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Chapitre Cinquiéme

Nazaire's P.O.V

I was as equally mad as Sebastiano, but I was good at controlling my anger unlike him. I knew I should have stopped them both but I didn't want it to seem like I was picking sides but I guess I was because Imani does belong to us, whether she accepts it or not and soon more people will see that.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh?" I asked him, pulling my hand out of his, I didn't like the little outburst of his at the end, Even though Imani tried to hide it, I knew she was hurt by our words and actions.

"Fuck, I let my anger get the best of me" Sebastiano answers, running his hands through his hair roughly "finding out someones after her was already messing with my head, now add seeing her with that boy tonight just....merda!"

"I know that, but you basically called her a bitch" I tell him, groaning as he makes his way over to the couch and sits down, burying his hands into his hair.

The sound of his phone dinging goes off before we can continue. Sebastiano pulls his phone out and takes a glance at it before getting up, grabbing my hand and making our way to my home study.

We both had our own, but Sebastiano preferred to work in mine, like at work I preferred to work in his. He makes his way toward the desk, placing himself in the seat and turning the computer on.

I watch as Sebastiano begins typing away and moments later, he beckons me closer. I look down at the computer to see what was wrong but I'm pulled into his lap.

"This is the file on Imani's family" Sebastiano informs me "Her father and eldest sister died when she was little and her mother lives in Haiti but it seems like she hasn't spoken to her in forever. Imani has been living with her sister, her husband, and two daughters since she was two. As we know they are alcoholics and are deep in debt so they sold Imani off to....."

"...Ezekiel Markos" I finished, the name sounded familiar, turning my body to face Sebastiano "Doesn't he run the south/west gun and drug cartel?" I question

"Yea, he's the one that's been trying to get us to start selling drugs but that shit is to messy and easily traced"

Sighing, I got up from Sebastiano's lap and started pacing, Ezekiel wasn't exactly our ally, he was more of a tyrant than anything, a powerful one but I knew if we were to go against them, we would win for sure. Especially if it had to do with our family.

"We wait," I tell him, placing my hands on top of the desk, I look into Sebastiano's blue eyes.

"Until then, we watch over Imani" my eyes widen at the mention of Imani.

Shit, glancing at the time, I noticed an hour had passed by since we left her. I'm out the door and running towards our room before you know it and I sense Sebastiano not far behind.

When I open the door, I find Imani sleeping uncomfortably, as I get closer, I notice her chaffed and red wrists. Cursing, I quickly unlock the cuffs and pull her body, so she's leaning against my chest.

"Dannazione" my eyes shoot up to Sebastiano to see him looking down, I follow his gaze and my heart clenching at the sight of dried tears on her cheeks.

"I hurt her" hearing Sebastiano's sadness seep through had my heart clenched even more. I haven't seen him so down in so long. "Fuck we were so wrapped up in trying to fix her problems, we b—"

"Stop, stop blaming yourself, it was both of our faults" I tell him

"I'm the one that tied her up" he snaps

"And I'm the one that kept her like this" I rebutted sharply, running my hands through Imani's hair.

I watch as Sebastiano walks over to the side of our bed, to his nightstand and pull out some ointment and wrap. He gently grabs Imani's wrists and starts rubbing it in before wrapping them.

I lean over and grab tissue and wipe away the dried up tears and little makeup from her face, I tie her hair up from her face with my scrunchie and lean her back on to the pillows before proceeding to take her boots, shirt and skirt off, leaving her in her lace underwear set.

I felt my cock harden at the sight so I quickly looked away and switched my gaze to Sebastiano, who walked out of our joint closet with a long, sleeved t-shirt in his hand. He freezes when he spots Imani's underwear-clad body. He throws the shirt to me before turning around and walking back into the closet.

Chuckling at his lack of control, I quickly slip the shirt onto Imani before making my way into the closet. I find Sebastiano's back facing me, shirtless, and only wearing dark red boxers.

"Damn Pa, that ass tho" I tease jokingly, I wrap my arms around his waist and trail my hand into the front of his boxers, before grabbing his hardened, thick length into my palm.

Sebastiano leans back onto my shoulder and I take the opportunity to bite and suck his neck, marking him. He lets out a breathy moan when my hand gently squeezes his cock.

My other hand grips his hair, turning his head towards me, my lips find his in a fury, it was rare that I took control but on occasions when I did, I found it thrilling.

I feel his body tremble and quiver when I untangle my hands from his hair and drag my fingernail over his nipples.

"You like that?" I whisper, nibbling on his ear, while stroking him slow and hard.

"Yes, mio amore, fuck" he pants out, I quickly remove my hand and turn his body so he's facing me and push him into the wall. I slide my lips down his neck, kissing and leaving hickeys as I go.

Without warning, I get on my knees and envelope the head of his cock into my mouth causing his hips to buck and his hands to grab onto my head but I quickly grab them and slam them against the wall.

Moaning as I slide his shaft down my throat, before pulling off and repeating.

"Nazaire....baby..." Sebastiano grunts out, I pull off, meet his lust/love filled eyes and send a wink before getting back to business. I bob my head up and down rapidly, feeling his cock start to swell in my mouth.

Sebastiano arches and throws his head back as he releases waves of his cum down my throat with a loud and satisfied groan.

I pull back, trailing my lips upwards until I meet his, pushing my tongue into mouth, I let him taste himself for a little while before pulling away and letting go of his wrist.

Biting my lip, I step back and watch as Sebastiano tries to compose himself, smirking, I undress until I'm left in my dark green boxers and walk out of the closet. Glancing at the bed, I gaze at Imani's sleeping form wistfully before making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I'm done, I head back to our bedroom and see Sebastiano already in bed, stroking Imani's face softly, the look of adoration and love flicker across his face, warming my heart at the sight.

Closing the door softly, Sebastiano beckons me over and when I'm near him, he pulls me down so in straddling him, his hand travels to the back of my neck, threading his fingers through my black shoulder length hair. He leans up slightly and slants his lips over mine in a possessive yet loving kiss.

Pulling away, he leans his forehead against mine, and looks into my eyes

"I love you, mio amore" he whispers

"I love you more" I whisper back, pecking his lips one last time before crawling over Imani and settling on her other side.

I pull the covers over our bodies and throw my arm over her and Sebastiano. A few moments later, I'm falling asleep.


Things are just starting to unfold y'all, I can't wait 😜

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Until next time lovelies💋