18- My heart hurts

Guys i wanted to thank about 1,34K reads like what..... i know i have a lot of grammar mistakes but you still read this thank you💕

Sorry for the late update!!!


Kim seokjin pov

It's you

M..m..m-e? Ehh Seokjin you finally got it i can't believe you didn't realize he was so obvious Yoongi said while snickering.

Y-you l-like me i was dumbfounded..

Namjoon looked so mad. "Listen right here and now i Kim Namjoon will never like you OK Yoongi is just speaking bullshit" Namjoon said storming off.

B-but i like you too Kim Namjoon~ I looked back at Yoongi and saw that he was gone. So Yoongi made some drama and left me to deal with it how rude. But i have to talk to Namjoon i- i mean i do like him its just.... you know what forget it.


For the past couple of weeks Namjoon has been avoiding and ignoring me i have tried so many times but the answer is still the same "What do you want" "Didn't you understand what i meant" " Go away" Ahhhh what am I supposed to do he doesn't even talk to me in school we're literally desk mates but he doesn't talk to me i said almost crying in pain. It hurts so much my heart cant take it i need him i was so happy with him and now he's gone.

Then it snapped i know what i can do to make me feel better it always helped. I walked to the bathroom and went through all the cupboards until I noticed something sharp and shiny.

Ah found it!

I know I promised to not cut anymore but i cant stand the pain anymore i said while cutting lines in my arms. Its not enough i need more i said while tears were streaming down my face i cut more and more lines in my arms and legs until i stopped. I-i think i am going to faint there's so much blood on the floor that.

"I love you Kim Namjoon"

And then everything went black

Later i woke up and found that no one found me.... I guess they don't really care about me after all. The blood had dried a little but one stiff move and the cuts would open again. I slowly took the towel wet it and cleaned myself and put some bandages on. I heard someone knocking on my door so I quickly stand up.

Jin!! Jin are you ok I haven't heard anything about you this morning i heard Jungkook asking me while banging the door.

I-i am fine just washing my face i said lying.



Ok whatever you say hyung food is almost ready.

O-ok ill come.

That was so close i said while staring at the mirror. Better get some new clothes on so it doesn't look suspicious. I walked to my dresser and took a plain Long sleeve shirt and black pants.

I was walking down the stairs to the kitchen when the amazing aroma hit my nose. No one told me they can cook. I walked to the table and sat down. W-where is everyone?

Oh Namjoon didn't tell you he and Yoongi had something to do so they left me with you Jungkook said while placing food in front of me.

N-no they didn't tell me anything i said feeling kinda sad that Namjoon doesn't even want to tell me the simple things.

Umm i don't really want ti bother you or anything but did something happen between you and Namjoon? Jungkook asked. W-well kinda its really complicated but he doesn't talk to me anymore.

Just at that moment we heard the door open. I looked back and saw that Namjoon and Yoongi had arrived. Wats up guys how did things go Jungkook asked? Its just the same boring things they aswered. At that moment my an Namjoons eyes locked. I have to go Namjoon said and walked upstairs to his office. I think that was the last thing my heart could handle before i broke down in tears.

Jin.. JIN are you okey why are you crying Jungkook said while hugging me. H-he d-doesn't t-talk t-to me i said sobbing. I-i want t-things t-to go b-back like they were i said while hugging Jungkook tighter. Jin i don't know what happened but you should talk to him!

I-i tried but he just shoved me away i said crying harder. Please try again hyung..

O-ok i said while standing up and heading to his office.

Knock knock

"Come in"


What do you want haven't i told you already LIKE MILLION TIMES DONT COME HERE!!!! He said shouting at me at this point i think all the neighbors could hear it.

I-i just..


That's it i cant take this anymore. NAMJOON WHAT THE HELL YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH MY HEART HURTS!!!..... i-i just cant take it anymore i said while running of crying.

"Jin.... Jin i-i am so sorry i went too far"
