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Capitolo Nove

Sebastiano's P.O.V

"One night principessa, that's all we need, what do you say?" I question, looking down at her, hoping with all my heart she says yes. Hopefully after tonight, we would get her out of our systems for good.

"Yes" she whimpered, arching her back, attempting to push my fingers into her wet cunt.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir" That's all the confirmation we needed, running my hands down to her outer thighs, I spread them, letting out a small grunt of appreciation at the sight of her puffy and wet flower.

"Your little pussy is ours, Imani and we're gonna enjoy it" I hear Nazaire husky voice whisper, looking up, I see one of his hands alternating between stroking each nipple while his other hand was still locked firmly around her throat. His lips kissing along her jaw to her mouth.

Returning to the warmth between her legs, I began rubbing my fingers on her outer lips, Pinching at her swollen clit, I forced two fingers up into her cunt without warning, causing her to let out a small scream.

"Fuck baby, you feel so warm and tight" I purr, biting my lip. It took all my willpower not to pull my dick out and break her back.

Working my fingers deeper into her cunt, I watch as she shakes and moans for more. Curving my fingers into a come hither motion, I begin pushing in and out of her roughly, all while Nazaire pulled each of her nipples harshly between his thumb and forefinger, before sucking them into his mouth. Not long Imani is climaxing, bucking hard and trying to move away from my fingers, but I hold her down, drawing out her orgasm.

Glancing up at her through hooded eyes, arms tied up behind her arched back, dilated eyes, parted lips, trembling thighs, Imani was a sight for sore eyes. Nazaire gets on his knees and grabs my hand which were covered in Imani's juices, and feeds them to himself before pulling away and planting himself between Imani's thick thighs.

I watch as he grips both thighs, pulling them towards his awaiting mouth. Stroking Imani's hair to her hardened nipples, I watch as his moist tongue slides from her dripping slit to her clit, nibbling and gently tugging on it.

Sliding further down, I begin leaving a trail of small kisses down her exposed neck as I watch Nazaire's tongue begins to thrust in and out of her dripping pussy, tongue fucking, eating her out like she was his last meal on earth, Pure heat spreads through my body and stops at my loins at the erotic sight.

Imani let's out a scream, to which I slam my lips onto hers, successfully muffling her noises and her body shudders as she squirts and cums all over Nazaire's face who slurps everything up, his dark hazel-green eyes staring into my soul as he does this.

When he's done, he slowly pulls away, but not before placing a lingering kiss on her clit. Sitting back onto his hunches, he slowly runs his tongue over his wet lips and pushes his long hair back all while keeping eye contact.

My cock at that point was just begging to be released from its prison. Getting up from his position, he places himself between Imani and I, turning his head he claims my lips, causing me to groan out at the delicious taste of Imani.

Wrapping my hand around his waist, I try to pull him closer, not wanting to let him go but he pulls away, and turns to our baby girl, who hasn't quite caught her breath yet. Her chest heaving and eyes hooded as she watches us.

Pulling her up so her naked lush body was straddling him, Nazaire pulled at the tie that was holding her puff causing her poofy hair to fall onto her shoulders. He then proceeds to pull her into a heated kiss, giving her a chance to taste herself.

Moving until I'm situated behind her back, I bury my hand into her hair, tugging gently, I nibble on her earlobe and growl out four words.

"We're not finished yet, piccola".


Kinda short chapter but I wanted the other scene to be in Imani's P.O.V

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Until next time lovelies💋