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Chapter Fourteen

Imani's P.O.V

The whole drive back, I'm ranting and cursing them out but they simply ignored me, Nazaire had to sit in the back with me, because I threatened to jump out the car if they didn't let me go.

I was so busy drunkenly chit chatting that I didn't notice we had arrived, and it definitely wasn't my house. Nazaire jumped out and pulled me out of my seat when I refused to move, throwing me over his broad shoulder again before making his way into what I assume was their house.

I'm put down in a room, I turn around about to start ranting again but a hand wraps around my throat and roughly pushes me against a wall. Gasping, I take in Sebastianos and Nazaires faces and both of them are sporting very pissed off expressions.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Nazaire demands and I feel my panties moisten at his tone and confusion sink in.

"I don't know what your talking about, I was out with a friend having a good time"

"You were out with that Culo" Sebastiano's grip on my neck tightens a little more and his jaw clenches.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't majorly turned on by them at the moment, but they didn't need to know.

"You're ours little one. Your forbidden from dating, touching, fucking any other men, you belong to us." Nazaire's deep voice adds on.

Ours? Forbidden? Belong to who? What the actual.....

"Are y'all okay, did you smoke too much of a lil something something?, drink some poison?, inhale some chemicals?" I question, with a raised brow

"I don't belong to NO ONE, and I could see anyone I want, whenever I want, understand."

I don't even wait for a reply, I attempt to get out of Sebastiano's strong hold and succeed, but I should've known it was too good to be true because next thing you know, I'm thrown onto a bed I didn't realize was there and my hands are cuffed and tied to the headboard.

"Baby, you're really delusional, if you really think that," Sebastiano tells me, his legs straddling my legs and his hands planted on each side of my head.

An idea crosses my mind, I run my lip over my bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth, I watch as Sebastiano's eyes darken even more and when he brings his lips down to kiss me, I swiftly bring my leg up and knee him in his crotch. Hard.

"MERDA!" He exclaims, one hand grabbing his baby maker and the other pushing himself up so he rolls off me.

"The fuck Imani!" Nazaire demands, checking to see if Sebastiano was okay. I simply shrug my shoulders and begin to laugh at their reactions. They didn't expect that, now did they.

My laughs come to an abrupt stop when I hear a Sebastiano start to chuckle as well.

"You think this is funny Principessa?" His dark eyes flash up to mine angrily. "I would have no problem showing you who you belong to if you weren't so stupidly tipsy"

I realized that whenever he or Nazaire would feel an emotion deeply, their accents would get heavier, like right now, I felt a shudder go through me and I had to squeeze my thighs tightly to help try cool the ache.

"I don't BELONG to any of you, now untie me" I snap at him, pulling on my restraints.

"Now little one, we've decided to keep you here for a little longer, since you want to misbehave" my head snaps up to Nazaire, who's standing by the bed with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring down at me.

"I'm not no dog idiot"

"Then stop acting like one!" Sebastiano growls out, while grabbing Nazaires hand and walking out the door making sure to slam it after him.

My jaw drops and a feeling of hurt passes through me. I feel tears well up but only a couple fall before I suck it up. I hated being so emotional. I may act tough on the outside but that didn't mean I was tough on the inside.

Letting out a small scream, I tug on the cuffs but stop when I feel pain in my wrist. I don't know how much time passes but before you know it I feel my eyes start to close and I'm drifting off.


Wow, who do you think is at fault?

Do you think the guys went to far?

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Until next time lovelies💋