The Second Trial

(Chihiro's POV)

I ran as fast as I could. I couldn't believe that Mondo would snap like that! As soon as Jeremiah pushed me away...I ran. I just left my friend behind, out of fear. If I was stronger, I would've done something different. Maybe I could've helped. I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't see my door and ran into it. I fell on my butt, jumped back up, rushed into my room, locked the door and tried to calm down. I started worrying for Jeremiah, hoping he would be alright. He's going to be okay. He's strong! He's going to be okay!

Suddenly, my doorbell rang. I jumped, due to the sudden sound, and opened my door slightly to see Melody. She looked concerned when I was breathing heavily, "Fujisaki? Are you okay? You look frightened."

"I-I-I'm fine, R-Rommannof! I-I was just...just..." I felt my eyes watering again.

She walked over to me and held me close. I just couldn't keep it together anymore, so I basically sobbed my eyes out. Why am I so weak? No, Jeremiah wouldn't call this weakness. He would say that something about emotions being a source of strength. "There, there Fujisaki. It's okay, just breathe." She then pulled away from me and held me at arms length, "Now, want to tell me what's wrong?"

The way she said that was so calming and loving, "I-I went to tell Mondo my secret, but then he grabbed a giant dumbbell. H-h-he l-looked like he wanted to k-kill me, but J-Jeremiah pushed m-me out of th-the way. I-I ran as soon as he pushed me and h-here I am."

Melody was about to say something, but Byakuya walked towards us, "Shouldn't you two be in your rooms? Monokuma might punish you both for breaking the nighttime curfew."

We nodded, said goodnight, and went to bed. The morning announcement came on, "Good morning, students! While you were busy catching z's, something terrible happened to one of your fellow classmates!"

My eyes widened, No. No no no!! I have to know what happened!! I rushed out of my room and ran to the locker rooms. Byakuya was there, waiting for something. "Byakuya? W-what are y-you doing?"

He sneered at me, "I am waiting for someone who can actually help during the investigation, but I suppose you'll do." He walked over to the girls' locker room door and placed his hand on the door.

"W-w-wait! You can't open t-the door to the girls' locker room! Y-you'll get shot to pieces by the--" I tried to warn him, but stopped when he pushed open the door.

"Open sesame." He stated.

I was confused, until Monokuma came on the monitor, "I unlocked the locker room doors for investigation purposes." 

We entered the girls' locker room and what I saw...scarred me forever.

Crucified on the weightlifting set was the SHSL Butler/Living Weapon, Jeremiah Rommannof. Blood ran down from his head, over his face, and onto the floor. I didn't realize that I was on my knees and crying. I first friend. Why wasn't I stronger? Why did he save me?

Byakuya walked over to the wall with a message written in blood, "'Bloodbath Fever', huh?"

Naegi rushed inside, "Guys, why is the door ope-AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" He also saw Jeremiah. 

"Ba-ba-ba-buuuuuuummmm! A body has been discovered! You know the drill! 30 minutes to investigate, then boom-shaka-laka, trial!!" Monokuma said, then disappeared.

Naegi was confused, but Byakuya filled him in, "If three or more people find a body, the clock starts. We have 30 minutes to find out who killed the victim."

Naegi saw me and kneeled beside me, "Hey, Fujisaki. I'm really sorry about this. I know how close you and him were."

I hugged him, which surprised him. Suddenly, we heard Melody scream, "NO!!!!" We lifted our heads to see her crying and hugging Jeremiah's lifeless body. I couldn't help but cry again. 

After everybody arrived, we investigated the crime scene and I gathered some good evidence. Why is there a swimsuit model poster in the girls' locker room? Naegi and I went to the boys' locker room and saw a poster of a boy band called "Tornado" on the wall. I also noticed a stain on the rug. Naegi looked at me, "Sakura said she spilled her protein coffee after her morning workout. She was confused why there was no stain on the rug. I guess we now know."

"W-who do you think d-did this?" I asked him.

He scratched his chin, "I'm not exactly sure, but we will find Jeremiah's killer. I promise, Fujisaki."

I nodded. Soon, we were called to commence the trial. Once we arrived at the trial room, is when the debate started.

"The victim's name is Jeremiah Rommannof. He was found in the girls' locker room, hanging off the weight set." Kirigiri began.

"The victim was killed with a single blow to the head. Poor fool was dead before he even hit the ground." Byakuya added.

"I bet he was done in with a metal pipe!" Hagakure announced.

"N-no, you're wrong." I told him. "T-there was a bloody dumbbell near Jeremiah's body."

"Oh, duh! What was I thinking?" Hagakure smacked his forehead. 

"The circumference of the impact did match that of the dumbbell." Kirigiri commented. I felt slightly creeped out by how thorough she can be.

"You touched his caved in head?!" Asahina shrieked.

"EHHH!! How brave you are!" Hifumi also shrieked.

Melody raised her hand, "Uhh, may I chime in?" She cleared her throat, "We now know the dumbbell is the murder weapon, but what about the crime scene in general? How did Jeremiah get inside the girls' locker room?"

