Keeping a Promise

I woke up 10 minutes before the morning announcement. After getting ready for the day, I head to the kitchen to start breakfast. I decided to make eggs, omelettes and bacon for the group. As I was cutting the peppers, I began to think back on what happened. In one day, we already lost three people. Now, there is fourteen of us left. Question now is, who'll be next? Will there be another murder? Suddenly, a jolt of pain erupted from my finger. I looked at it and realized I had sliced the skin when I was out of it. I heard the doors open and saw Ishimaru walk in. I waved him over and he nodded. 

"Good morning, Rommannof! I hope you slept well." He greeted.

I shrugged, "I guess." I continued cutting the peppers, until they were all cut. I then added them to some of the omelettes, whereas the others had nothing but cheese inside. Soon, Kirigiri, Aoi, Sakura, Naegi, Melody, and Chihiro came in. I handed them plates and they grabbed food for themselves. More people came in and followed suit. Suddenly, an anouncement came on. 

"Attention students! After every successful class trial, a new world will be opened up for you to explore! Please take the time to do so!"

"All he did was open up a new floor." I stated. We explored the new floor. It consisted of a library, a pool, locker rooms, a bathing room, a sauna, and a store room for athletic stuff. In the library, there was a large collection of books, even Fukawa's novels. Togami found a laptop, but it wasn't turning on.

"I wouldn't lie when I say we could try Googling our way out." Kirigiri stated.

I tilted my head, "Why would a mastermind post his/her plans on the internet? Not very smart, if you ask me."

I grabbed the laptop and gave it to Chi, "I think you'll have better luck with this than us."

He smiled, "T-thank you, Jeremiah!"

I walked over to Melody, "How are you holding up?"

She sighed, "I wish we can go home now. This is too barbaric."

I nodded, "Yeah, I want to go home too. But, we're not going to murder our friends to do so."

She nodded, "You're right." She then smiled at me, "It's so cute when you care for Ms. Fujisaki." 

I smiled, "Thank you."

Suddenly, we hear Chi crying, "Y-you can't!" I rush over to him and saw that he was trying to stand up for himself against Togami, "Y-you say this is all a game, but it's not! W-we're suppose to be friends! FRIENDS AREN'T SUPPOSE TO KILL EACH OTHER!!" My heart tore in half when seeing Chi so hurt. 

Togami scoffed, "We're not friends. We're complete strangers turned to competitors. Like it or not, you also voted Kuwata guilty, did you not?"

Chi stiffened, to which I responded, "Back off Byakuya!"

Asahina chimed in, "Yeah! Besides, we didn't have a choice! If we didn't vote, we'd get executed too!" I quickly examined my e-Handbook to verify Asahina's claim. Huh, she's right.

"Yeah! That's something none of us want, unless you get off on that kind of thing!" Yamada added. I was proud of them, sticking up for Chi.

"Besides, Kuwata isn't at fault here! It's all Monokuma's fault, he killed Maizono and Leon!" Naegi told us. 

Monokuma's monitor came on. "So you're saying that I made Mr. Baseball Punk send Little Ms. Superstar to her maker? Eh, whatever helps you sleep at night." The monitor turned off, leaving a black screen behind.

"Man, that bear is a d***!" Hagakure said. Chihiro fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

Mondo gave a sympathetic glance to him, "Hey, stop that. You're just giving him what he wants."

Togami scoffed, "Coddling the weak, are we?"

Mondo was about to knock Togami down a peg or two, until I snapped, "SHE IS NOT WEAK!!" All of us turned to see me standing with Chi with his small hands balled into fists. "Chihiro is a strong person for wanting to help. She may not know a lot about investigations, but she was the one who helped figure out that the dying message wasn't just a string of numbers. She found out about the fridge being restocked after every day. She is also strong enough to stand up to a spoiled brat like you, Byakuya!"

Togami flinched, "You shouldn't talk like that to me. Shouldn't butlers have respect for their higher ups?"

Toko nodded, "M-M-Master Togami's right! Y-y-you should apologize r-r-right now!"

I scoffed, "I don't need to apologize. I may be a butler, but even I know when to put my foot down."

Asahina decided to mollify the situation, "Hey guys, calm down. How about we go for a swim?" Sakura, Melody and Celestia agreed, but Togami and the others went to do their own thing. "Hey other Rommannof..."

I chuckled, "You can call me Jeremiah, if it's easier."

