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Capitolo Sedeci

Sebastiano's P.O.V

Sebastiano's P.O.V

I was always the type to wake up early, so I wasn't surprised to see that it was 9:30 A.M. I realized both Nazaire and I were basically glued to Imani, I had my head laying on top of her plush breast, and my arm wrapped around waist, Nazaires head was buried into the crevice of her neck, his arm right above mine and three pairs of legs were intertwined..

The covers had magically disappeared sometime during the night, leaving my lovers and I exposed to the warm morning air. My eyes traveled slowly down Nazaire's perfectly muscled body before switching to Imani's.

She looked so peaceful sleeping, I drank in her appearance, from her messy bed hair, to her eyelashes brushing her defined cheekbones, down to her plump and pouty lips, that begged to be nibbled and kissed on.

My eyes glided down lower and lower, past her breast, that I so badly wanted to rip her bra off, so I can enjoy my time sucking on her nipples. My gaze lingered on the shirt she was wearing which had risen up to her lush hips.

The way her lace underwear hugged her hips and pussy beautifully had me biting my lip to stop the growl that attempted to escape. I had to look back at Nazaire so I wouldn't rip off the rest of her clothes and take her right there, but that failed too because the need to dick him down intensified.

Fuck, having enough, I sluggishly dragged myself from my sanctuary to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I attempted to calm down my raging hard-on but to no avail.

I refused to do anything until I had apologized to Imani for the way I was with her last night. Stepping out of the shower, I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist before making my way back to our bedroom while thinking of ways to apologize to her. I sucked at these kind of things, ask anyone.

My heart skips a beat when I spot my principessa already up, playing with Nazaire's hair but she quickly pulls her hand back when I enter. Merda I wanted her to be comfortable with doing things with Nazaire when I was around and vice versa.

Walking over to the bed, I sit against the headboard and swiftly pulled her into lap so she was straddling me. I take both hands in mine, tracing my fingers over her wrapped wrist. Looking up at her, I noticed her head was turnt to the side, looking away from me, my heart clenches at that.

Letting go of one of her wrists, I gently grab her jaw and turn her head so her beautiful dark brown eyes were looking at me. I watch as her eyes flicker from my lips and linger there before flickering back to my eyes. If I didn't start talking now, I know for a fact that my dick would not have a problem doing it for me.

"Bambino, I'm not really good at this sort of thing" I start, "but fuck, I hurt you last night, with my stupid actions and words, and you don't know how fucking sorry I am. I let my anger and jealousy get the best of me and I promise you, I will try my hardest to learn how to deal with my temper." I tell her sincerely, waiting for her response.

She opens her mouth before quickly closing it and simply nods, attempting to get off my lap but she only gets to rise a little before I slam her right back onto my lap, earning a gasp from her and a hiss from me.

"Words piccola" I grit out, my member was starting to harden underneath my towel due to the heat that was coming from Imani's pussy.

She sucks in her bottom lip and shakes her head no, my hand goes up to grip the back of her neck but she shoves me away hard before wiggling out of my grasp.

My face must have been one of pure bewilderment because I hear her giggle from the foot of the bed, she points to her mouth and motions that she needed to brush her teeth.

"Damn Mani, I don't give a shit about that, come here" I demand, her eyes lower as they sweep up and down my body appreciatively. Having enough, I make a move to get up to grab her ass back to me but she rushes out the door and the slam of the bathroom door is heard.

Chuckling to myself, I sit back, and turn to Nazaire, who was leaning his head on a pillow, watching the whole exchange between Imani and I. His dark hair was sexily messed up, his hazel-green eyes were staring up at me with love and amusement and his lips were turned up into a smirk.

Grinning at him, I lean over and claim his lips, rolling him onto his back, I place myself between his legs and grip his hips, biting in his lower lip, I push my tongue past and expertly begin to explore his mouth.

One of his hands reaches up and threads through my hair, tugging on it harshly, the pain causes me to groan and grip his hips tighter. Nazaire arches his back and I grind my stiff cock down into his, and I'm rewarded with his sweet moans.

Turning my head, I see Imani entering the room fresh out of the shower, her wig was gone and she had her natural hair out, but only it was wet and curly, the towel she had on was wrapped around her tightly and only reached her mid-thighs.

"Damn" I hear Nazaire whisper softly from under me, he was now perched up onto his elbows and he looked enthralled by her and I'm pretty sure my face was the same.

"Y'all can continue, don't let me stop you" Imani tells us with a wave of her hand, her eyes glued to our forms "I just came for my clothes"

"Come here little one" Nazaire beckons her towards us, I sit on my back on my hunches, and he moves to sit up, not even bothering to adjust ourselves, it's not like it's Imani's first time seeing us like this and it surely won't be her last plus she didn't seem to mind the view at all.

Imani cocks her hip out and crosses her arms causing her breast to get pushed up "For what? What do you have to tell me there, that you can't tell me right here" was her sassy reply

I feel the Dom in me rise, wanting to bend her over so I could spank and fuck her so hard until she cums so many times, she won't be able to form a sentence after. But I push everything down, Curious to see what Nazaire would do next.

"Mon amour, don't make me repeat myself" his accent and voice deepens and I watch as Imani shivers at his tone. I felt like I was going to burst, having both my lovers around me in this state had me in overdrive.