Naegi began to ponder, "Wait, was he really killed in the girls' locker room?"

"Of course he was. It's plain and simple." Byakuya stated. He glared at all of us, "In fact, it's so simple, I already know who had done it."

"You serious?!" Mondo questioned.

Byakuya pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "This was the work of none other than Genocider Syo!"

"You mean that serial killer? Whatever, brah." Hagakure said.

"Yes. And it is none other than Toko Fukawa!" Fukawa jumped at the mention of her name.

"There's no way! Fukawa faints at the sight of blood, and serial killers are not squeamish!" Asahina said.

"I think it's safe to say she's a Syo and a no-Syo." Byakuya said, mysteriously.

I was so lost, but Naegi clarified it, "The police report says that Syo might be suffering from a Disassociated Identity Disorder."

Fukawa started panicking, saying that Byakuya promised to keep the DID a secret. Sadly, Byakuya only narrowed his eyes, "Be a good girl, why don't you, and let the lady in question do the talking."

Suddenly, she screamed, gripped her long braids, and fainted. I was about to ask if she was okay, but then she suddenly rose from the ground. Something was off about her, like very off. Her eyes were now a blood red and her tongue was waving around. "Guess it's my turn to tag in now, ain't it b****es?" F-Fukawa is actually Genocider Syo?! Me and several others panicked. She smirked, "Well ain't that a kick in the baby maker? You figured out who I am! Behold, the SHSL Serial Killer...Genocider Syo!" She did a dramatic pose, then placed a fist on her hip, "Toko Fukawa's the craptastic name I was born with!"

Ishimaru looked scared, but tried to stay strong, "W-what on earth's gotten into you?!"

Syo laughed maniacally, "Not enough these days, if you catch my drift. Why? You volunteerin'?"

Oogami looked disturbed, "This new persona we're seeing is...nothing like Fukawa."

"And there you have it. Syo had clear motive: to keep her bloodthirsty secret. A secret worth killing for!" Byakuya announced. 

Syo nodded her head in understanding, "Not a bad theory! Kinda clever, for a dude." She then yelled again, "Too bad it's wrong, Blondie! I'm actually innocent for a change!"

Everyone began arguing whether it was Syo. I felt so afraid, yet determined. I know it's not Genocider Syo. But, I don't want to frame him. He may have killed Jeremiah, but he's still my friend! Taking a deep breath, I spoke, "B-Byakuya, you're actually wrong."

He turned towards me and scoffed, "How so? Do you have any evidence that proves me wrong?"

Before I could say anything, Naegi chimed in, "I do. You see, all of Syo's victims were stabbed to death. Not a single one was bludgeoned."

"Why go with blunt-force trauma when I can grab some scissors and paint the town red?" Syo said, even though she mispronounced the word "scissors".

"Also, Syo doesn't tie her victims up with anything. She pins them with those scissors she loves so much!" Naegi added.

"Give the kid a cigar! I use scissors on my trophies. Don't want 'em crumbled into a heap when the cops find 'em." Syo cheered.

Naegi and I were uncomfortable with her statement, "How considerate."

"All that may be true, but did you know Genocider Syo only kills men? Last time I checked, Rommannof-san was a male." Byakuya pointed out.

Hagakure was confused, "Wait, how did the butler guy get in the girls' locker room?"

I didn't know either, but Kirigiri looked like she knew, "Quite simple, actually." We all looked at her for an explanation, "Our victim is not who we think it is."

Byakuya was surprised, "What do you mean?!"

She simply nodded her head, "I'm saying our victim is actually...Melody Rommannof, the SHSL Lovely Soul."

That shocked everyone, even me. T-then that means the person beside me is... "I'm surprised you figured that out." "Melody" said. "She" then grabbed a part of her dress, threw it off and revealed Jeremiah Rommannof in his normal butler clothes. "How did you know?"

Kirigiri stared at him, "Biology, of course. Also, her eyes were dark blue. When I saw you this morning, your eyes were suddenly that color."

He nodded, "Oh. Well, that makes sense."

Syo looked like she was furious, "T-they were cross dressing?! That's so hot!! I wish I had killed him!"

Jeremiah wasn't thrilled by that, "No thanks. Anyway, we need to find Melody's killer!"

I nodded, "H-he's right. So, I'm going to help!"

Jeremiah smiled, "Awesome. Chi, take it away!"

I flinched when I was put on the spot. I can't be weak, not now! I need to solve this...for Melody! I took a deep breath, "Celeste, I remember when you caught me in the store room with a jersey in a bag, right?"

She nodded, "I also remember. What made you bring that up?"

Ishimaru yelled, "I got it! You probably wanted to match the killer's jersey!"

Mondo then spoke, "So, you're saying whoever was wearing a blue jersey did Melody in?"

I started tearing up. I didn't want to admit it. I thought I would be wrong. I guess not. Naegi spoke up, "You should've kept your mouth shut!"