She nodded, "Okay, Jeremiah, wow that is easier! Anyway, do you and Fujisaki want to join us?" 

Chi became hesitant, "Oh! Uh..."

I smiled, "It'll be okay, Chi. I'll be there."

We went to the locker rooms to switch to our swim suits. However, Asahina was struggling to open the locker room doors. "Oh, darn. I was hoping they'd be unlocked."

"Actually, in order to open the doors, you have to scan your e-Handbook like so!" Monokuma popped up on the intercom monitor and showed a demonstration. "In favor of promoting peace here, no boys in the girls' locker room and vice versa!"

Asahina became confused, "Well, what if a girl held the door open and a boy slipped inside?"

Monokuma pointed to a Gatling gun hanging from the ceiling, "I think Mr. Gatling gun would find the holes in their arguement! Cue the demonstration!" There was a video about Monokuma trying to enter the girls locker room, but was then shot to pieces by the gun. That's a bit overkill, don't you think?

Aoi was shocked, "Hold on! Someone might get hurt by that!"

Chihiro became scared, "I-I think that's the point."

Celeste raised her hand, "What if a girl handed her e-Handbook to a boy?" I nodded, thinking that was a good question.

Monokuma rubbed the back of his head, "Oh, didn't think about that. Incoming rule update!" We felt our e-Handbooks vibrate and the rules updated, "Lending of student e-Handbooks to others is strictly forbidden."

Monokuma was quite pleased with the quick remedy and soon disappeared from the monitor. All of us sighed, not wanting to go to the pool anymore. As soon as everyone left, I was about to walk out until I heard a locker room door open. I turned around and saw Chi enter the boys' locker room. I followed him and examined the room. The walls were blue with a white carpet. There was a weightlifting set complete with a punching bag and various weights. I also noticed a poster of a swimsuit model, but decided not to focus on that. Chi, who had switched into a blue tracksuit, was struggling with lifting the 20 lbs dumbbell. I stopped him and gave him a 10 lbs dumbbell. "The first step in getting stronger is knowing your limits. If you try to start off with more than you can handle, you'll hurt yourself."

He nodded, slightly embarrassed, "S-sorry. I was eager on getting stronger."

We trained for about half an hour and Chihiro was getting winded. "I think this'll be a good stopping point." I stated.

He was surprised, "W-what?! But...I n-need to get stronger!" 

I chuckled, "The path to strength includes rest, Chi. You'll overwork yourself and then, your body'll quit on you. We don't want that." He nodded and I led him to the bath house. On our way there, we saw Naegi being dragged off to somewhere by both Ishimaru and Mondo. We looked at each other and decided to not get involved. Once we arrived, Chi began looking around the place. "What is it, Chi?" I asked.

"There are no cameras here." He pointed out. He was right, there were no cameras. A perfect place for a murder, probably. Chi turned around and began to leave, "I have an idea. It just might help all of us get out of here...maybe."

I nodded and left to my room, since it was almost nighttime. I took a shower and got ready for bed. Once I fell onto the mattress, my eyes closed instantly. "Good morning, kiddos! It is now 7am! Time to start a brand new, beautiful day!" The morning announcement rang, which reminded me of our situation. When I entered the dining room, I saw Mondo and Ishimaru with arms around each other. I smiled, I guess those two finally became friends.

"Those two have been acting disgusting ever since we got here." Aoi stated. 

Mondo laughed, "Chicks'll never understand the true meaning of a broship!"

Ishimaru laughed, also, "That is correct! Our broship is one of pure manliness!"

I sweatdropped, "Okay, I appreciate you guys being friends, but let's tone it down a bit."

Ishimaru scoffed, "That will never happen!" He then made weird arm-and-hand gestures while screaming, "Kamehame-forget about it!!"

Mondo cheered him on, "YOU'RE OVER 9000!!!"

Oh dear God, why?  I was about to talk to Chi and Melody, but a breaking teacup caught our attention. "Is the tea not to your liking, milady?" Hifumi quivered.

"I hate this kind of tea. I refuse to drink this swill you prepared. I prefer to drink Royal Milk tea. It is when the milk is boiled to draw out the black tea." Celeste pointed out.

I sighed, "If that is what you prefer, I can make your tea, Ms. Ludenburg."