Biting my lip, I watch as Imani begins to walk towards us, her hips swaying softly.

Once she's a couple feet away, she stops and turns right, towards the chair where I put her clothes from last night at. "Or what?" She quips, her ass jiggling with each step she takes. Water droplets from her hair to her shoulders and slide down before disappearing into her towel.

Nazaire is quick, he grabs Imani from around the waist and pins her to the mattress. I smirk at her shocked face but it quickly turns into anger.

"NAZAIRE, I'M WET!" She exclaims, attempting to push him off of her, Nazaire quickly grabs her arms, making sure to steer clear of her healing wrist and holds them above her head.

"Damn baby, that won't be a problem" Imani just rolls at Nazaires response, it looked like she expected it.

"No moron, my HAIR, it's soaking the sheets"

Crawling so I'm closer to her, I run my hands over her legs to her clenched thighs, "So are you telling us, your pussy isn't wet right now, that your not dying to feel our tongues, fingers and cocks in you" I ask, staring into her eyes, waiting for her to lie to me.

"Of course not, and if I were to happen to be wet, it wouldn't be from any of you" Imani's huffs out. I roll my eyes at her stubbornness.

"Is that so principessa, then do tell, who else is capable of such a thing" I question, forcing her legs open, I swallow at the sight of her swollen wet flower. Running my finger up from her wet slit to cup her pearl, playing with it.

Imani let's out a loud moan and arches her back off of the bed.

"I'm waiting" I quip

"Izai—" Before she gets to finish saying his name, I deliver a hard slap onto her pussy, causing Imani to let out a scream.

Her answer and flashbacks of that dick holding our girl like she was his riles me up.

"What the hell Sebastiano?" Imani yells, trying to wiggle free, but our hold on her only tightens.

"Shut the fuck up little one" Nazaire hisses out, he moves both her wrist to one hand and his other hand wraps around her throat and surprisingly she complies.

I begin rubbing her clit, drawing out a powerful yet short orgasm from Mani in seconds. "Does he make you cum that quick?" I growl out and all she does is shake her head no.

"That's what I thought," Nazaire states, sliding the hand that was around her throat down to her towel and ripping it off of her. He grabs her breast and twists the nipple roughly before latching his mouth onto the other.

I move my head between Imani's thick thighs, biting and leaving a trail of hickeys and marks on them. At this point, Imani was having a hard time staying still and staying quiet.

I move my lips higher, inhaling the scent of her sweet pussy, I lick my lips and dive in. I plunged my tongue in and out of her soaking cunt, enjoying the taste of her wetness. I kiss up to her clit, sucking it into my mouth roughly before nibbling gently, while flipping the tip of my tongue back and forth across it.

Imani was gasping now, hands moving around to try to loosen Nazaires hold on her. She wanted something to grip onto but he wasn't giving her the satisfaction.

Pulling away, I hear her whine softly, the sound going straight to my balls. Crawling onto the bed, I lay on my back and unravel my towel, my leaking cock springing out.

"Come ride my face principessa" Turning my head, a smirk spreads onto my face at the sight of my lovers staring at me hungrily.

"Mio amore, while she sucks me off, and I eat her out, I want you to fuck our girl..... hard" I tell Nazaire, licking my lips as I watch his take his boxers off, leaving him bare.

Imani crawls forward over my body, straddling my head, my hands quickly grab her hips and ground her pussy on to my face. Fuck, I could spend the rest of my life under her, I couldn't seem to get enough of her.

My tongue begins snaking in and out of her dripping hole rapidly, I feel her thighs start to tremble and I tongue fuck her harder. Unexpectedly, I feel her hot mouth descend onto my shaft, deepthroating it. Shock and heat fills me causing me to buck my hips. The sound of her slurping and gagging arouses me further.

From above me, I watch Nazaire move behind Imani, prying her cheeks apart, I move my head back, and his fingers disappear from view as they enter Mani, he thrust them into her twice before pulling them out and replacing it with his cock.

Nazaire leaned forward and began pounding into her like a machine, Imanis screams were muffled by the thickness of my cock.

Fuck watching Nazaires cock disappear into Imani's soaked cunt up close was hot as hell. I brought my head up and began sucking Mani's clit. Her juices were running down her thighs and everytime Nazaire would slam into her a wet,slapping sound was heard.

"Don't. Cum. Little one" Nazaire demands, throwing his head back when I suck his balls into my mouth.

Mani tries to pull away from us, the feeling of pleasure intense, but I grip onto her thighs tightly and continue my meal.

"Please, please, please" she cries out, tightening her hold on me.

"Please what mon amour?" Nazaire pants out, his fast paced pounding never ceasing.

"P-Please....me....cum" she whimpers "I can't hold—" her sentence is cut off by her dripping her mouth back onto my cock, gobbling it and swallowing it effortlessly.

I started meeting her thrust as pleasure soared through me. Shit I was close. I kept alternating between nibbling and sucking Imani's clit and Nazaire's balls.

"Sebastiano..FUCK! Imani CUM!" Nazaire yells out, drilling deep into Imani, emptying his load.

Imani legs began to shake on either side of my head intensely. Her low moans became quicker, and she began to gasp and suck me harder while massaging my balls as she cums.

My eyes roll to the back of my head and a loud groan leaves my lips as I feel my orgasm soar through me.


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