My teacher pt.3

I actually really like writing this story so i'll just continue!

I apologize for grammar mistakes


Flashback to detention with Jin and Namjoon

But Seokjin Who said I didn't want to be your husband.

"OMG ITS HAPPENING HE'S PROPOSING TO ME" well no shit Jin your so gorgeous and handsome who wouldn't propose to me Jin though. 

Seokjin? Are you there you've been spacing out ever since I asked you have you done the math tasks I asked you to do 30 minutes ago.


What are you talking about Mr.Kim i thought proposals are supposed to be romantic! Why are you suddenly asking about math!. Proposal? Seokjin are you sure you didn't hit your head?.


Huh yeahhh the math tasks omm Jin looked at the paper in front of him which was completely empty. Their on their way Mr.Kim don't chu worry about that ha ha Jin said waving his hands around.


Jin sat back down on his chair and stared at the

empty paper. What am I going to do I'm too young to get beaten by Mr.Kim not that I would complain

ofc- STOP SNAP OUT OF IT! Jin said shaking his head.

Seokjin you do realize you can ask me if you need any help I'm over here past my work hours just to give you detention Namjoon said.

AGH i need help okey i don't understand anything jin said head low. It's ok Namjoon said walking up and sitting next to jin.


So Seokjin you just divide that and-...


And after you've divided that you just plus them together and-


and there you have it it wasn't that hard now was it Namjoon said looking at jin who was already staring at him.

Jin snapped out of it and looked at the paper.

Yeah ofc i got it don't worry about it.


You didn't get anything did you? Namjoon asked smirking. Huh yes i did are you saying I'm incapable of doing these math tasks by myself huh!. No it's just I know you Seokjin you never listen to anything i say in my classes so why would you know Namjoon chuckled. I- um Jin started stuttering while his ears turned red.

What is the reason you can't concentrate in my classes I asked other teachers how you do in their classes and they said your doing completely fine.

So what makes the difference in my class? Namjoon said leaning closer to jin.


FUCK IT Jin shouted and grabbed Namjoon's collar and smashed their lips together. The kiss was short but passionate until Jin realized what the fuck he just did. OH SHIT! Jin pulled out of the kiss and looked at a shocked Namjoon. Omg i am so sorry Mr.Kim i don't know what came to me i- umm i got go! I'll do the math tasks tomorrow!. And Jin was out of the classroom running to the front door. "WHY DID I DO THAT OMG I'M SO EMBARRASSED"

Jin was running from his dear life. I am never turning back again. It was raining and you could hear the thunder in the horizon. Fuck my life Jin shouted running faster in the rain. When he finally reached his home and stepped inside he was soaked completely.


Oh yeah no ones ever home Jin sighed. Yeah i do live with my parents their just never home, their too busy with their own lives and work so they usually forget about me. oh don't feel bad I'm used to it they do send me money to pay the rent and buy some food for myself. So I'm still thankful for them. That's why I usually do enjoy my time in school cause that's the only time i can socialize with people and my friends.

Jin had a quick shower and heated up some leftovers from yesterday and sat on the couch watching some Tv. I do wonder tho why didn't Mr.Kim pull out of the kiss I would totally understand that I don't know what came to me. Huh it felt nice tho it felt like finally someone cared for me eh whatever. I should go to bed it's pretty late already.

Jin walked the stairs up and opened the door to his room. I'm so tired from all that running Jin said climbing to his bad and lifting the covers on top of him. Mr.Kim mr.Kim what will i do with you i have a class with you tomorrow and I really don't want to see your face right now the disappointment you must have when you see me. Jin grabbed his phone from the nightstand and started scrolling through Namjoon's instagram. I wish I could at least follow you but that would be kinda weird after what happened.

Hahaha Jin laughed in pain and put his phone back at the nightstand and turned of the lights before falling back asleep.

Flashback end

So that's how it went Jungkook sighed in relief. I really thought he did something you didn't like but I guess I just should've thought that it had to be you.

CMON JUNGKOOK this is bad bad bad !! I have one of his classes todayyy~ help me bestieee please!.

No can do Jin you digged your own grave and you have to struggle it through too. Not my problem Jungkook said. AH! Your so mean Jungkook.! Jin whined. Look it's nothing just don't stare at him and your good but that must be hard for you too Jungkook sighed. ITS NOT! I CAN DO IT! Jin shouted. Yeah right!

Btw heard anything from Yoongi I actually texted him last night and he told me he got hit in the head at P.E but he said he's completely fine. Also he said he would be coming to school today so let's go already. I don't want too~~ Jin kept whining while Jungkook dragged him to school. "Drama Queen"

Hey Yoongi Jungkook shouted while seeing the shorter male waiting for them at the gate. Oh hi Jungkook and um Jin he said looking at the whining older male behind Jungkook. Sorry about him he just doesn't want to go to school for a CERTAIN reason Jungkook said. Oh it's fine Yoongi said. Anyway how are you? You told me about what happened, how?. It's nothing really someone just threw a ball at me but Mr.Jung sure teached him a lesson even tho I'm pretty sure it was and accident.

Okey then Jungkook said. Oh whose umbrella? Yoongi asked. Oh yeah the umbrella I completely forgot i have to give it to Mr.Kim Taehyung before the lesson start see you guys at class Jungkook shouted running inside. Jin suddenly got up.

WAIT YOU SAID TAEHYUNG! HOLD UP BITCH! HOW DID YOU GET THAT!! Jin shouted running after Jungkook.

I swear Yoongi said grabbing his head one day i'll die because of these two idiots.


That's it for part 3

Damn this chapter took me longer then usual for some reason.!