Namjoon say while walking over to us. Nothing i said while trying to calm my laugh.

Oh cmon Jin tell me is it about Yoongi Namjoon said while coming closer to me. I looked back at Yoongi and he had a death stare.

"Don't you dare!"

Well you see me and Yoongi were just chatting and i guess i kinda found out that the so bad bully Min Yoongi over there has a Huuuuuge crush on the sunshine boy in our school! I said smirking knowing that Yoongi couldn't do anything to me cause Namjoon was here.

Really now..??Namjoon said smirking. Yoongi my dear bro why didn't you tell me Namjoon said while slapping Yoongi's back. I could have helped you know Namjoon said trying to act hurt.

Shut up asshat! And don't hit me Yoongi said.

Well man are you ever going to confess to him?

What do you think "NO"

Why not i think Hobi likes you back i mean he has been talking about you non stop since your first Dance class i said.


Yeah why would i lie I don't know what you guys have been up to but he genuinely seems to like you i said smiling.

You heard it man now tomorrow I expect you to ask him on a date Namjoon said casually. WHAT no way i am doing that! What if he rejects me!!

Since when did Min Yoongi care what others thought ? Well since that stupid sunshine boy came he said frustrated. Me and Namjoon just look at each and burst out laughing. Omg i c-cant b-breath i said laughing harder. Man he is so whipped Namjoon said whipping his imaginary tears away.

Shut it Namjoon! Yoongi said hursly. And since we are at this topic when will you confess to your crush Yoongi said knowing he had won.

W-what are you talking about Namjoon said scratching his neck. You have a crush too i asked now turning to him.? What no!!

He does Yoongi said smirking and you know what since you helped me i shall help you too Yoongi said. come here he said patting the couch next to him. Walked to him and sat next to him.

Yoongi don't you dare say it! Namjoon said while standing up looking pissed.

Yoongi just smirked and grabbed my ear.

"It's you"


And i will be leaving it on a cliffhanger :3 sorryy i will be updating soon💕