Mondo flinched, "What the...Hell, bro? You tryin' to start something?"

Jeremiah narrowed his shadowed eyes, "No, we're trying to end this charade. Mondo, how did you know that? We talked about the jersey, but never said it was blue!"

Hagakure was confused again, "Wait, so whose jersey was it?"

I panicked, but Jeremiah covered for me, "It was mine. Chi was grabbing it for me. Anyway, we now have a new suspect."

Ishimaru was upset, "No! My bro Mondo would never do such a horrible thing! Tell them Mondo!"

Mondo was silent, but Naegi and Jeremiah decided to press him. "Alright then, let's go over the case to see if we're right or wrong." Naegi said. He cleared his throat, "The crime began when the motive was given to us. Monokuma threatened to expose our secrets in 24 hours, if a murder didn't happen. However, Jeremiah had a plan. Before the day began, he talked to Melody and the two agreed to switch roles. Therefore, Melody was Jeremiah and Jeremiah was Melody. The results were flawless. However, neither of them were prepared for what would happen later on. Fujisaki was grabbing a jersey for "Jeremiah", when Celestia caught her.  She noticed the jersey and Fujisaki hid it in her gym bag. She ran off to find our victim and the two walked in the boys' locker room. "Jeremiah" had used his e-Handbook and was able to get inside. However, they encountered our culprit. The culprit sprung into action, grabbing a dumbbell, and prepared to kill Fujisaki. However, "Jeremiah" pushed Fujisaki out the room and took the blow, instead. Our culprit decided to take the victim's e-Handbook and throw it into the sauna, run off and hide. The reason I know this is because we tried to track her down so we could talk to her, but couldn't find her on my e-Handbook."

Jeremiah added on, "Then, Byakuya walked into the locker room and saw "my" body on the floor. He grabbed the body, used either Junko's or Maizono's  e-Handbooks to get into the girls' locker room and decided to frame Genocider Syo. He used the library lamp cord to tie up the victim's body and used the blood to write the message." He then glared at Byakuya, "You sadistic bastard. Messing with the body and the crime scene to make me look bad, huh?"

I teared up, "Did we get all of that right...Mondo Oowada, SHSL Biker Gang Leader?"

Mondo had a shadow over his eyes, "You're clever dudes, you know? Yeah, I did it." 

Ishimaru was stunned, "I can't believe my bro is...a killer."

"I'm sorry, bro." Mondo apologized.


Jeremiah spoke up, "Because he was blinded by jealousy." Mondo stiffened at his words. "I don't have all the details, so I'm afraid I have to leave it all to Monokuma to explain."

Monokuma grabbed a bunch of giant flash cards and began, "A long, long time ago, there was a little girl named Melody Rommannof. She was considered a sheer beauty to gaze upon, in both the looks and the personality department. You could basically melt at her smile and kindness. However, she had a dark secret. A secret I enjoy very much. You see, her mother was a performer of the arts. She could sing, dance, play instruments, anything artsy! However, this caused her dad to become jealous. He threatened her to quit performing, or else! When she did perform, Melody's dad led them both to an alleyway and shot her mom. This caused something to snap in her mind, grab a knife from a nearby trash can, and go berserk on her dad! When she was done, she was forever scarred by his death, and accepted her fate in the alleyway. But, fate was kind enough to give her a new family when a certain butler/living weapon showed up. He took her in and became a father figure for her. I think I'm getting the hang of all this juicy exposition, so let's go down memory lane some more! This time, we'll see what Big Bad Oowada's secret was. Check this: He killed his own brother!" That scared and shocked us all.

Mondo continued the story, "My brother was like a god to me. He started one of the first biker gangs here in Japan. I wanted to be like him, but he thought I wasn't ready. It pissed me off, so I challenged him to a street race on his retirement party. I was being reckless, pulling off some dumb s***. And then...he died saving my stupid a**. 'Don't let the gang go to hell, Mondo.' He said. 'Promise me a man.' I just wanted to prove that I was strong like him! And then Fujisaki and Jeremiah had the balls to tell me their secrets. I was jealous of them. I was so freakin' jealous! When they came to me, I couldn't think straight. I just grabbed a dumbbell and swung it. When I saw the hooded dude go down, I realized what I had done. But then, I saw a long strand of black hair. I pulled back the hood and saw Melody's smiling face. I crushed her head in...because she was brave. Brave enough to step between me and Fujisaki, just to die."

"But, you didn't want anyone else to know. So, you left Melody in the locker room, grabbed her e-Handbook and threw it in the sauna. You figured it would get ruined when you had your contest with Ishimaru, didn't you?" Kirigiri theorized. Jeremiah decided to leave the trial room.

Monokuma stepped in front of him, "Hold your horses! You still have to vote who did it! Otherwise, you get punished!"

Jeremiah shoved him aside, "Just leave me alone." He used the elevator and was gone. Monokuma began the voting. I reluctantly chose Mondo for both me and Jeremiah. When the results showed it was Mondo, I felt bad for my choice. Even though he killed Melody, he was still my friend.