She smiled, "Finally, someone who can get things done right." I went to the kitchen and started making her tea. Once I was done, I delivered it to her and she drank it. The look on her face was what shocked all of us, even Kirigiri. Celeste...smiled. Like an actual smile. Her eyes widened and she turned to me, " the best cup of Royal Milk tea I have ever had."

My eyes were widened, but no one could see them due to the hood on my head. I smiled and placed a hand on my heart, "I am glad my services were of use."

Suddenly, Monokuma spoke through the monitor, "Attention students! A new motive has been prepared for you all! Report to the gymnasium, on zhe double!" We arrived at the gym and looked at Monokuma, who was standing on his podium. "Seeing you all filled with hope is boring me to tears. So, I gathered all of your deepest darkest secrets!" He threw several envelopes into the air, "YOLO!!"

The envelopes fell to the ground. I found an envelope with my name on it and opened it up.

Jeremiah was an experiment for a secret government project. His real talent is SHSL Living Weapon.

I started questioning on how he was able to find this information. Does he have connections with that project? If so, I want answers!

Melody tapped my shoulder and showed me her secret. I sighed and hugged her. Melody's secret was a dark one. One that no one should ever know. "I'm scared, Jeremiah."

Monokuma laughed, "If you guys don't kill someone in the next 24 hours, all of these secrets are going public!" He then disappeared behind the podium. 

I sighed, "Well, I've got nothing to hide." I marched in front of everyone "Can I have everybody's attention? I understand you guys have secrets that no other human being should ever know about. However, I also understand that we shouldn't resort to murder to keep those secrets hidden. Didn't you guys see what happened to Leon after he got caught?!" Their faces told me everything, "So, I'm not going to force you guys to expose your secrets. If you feel comfortable telling everyone, or just want to tell me, I will support your decision. So, let me start this off by saying my secret: I was experimented on for 5 months for a secret government program. My real talent is the SHSL Living Weapon." That earned a few gasps and sympathetic looks. I returned to the dining room, followed by a few others.

We talked for what seemed like hours, telling each other our secrets. We were laughing when Naegi told us his. "Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing." He blushed. It was a great bonding moment for us. 

Suddenly, Asahina turned to Chihiro,  "So, what's your secret, Fujisaki?"

He wasn't expecting to be in the spotlight so soon, so I covered for him, "She once accidentally hacked into NASA and was almost arrested for it."

I looked to Chi, who deflated but seemed upset. Asahina, however, didn't notice, "Woah, Fujisaki! For someone so sweet and cute, you sure know your way around computers, huh?"

Chi nodded, "Y-yeah. I'm not really proud of that moment, but I learned from it."

Once we were done talking, I pulled Chi to the locker room to resume our training. However, we weren't expecting to see Mondo there. He was shocked to see Chihiro, "W-what the-?!"

I quickly intervened, "Mondo, let us explain."

Chi, who seemed like he was gathering courage, looked at Mondo, "I-I'm actually...a guy!"

Mondo took a step back, "What?! W-why'd you go and tell me that?!"

I let Chi explain, for this was his secret to tell. Chi explained that he was bullied for looking so girly, so he dressed like a girl to cope with it. The bullying actually stopped when he dressed like a girl. However, he had been struggling with telling anybody his true gender. I felt sad when he explained everything. I wish I was there to help him. Chi also explained that he admired Mondo, that he wanted to be as strong as him.

Something seemed off with Mondo, "You...think I'm strong?" 

Chi nodded, "I do! I want to change! It's time for me to become a man!"

His words melted my heart. However, that was the opposite with Mondo, "Y-you...bastard!"This confused and worried Chi. "So, you want to be strong? Well get in line." Mondo then grew angry, "Cause I'm the strongest one there is! I don't have to take anyone's crap! If anyone thinks differently, I'll beat 'em to a bloody pulp!!" I saw Chi walk backwards to me. My heart accelerated with fear and worry when Mondo picked up a 120 lbs dumbbell. "I'M STRONGER THAN YOU AND I'M STRONGER THAN BIG BRO!!!"

Without thinking, I pushed Chihiro out of the way and felt something crash into my head. Everything went black. 

Heh. So, I guess this is it, huh? I'm sorry if we pressured you, Mondo. Chi...please survive. I'm afraid I won't be able to uphold that vow to you guys. So, I'm passing it to you now. 

Chihiro Fujisaki, I know you're strong enough to do this. Keep an eye on him for me, please.