WebNovelS I N42.86%

Chapitre Huit

Nazaire P.O.V

The moment, Izaiah offered for us to stay over, I just knew that we had to have her. During the month of her working with us, it was torture, wanting to be near her all the time but feeling guilty about it had me going crazy.

A week into the job, I had to pull Sebastiano over one night and tell  him about my attraction to Imani, I was slightly surprised when he admitted that he felt the same way for her. We then sat down and talked about what we would do about it. It was obvious that she shared the same attraction to us as well, her hooded eyes, clenched thighs whenever we were around her were a dead giveaway.

We decided to wait until the right moment, until then we had piled work on top of work for her to do, wanting her to spend longer nights at the office with us, we even pretended to not understand some of the paperwork to get her to come over at night.

Weeks of stolen touches and caresses went before we decided we had to up our game. When Sebastiano found out she loved to spend her time at Izaiah's, we were livid, that boy obviously had feelings for our girl and that didn't sit right with us. I decided to talk to him and managed to invite myself over his house for dinner, hoping that she would be there. Thankfully luck was on our side.

The moment I walked into his home, and I saw her, my dick hardened. She had her back facing the door and seemed to be chopping up some veggies. Her kinky hair was up into a neat puff and she had on a tank top and biker shorts that hugged her ass smoothly.

I wanted to bend her over and have my way with her so fucking bad.

During dinner, I never wanted to murder someone so bad than I did Izaiah. Not only was he acting sus but he kept touching and staring at Imani like she was his girl. Normally I would leave the blood and gore to Sebastiano but tonight wasn't the case.

There was something he was hiding from our women and I knew Sebastiano could sense that too, it was going to our personal mission to find out what it was and if he were to get killed in the process, so be it.

Having dismissed himself from the scene, I turn to look over at our girl, I couldn't help but admire how gorgeous she looked. Her head was down, her dark eyelashes brushed her cheekbones lightly, her bottom lip was sucked into her mouth as she knawed at it. A habit I realized she does when she felt either nervous or shy.

Chuckling lightly, I can't help but think about how she acted in the kitchen, all sassy but now she was quite, fuck, I wanted her so bad right now.

Looking over at my fiancé, I see he was staring at our beautiful girl as well, but when he feels my eyes on him, he turns his sparkling gaze to me, his lips pulling up into a sexy smirk.

Curling my hand around his neck, I pull him towards me, slanting my lips over his, my other hand trailing down his pecs. Feeling eyes us, I feel Sebastiano deepen the kiss, my hand that was on his chest reaches down to knead his bulge earning a deep moan from him.

Our tongues swirls and suck on each other for a few more seconds before he pulls away, eyes dark and filled with lust, he sends a knowing wink my way before turning to Imani, who was watching the whole scene.

My eyes take in her flustered state, her heaving chest to her parted plump lips that are begging to be sucked on, biting my own lip, I lean back, waiting.

"Come on little one, we got movies to watch" and possibly create" Sebastiano's deep voice resonates throughout the room, the last part is whispered so only I could hear.

Adjusting myself, I get up and begin to follow Imani out the door, my eyes trail down from the back of her head, to the deep curve of her back and finally rest on her juicy looking ass.

Glancing back at my man, I see he's having a hard time calming his joystick down, which is quite visible through the material of his grey sweats.

"Who told you to wear those" I tease lightly, leaning my back against the door frame.

"Come fix it amore, since you and our women caused this" His heated glare shoots a shot of heat through my veins.

"No can do papi, we have a movie to create" walking towards him, I lean over and suck his earlobe into my mouth, before placing a wet kiss on his lips.

Before I have him take me right there in the dining room, I turn away and walk out, chuckling when I hear the curses that leave his mouth. Walking to the living room, I see the beginning of frozen on the tv but no Imani in sight.

Making myself comfortable on the couch, I kick my shoes off and lean my head back waiting for both my lovers. Feeling the couch shift, I turn my head to see Sebastiano glaring at me, hi eyes promising punishment.

Before he can act on it or say anything else, Imani comes waking in, freshly showered in a silk grey nightie with a matching robe, that reached her mid-thighs and had the first few buttons undone, showing off some cleavage.

I hear Sebastiano suck in a breath when he sees her and my eyes widen when I notice she isn't wearing any bra. Turning off the lights, she moves to walk past us so she can sit on the couch opposite us, but Sebastiano is quick in grabbing her and pushing her down between us.

Glancing down at her, I noticed her nightie had risen higher up her smooth thighs, and one of the sleeves had slid down her shoulder leaving it bare.

Sebastiano grabs a big blanket and throws it over all three of our laps. Halfway through the Frozen, my gaze kept switching from the movie to Imani, who looked so excited when Elsa started singing "let it go". She was so adorable and I couldn't take it anymore. She was killing me.

Moving closer to her, I catch her by surprise by grabbing the nape of neck and attacking her lips. It took Imani a minute to register what was happening before she started to struggle, trying to pull away, but I held her against me, deepening the kiss.

Sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, I pushed my tongue into her mouth and  I couldn't help the groan that escaped me at the taste of cherries and mint that exploded on my tastebuds.

It wasn't long before she started kissing back, her right hand sliding into my hair while the other one gripped my shirt, moaning she tried pulling me even closer.

Pulling back slightly, i start leaving hickeys and kisses down her neck causing Imani to writhe and gasp, I gaze behind her to meet Sebastiano's lust filled eyes, his hand training up her slightly parted thighs, while he brings his lips down roughly onto hers, stealing the breathe right out of her.

"Damn Principessa, no underwear? You wanted this, didn't you" Sebastiano pants against her lips before diving back in, I lift her gown up until I see Sebastiano's thick long finger stroking her wet pussy lips.

Wanting her naked, I rip her night gown off of her, before she can cover herself up, I grab the ripped material, twisting it quickly so that it was wrapped around her wrists, drawing them together behind her back.

"Let me go, you bastards" she growls, struggling with her binds. A dark chuckle leaves my mouth, my hand pinched her bare nipple causing her to arch her back before sliding up to wrap around her neck. "You're in no position to be talking like that, little one" looking into her eyes, I watch as she bites her lip.

"One night principessa, that's all we need, what do you say?" Sebastiano questions, looking down at her.


Ouuu Will she accept or will she deny them?

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Until next time lovelies💋