WebNovelS I N38.10%

Chapter Seven

Imani's P.O.V

A month has passed since I started working for Mr.Durant and Mr.De Luca at their company and let me tell you it was pure hell. Juggling the strong attraction I had for them and the piles of paperwork they threw at me was troublesome.

They took the personal in personal secretary seriously, there would be nights, they would drag me to their house to help with the documents, they couldn't figure out on their own and those nights would be the worst. Having them so close in an environment they were so comfortable in was dangerous. For my panties.

Dealing with the accidental grazes, nudges and touches that seem to happen whenever I was near one or both of them left me wanting for more.

Which was a big no, not only were they married but they were also my bosses meaning they were off limits, forbidden, untouchable. Simple, right? I wish.

Thank goodness, it was Friday night and I was spending it over at Izaiah's house as usual, I was getting dinner ready in some biker shorts and a tank top and hair tied up into a Afro puff, nothing he hasn't seen before, when I hear the doorbell ring.

"Izzy, get the door!" I yell out into the opening of the kitchen door, grabbing a knife and some onions, I place them on the chopping board and start cutting them up, when done, I move on to the carrots.

I'm so engrossed in my task that I don't notice the presence of enter the kitchen until I feel a body press against my back, and a hand is placed on my hip, causing me to jump slightly.

Turning my head, ready to curse out Izaiah for scaring me, but stop short when I'm met with the hazel-green eyes of Nazaire Durant. "Smells great princess, what are you making?" My brain doesn't register the question and I'm left gapping at him, still shocked to find the figment of my naughty thoughts in my best friends kitchen.

"I think you broke her" twisting my head into the direction of the second voice, I find Sebastiano De Luca's leaning with his back against the counter near me, His dark blue eyes darken as they roam my figure. "I think he asked you a question, little one"

Shaking away the initial shock I felt, I proceed to pull away, but Nazaire's hand on me tightens, holding me against his hard, defined body.

"Legume and white rice, it's a haitian dish and I would appreciate it, if you were to take your paws off me, Mr.Durant" I answer, thanking the gods above that I didn't stutter.

"What if I don't feel like it" I hear him mumble while burying his face into my neck causing me to gasp. my panties getting wet instantly. What is going on here and what in the world did he think he was doing, especially in front of Sebastiano, his husband of all people.

My eyes glance back up to Sebastiano, and realize, he was watching the whole interaction and seemed to be enjoying it. Rolling my eyes, I finally manage to pull away from Nazaire, quickly grabbing the chopped up veggies, I throw them into the boiling mixture on the stove.

Izaiah's chooses this time to walk into the kitchen, I face him and quirk my brow up, silently asking him, why these two fine specimen were in his kitchen. He rubs his neck sheepishly before answering "Sorry boo, change of plans, Mr.De Luca and Mr.Du-"

"Sebastiano and Nazaire is just fine, we're not in the workplace" Sebastiano interrupts, I notice he had moved and was standing by Nazaire, his arm wrapped around his waist and I couldn't help but want to be part of that.

Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to Nazaire, who clears his throat and continues from where he left off before he was rudely interrupted.

"Sebastiano and Nazaire, have decided to join us for dinner"


"Damn piccola, I'm hurt, you don't want us here" looking over, I see it was Sebastiano who said that, with a look of feigned hurt on his face.

Ignoring him, I turn back to Izaiah, waiting for his reply. "Well usually, I would have dinner over at their place during the weekends, when you decide not to come over but tonight they insisted on coming over." Is his response which I just nod to and turn around, making my way to the stove to check on the rice.

Hearing no movement, I turned around to notice all three pairs of eyes were glued to my behind. "Don't y'all have something better to do then stand there" I snap.

Izaiah quickly turns around, muttering that he'll be in the living room, I look over to the two remaining men, who were in the same spot, they didn't seem they were taking me snapping at them too lightly.

Sebastiano begins to stalk towards me, but stops when Izaiah pops his head back in.

"Y'all coming? The games 'bout to start"

"Yes man, we'll be right there" Nazaire mutters, his eyes still glued to me though, tugging on Sebastiano's hand, they follow Izaiah out the door but not before both of them throw a look over their shoulder, eyes filled with promises of something, I can't quite place my finger on.

Trying to compose myself, I turn back to the stove, it takes me another 20 minutes before the food is completely ready. Heading towards the direction of male laughter, I stop in my tracks at what I see.

Sebastiano and Nazaire were full blown laughing at something that was said on the telly. I finally notice they aren't wearing their normal business outfits. Nazaire has on a pair of fitted black joggers, with a black t shirt that hugs his muscles and has his tattoos standing out beautifully, he still sports his silver locket wrapped around his neck, my eyes trail up to his face, noticing the dimples that appear whenever he laughs or smiles and my heart melts.

I switch my gaze over to Sebastiano, whose wearing grey sweats, my eyes can't help widen at I notice the outline of his well endowed member, continuing my journey upwards, I notice he's also wearing a black t shirt that compliments his muscles and tattoos, he still has his stud earrings in and his hair is disarray from running his fingers through it to many times. Dang, I wouldn't mind gobbling them up.

Quickly clearing my throat, I step forward from where I was standing from, not being able to look at my bosses, I keep my gaze on Izaiah. After telling them dinner is ready, I turn around and head to the dining room, where the plates are all set up already.

Taking my seat at the table, I glance down at my phone, answering emails I have yet to open, few minutes later, I hear someone take a seat next to me, looking up, I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed when I see it's Izaiah.

Putting my phone down, I noticed Nazaire and Sebastiano took the seat across from us. Throughout dinner, there is light banter, I get praises for my cooking and heated stares from the men across from which I can't help but get hot and bothered too.

"So Imani, how long have you known Izaiah for? Sebastiano questions

"Three almost four years now" I smile while looking over at Izaiah who grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"It's obvious, there's some romantic history between you both, what happened?" It's Nazaire who asks this question, and I'm shocked because his voice sounded so cold and his eyes were emotionless.

"We decided that it was better if we stayed friends" Izaiah answers, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Friends my ass" I faintly hear from Sebastiano but when I look over to him, he just raises his brow, attempting to look innocent. "Why out of all those years, are we just hearing of her now?" He directs his question to Izaiah, who I feel stiffen beside me, which unknown to me raises the suspicion of the men in front of me.

"I think that's enough questions for one night gentlemen, I have a busy day tomorrow, but feel free to stay and watch a movie with Mani, if you want" Izaiah announces while standing up from his seat, and grabbing the dishes. "You can even stay in the spare if you don't feel like traveling home tonight."

Looking at him like he's grown two heads, I pray they say they have to leave but luck isn't on my side.

"That sounds wonderful, doesn't it Imani" The way my name rolls off Nazaire's tongue has me clenching my thighs together, his French accent what's my juices flowing.

Gulping, I dare glance towards them to see their darkened eyes staring at me, undressing me.

I think I'm in deep trouble.


What's Izaiah hiding?

Izaiah or Sebastiano&Nazaire?

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Until next time lovelies💋