My Teacher pt. 4

So um.... Yeah i was gone for quite a while tbh I didn't really like this story anymore and it has a lot of grammar mistakes I'm just too lazy to fix them but I realized how many people actually enjoy this story so I guess I'll continue the My Teacher short story!

Anyway enjoy I'm sorry for the mistakes


Jungkook pov

I was running towards mr.kims office to return the umbrella he gave me yesterday. Also I'm pretty sure i lost Jin he's slow anyway Jungkook said chuckling.

Okey so when i walk in i just give the umbrella and leave like really fast okey Jungkook do you understand "Jungkook said going through what he would say to Taehyung while meeting him"



Jungkook looked at the big shining gold sign in front of him that said Mr.Kim Taehyung. The door slowly opened and Jungkook watched as Taehyung opened the door.

Hi Mr.Kim i just um wanted to return the umbrella you gave me yesterday it was a great help thank you very much Jungkook said bowing. Taehyung smiled and took the umbrella from Jungkook. It was no big deal Jungkook but i hope you remember to take your umbrella next time Taehyung said smiling. I promise Jungkook said. As Jungkook was stepping out of the office Taehyung stopped him. Um there's still 15 minutes till class would you like to have some coffee with me Taehyung asked not looking suspicious at all. Jungkook was kinda shocked what he heard but played it cool. Oh sure Mr.Kim Jungkook answered back. They both stepped back inside the office while Taehyung began to make the coffee.

-Timeskip Jin-

Well damn I didn't catch that bastard ugh Jin said sulking while walking towards his class which was with Mr.Kim(Namjoon). This is the absolute worst i mean is there anything more horrible then going to class after kissing your teacher. "I don't think so"

What am I supposed to do. I'll just have to act like it never happened...right?. As Jin was walking towards his class he passed Taehyung's office. As jin was getting closer and closer he heard laughing. Um.. why is he laughing alone that's really creepy. But before Jin has completely passed Taehyung's office he heard someone else laugh in there too. Eh..? Jungkook? What is he doing in there. Jin looked around and saw no one around.

"Shouldn't he be in class". i'll just take a closer look it won't hurt me. Jin approached the door and placed his ear against the wood door.

Damn i can only hear mumbling how am i now supposed to tease him when it's lunch.

While Jin was having his moment he didn't feel a person approaching him. "Excuse me" someone said tapping Jin's shoulder. Shit Jin said standing up and seeing well no one else then his math teacher Mr.Kim(Namjoon).

I don't think it's very nice to eavesdrop on people Seokjin Namjoon said while lowering his head to Jin's level. I- I wasn't eavesdropping i was just um going to get Jungkook that's all. I don't see a reason for you to get Jungkook when you should be in my class.

"Oh shit i had his class". What time is it..? was I really here for 15 minutes how can that be. 

Haha you see Mr.Kim i was just about to head to your class I didn't think 15 minutes would pass that quickly. Namjoon looked at Jin who was looking back at him looking guilty. You do realize being late to my class is breaking my rules.

"Ah shit here we go again Jin said"

I know Mr.Kim but you see i was jus-. I don't want to heart your excuses Seokjin. Also we have some things to talk about what happened yesterday.

"Oh hell no i am not having this talk Jin though"

Oh yeah about yesterday i um it was a mistake Mr.Kim I'm so sorry i made you uncomfortable I didn't mean it I promise please forgive me you know I've been having weird dreams and then i just suddenly you kn-. "Your ranting Seokjin"

Oh.. yeah well you get my point.

Seokjin I don't think your telling me the truth right now Namjoon said getting closer. 

I- what i am what are you talking about Jin said crossing his hands. Suddenly a picture of Namjoon that was originally on Jin's clear phone case that he snapped once during his math class fell out of his pocket.




"Why right now this is THE ABSOLUTE WORST TIMING EVER"

I- um... Jin looked up and saw Namjoon looking at the photo while raising his eyebrow.


Namjoon suddenly started laughing.

Eh.? Jin said.

Your so cute Seokjin Namjoon said squishing Jin's cheeks. I know you love me it's too obvious at this point.



I'll just leave the chapter here it's kinda short I'm sorry I'm really sick currently and couldn't physically write anymore.
