A New Promise and a Repeating Cycle

(Back to Jeremiah's POV)

We found Melody's killer. It was Mondo Oowada. I felt horrible for two reasons: 1) Another friend of ours killed a friend. 2) The victim was my "cousin", who agreed to take my place. If only it was me. However, I couldn't grieve for long. I walked back to my room and collapsed on my bed, wanting this nightmare to be over. Maybe Byakuya was right. If I can't even protect her, I won't be able to protect the others. I felt a gentle hand on my head. I lifted my head up and saw...Melody?! 

"Please...don't give up." She said. 

I was stunned, "I thought you died!"

She gave a sad smile, "I did. Jeremiah, we don't have much time. You need to stop this killing game."

I shook my head, "How? I made a promise, but it's been broken a numerous amount of times."

She hugged me, "Don't worry. Your vow is still standing strong. You've protected the others, so far. Besides, I made the choice to sacrifice myself for Fujisaki. You haven't done anything wrong."

I began to tear up, "I should've been able to save you, though! I shouldn't have involved you in my plan."

She started to disappear, "I believe in you. Fujisaki, Naegi, and the others believe in you. All you have to do is have hope." She then faded away. I felt the tears run down my face, but I managed to smile.

"Have hope? Okay, I can do that." I affirmed. I decided to make a new vow. A vow to end this killing game.


"GOOD MORNING, STUDENTS!! It is now 7 AM. Also, a new floor has been opened up to you. So, check it out!"

I woke up to the announcement, which sounded like forced excitement. I sighed sadly, "So it was only a dream..." I got up, left my room, and found Chi talking with Asahina and Naegi. I walked up to them and heard Asahina panicking, "I'm telling you guys, there's a ghost in the bath house!"

I was confused, but soon became alarmed when Asahina began dragging me to the bath house. Everybody arrived and waited for Asahina to show us this "ghost". She opened up the locker and revealed...Chi's laptop with an AI of him, well...his head, on the screen. The AI saw all of us and gave a cute smile, "Oh, good morning everyone! I hope you guys slept well!"

I tried so hard not to "aww", "Oh, this is Chihiro's AI."

The AI saw me and smiled even cuter, "Oh, hello Jeremiah! Master told me all about you!  I am so glad I got to finally meet you!"

My heart can't handle this amount of cuteness!!! Suddenly, I remembered something. I typed up my thought to the AI, 'Hi! Forgive me, but I don't believe I got your name?'

The AI read my question, then blushed, "I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Alter Ego, an Artificial Intelligence program made by my master!" He then started floating around the screen, "By the way, I don't see him."

Chi then walked up to the laptop, 'Sorry, Alter Ego. I was behind everybody.'

Alter Ego smiled, "That makes sense. I'm just glad to see you, Master!"

Hifumi started screeching, "It calls you 'Master'?!?!?! This is like one of my fan fictions!!"

I sweat-dropped, "Yamada, no."

Kirigiri started typing, 'What are you doing here?'

Ego read the string of text, "I was tasked with downloading intel from this place to help Master and Master's friends! I hope I'm doing a good job!"

I ruffled Chi's hair and he chuckled. "You did a great job, Chi." We watched everybody talk to Alter Ego. We even witnessed Ishimaru transform to Kiyotaka Ishida (A fusion of Mondo Oowada and Kiyotaka Ishimaru). He then ran off somewhere, but we left him be.

"Well...that was something. C'mon guys, let's let Chi work with Alter Ego." I ushered everyone, but Chi, out of the room. I came back, "Chi, want me to make you something to eat?"

He shook his head, "No, but thank you." Before I left, Chi stopped me, "How come you didn't tell anyone?"

I grew confused, "Tell anyone what?"

"My secret. You never told anyone that I was actually a boy." He clarified.

I smiled, "Because it's not my secret to tell." I go to leave again, but I gave a task to Chi, "Let me know if you find a way out of here." He nodded and I left.


(Chihiro's POV)

I started typing a series of code into Alter Ego, hoping that he'll use it to find a way out of here. Suddenly, the sound of heels clicking on the ground caught my attention. I looked towards the entrance and saw Celestia looking at me. "C-can I help you, Celestia?"

She smiled, "Yes, you can. You see, I couldn't help but notice Ishimaru and Yamada becoming obsessed with Alter Ego. It would be very unfortunate if it were to fall into their hands." She held out her hands, "However, if you let me, I can hide Alter Ego in a better spot. That way, Yamada and Ishimaru won't ruin your hard work."

I grew slightly cautious, but decided to trust her anyways, "Make sure Alter Ego is in a spot where he can't be easily seen."

She nodded, "Never fear, I'm on it." I then left, wanting to find my friends again. I searched the new floor for them. Hifumi was in the art room, Byakuya was just walking down the halls with Syo stalking him, Asahina and Sakura were in the new weightlifting room, and Jeremiah was back in the kitchen. I decided to hang out with Asahina and Sakura. 

They saw me and Asahina waved me over, "Hey Fujisaki! Want to work out with us?"

I hesitated when they asked me. It was bringing back memories of Melody's death and Oowada's execution. I still couldn't believe Monokuma turned him into butter! I shook my head to clear my thoughts and decided to join the girls. I remembered Jeremiah's, well...Melody's, advice and started working out. When I grew tired, I sat down and was amazed at Sakura's and Asahina's energy. How are they able to keep this up? Oh wait, that's a dumb question. I laughed quietly, but apparently, Sakura heard me, "What's funny, Fujisaki?"

Her question had genuine curiosty, but her gruff voice and intimidating build shocked me, "H-h-huh?! I-I-I was just w-wondering how you guys were able t-to keep this up."

Asahina smiled, "Oh, well we have been working out for awhile, so it's easy for us."

"Attention students, there is a new motive available. Everybody get to the gym, immediately!" Monokuma announced, sounding less energetic. Was Monokuma also affected by Melody's death? 

"Well, we should probably see what Monokuma has in store now." Sakura stated. We agreed and headed to the gym. 

On the way, I couldn't help but notice Monokuma's change in behavior, "Um, h-have you notice that Monokuma is a l-little bit...sad now?"

Asahina flinched, "Wait, what? What do you mean, Fujisaki?"

"I mean, after Melody's death and Mondo's execution, he's been less enthusiastic about the morning announcement and the new motive." I pointed out.

Sakura nodded, "I noticed this, as well. I believe Monokuma had feelings for Melody, therefore is in mourning for her."

I nodded, thinking the same thing. It would make sense, since she was the SHSL Lovely Soul. 

Jeremiah greeted us when we arrived, "Hey guys. You okay?"

I smiled, "We were just wondering about Monokuma's sudden sadness."

We heard the bear himself yell out, "Because you kids haven't killed each other yet!!" We looked over to him on the podium and he had a string in his paw. He pulled it and lots of money fell from the ceiling and piled up on the floor. I began to wonder how much there was, but realized that it was today's motive. "Here I have over 50,000,000 yen! You guys want this money, kill someone and graduate!"

Jeremiah shook his head, "Normally, I would take the money and run like the wind. However, in this situation, I'd like to keep breathing. Thank you very much."

After the motive and everybody left, I decided to gather my courage and confront Monokuma. "Um, Mr. Monokuma?" He turned his head towards me. "I-is it possible t-that you liked Melody?"

He flinched, then looked away from me, "....no, kid. I didn't like her." I frowned, but realized that this was Monokuma. He didn't care for any of us. I turned to leave, but stopped when I heard him say, "I loved her." I spun around to face him. He gestured me over to the bleachers and soon began to speak, "When I first met you kiddos, I wanted nothing more than have all of you murder each other. However, when she pleaded with me, I couldn't help but feel...guilty. It was like I suddenly grew a conscience. I was programmed to bring despair to the world, but she made me long for...hope. Just saying that word gives me chills. Anyway, I visited her one night and begged her to join me in my boss' office. I didn't want her to die. I...didn't want her to fall into despair. However, all she did was kiss my head and say 'I appreciate your concern, but I have a friend who needs me'. Even then, she thought about you twerps. When she died, I couldn't bear it any longer. I lost the thrill of despair. My boss, however, was laughing their head off when she died. They kept singing, 'Oh no, Monokuma's girlfriend died. Upupupu!'"

I felt bad for Monokuma. He actually cared for Melody. I, at first, thought he would care for nothing but our despair. Now, I feel like I was the one making Monokuma fall into despair, "I-I-I'm...s-sorry, Monokuma. I d-didn't know you liked her."

He waved me off, "In all honesty kid, I didn't know either." He then stood up and shoo'ed me away, "Alright, enough cryin' and talkin'. You've got some classmates to murder!"

Even though I didn't want to agree, I had to leave before everyone thinks I'm a traitor. I said goodbye and ran off to find my friends. I went to the third floor and found mostly everybody at the nurse's office. "Guys? W-what's going on?" I questioned. Jeremiah noticed me and pointed inside. I looked inside and what I saw...stayed in my mind forever. Lying on the floor in a puddle of blood was...Hifumi Yamada, the SHSL Fanfic Artist. Blood was covering his glasses and his head. 

Naegi was shocked, "N-no way! He was just fine a minute ago!"

Celeste appeared to be shocked, "We're being hunted down, one by one. Just like they were."

Jeremiah glanced her way, but said nothing. I couldn't believe that this was happening again. "It looks like this hammer was used to kill Hifumi." Naegi stated. He held up the blue hammer and it had the words, 'Justice Hammer #1' on the head of it.

"How did a toy hammer kill him?" Jeremiah asked.

Celeste spoke up, "Actually, this is not a toy." She tapped on the head of the hammer, "See? It is too solid and heavy to be a toy."

I sweat-dropped, "Y-you didn't really pick it up."

Naegi told us to split up and find the killer, who could be running off somewhere. I wanted to try and prove I wasn't so dependent on people, so I went on my own. I went to the library to see if I could find something. Sadly, I found nothing. I was about to leave until I tripped on something. I looked at what it was: a loose piece of carpet. I became embarrassed, Of all the things you trip on Chihiro, it had to be the carpet? When I went to smooth it out, I found a small box with a photo inside it. The photo had a picture of Mondo, Leon, and I. We were happy and appeared to be hanging out. That's weird. I don't remember taking this photo with either of these guys. 

Suddenly, Jeremiah bursted inside and rushed over to me, "Chi! It's bad! Come on!" He grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs and found Naegi, Toko, and Togami crowding around another body. The minute I saw who it was...I wanted to throw up. In a puddle of his own blood was Taka Ishimaru, the SHSL Moral Compass. There was some blood on his head, but at least his body wasn't messed with. I gave a sideways glance at Togami, who seemed to be unnerved by the fact his friends are dying.

"So...we have a double murder?" Jeremiah asked. I nodded, for it appeared to be true.

"Was anybody with Ishimaru?" Naegi asked. Sadly, nobody was. We then heard a scream and all of us rushed to the source of the sound. We found Celeste on the floor, unconscious. Jeremiah woke her up and she slowly got off the ground. "Celestia, are you okay?" Naegi inquired.

She nodded, "Yes, but my head still hurts." She told us that she saw Justice Robo and was attacked by it. She pointed at the hammer on the floor, 'Justice Hammer #3'. I asked if she could walk, to which she nodded. Suddenly, Asahina ran up to us.

She appeared to be panicking, "Guys! Somebody moved Hifumi's body!" We followed her to the nurse's office and she was right. Someone did move Hifumi's body. The blood puddle was still there, so was the hammer. Jeremiah decided to check on Ishimaru's body, left for a while, then returned and reported the same thing. Who's moving the bodies of our friends? That's not very polite.

"Guys, we need to find them! Split up!" Naegi yelled. I decided to stay with Sakura and Jeremiah, because- like Jeremiah said -I liked to keep breathing, thank you very much. We searched the pool, the locker rooms, the kitchen, even the gym. By the time we reached the nurse's office again, we were running out of ideas on where they could be. Suddenly, Jeremiah had an idea.

"We didn't check the Art Supply room! C'mon!" He exclaimed. We followed him to the room and found Naegi, Asahina, Byakuya, and Celeste surrounding the bodies of Ishimaru and Hifumi. I was very disgusted to find them here, because that meant someone disturbed their rest. I also thought I heard Hifumi say something...

"A double murder!! Wowee, folks! Okay, you know the drill!" Monokuma announced.

"Wait, where's Kirigiri and Hagakure?" I asked. Sadly, nobody knew. Jeremiah and Naegi volunteered to find them and rushed off. We waited to see if they had any luck, to which Naegi and Kirigiri arrived, followed by Jeremiah soon after. "Kirigiri! Where did you go?"

"Everyone, I have something you might want to see." She told us. We followed her to the pool area and she stood in front of a locker.

Byakuya became impatient, "Why have you brought us here? Are you trying to waste our time?"

Jeremiah scoffed, "I highly doubt that. Besides, you might want to see what she found."

Kirigiri opened the locker and revealed...Hagakure in a Justice Robo costume. "Oh, hey guys! You're not gonna believe what just happened to me!" 

Is Hagakure...the killer? When is this game going to end?