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Capitolo Diciannove

Sebastiano's P.O.V

Fuck, I should of been more prepared for this, I know we were supposed to wait for Ezekiel to make a move, but I didn't expect him to show up to Imani's house out of the blue.

What if we weren't there to drop her off, then what? Imani would have been gone. Feeling frustrated on what to do next, I run my hands through my already messy hair and begin to pace the hall.

"Babe, calm down" Nazaire stops me by grabbing my hand "They aren't any different from any of the other bastards we take care of " He tells me nonchalantly.

"Except their messing with Imani, so if they don't agree to leave her alone, the consequences will be far worse than the others." I inform him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

Damn, how'd I get so lucky with these two.

"You know Mani-" He gets cut off by Imani's door opening and her stepping out of her room in a red cropped sweater and black jeans that hugged her hips and ass, her curly afro was down and parted to the side, she looked good, too good.

"I don't think this girl knows how to dress bad" I hear Nazaire whisper beside me, his eyes having a hard time leaving her body as well.

Imani looks up with a cocked brow and notices us "Is there a reason you're staring so much?"

Cocking a brow back at her, I go to say something smart but Nazaire clears his throat and looks away sheepishly and mutters a quick "sorry"

I look over at him incredulously, is he okay?

"I didn't say you had to stop." Imani slowly struts past us, throwing a quick wink over her shoulder. Damn, I'm in love.

Grabbing Nazaires hand, we follow after her, Imani goes from vibrant and playful to tense and uncomfortable the moment we enter the living room.

Walking over to the couch, we situate Imani to sit in between us. Making sure she was okay, I glanced up at the two unwanted "guests" sitting across from us. Imani's sister who I forgot the name of was openly glaring at Mani and Ezekiel was basically eye-fucking her.

"I suggest you either take your nasty ass eyeballs off her and talk, if you know what's best for you." I snap, wrapping my hand around Imani's waist.

"Is that a threat?" Mani's sister questions arching a dark brow.

Nazaire chuckles darkly, leaning forward in his seat, he answers for me "Oh no honey, not at all, it's a goddamn promise."

I watch satisfied as Mani's sister takes Nazaires words seriously cause she gulps and shifts uncomfortably in her seat, glancing at Ezekiel. As if he's gonna help her.

"Son, You've finally arrived, and just in time." It's Ezekiel who says this, his eyes on someone behind us. "Meet my only son and heir, Israel Markos."  Turning around I spotted the last person I expected to see.

That imbecile, Izaiah. I'm going to look forward to killing this motherfucker but damn, what a plot twist, this boy was living a double life this whole time.

"What do you mean Israel? Izaiah, what's this man talking about?" Imani moves to get up, her eyes cold and ready to fight but I hold her down.

"Aww, Sweetheart, why don't I fill you in, you see, my son here was assigned to find you, and bring you to me but shortly after he found you, he fell off my radar, never to be heard from for a whole year." The whole time Ezekiel was talking, Imani was staring down Israel aka Izaiah who refused to look her in the eye.

"But after a short time, I managed to get in contact with him and you want to know what he told me?.....That you were very useful to him, that you were not to be touched, since he wanted you for himself. At first, I wondered why he would want a young black girl but upon seeing you, I completely understand now." He finishes with a lick of his lips and a wink.

I find my jaw and hands clenching and unclenching, wanting to mutilate his face but I refrain from it, that was for later.


Imani is standing now, slowly advancing towards the coward. "Why would you do this to me?, after everything I told you about how that Bitch treated me." She was now standing right in front of him.

"Wow, you honestly have nothing to say huh?" As quick as lightning, I watch Imani bring her fist up and connect it with Izaiah's jaw. Hard.

Izaiah stumbles backwards but quickly rebalances himself, looking shocked. "Mani, List-"

Imani isn't finished yet, she goes to punch him again but I quickly grab her, not wanting her to get hurt, she struggles against me and unexpectedly elbows my jaw.

My grip on her loosens and that's all it takes for her, She out of grasp and attacking Izaiah, sending hit after hit, Nazaire and I have to literally pry her off of him.

Before we completely pull her off, she sends a swift kick to his balls causing him to stumble onto his knees.  "YOUR DEAD TO ME, YOU BASTARD, DEAD!"

Imanis still struggling when I push her onto Nazaire's lap, I kneel in front of them and grab her face between my hands "Calmati"

I never wanted to see her like this again, she was violent when she got angry. She wants to have trouble keeping Nazaire and I in check at all.

I watch as she closes her eyes and takes a few shaky deep breaths, when she opens her eyes, I notice unshed tears.

"Damn, that was one hell of a show, I see what you three see in her, not only does she look good but she fights as well. Let me find out what else she's good at." Ezekiel's comment and the sight of Imani's tears causes me to snap.

I have him against the wall by the throat in a second. "Listen here fucker, you and that cagna, have overstayed your welcome. So I think it would be best to leave. Now." My tone is deadly, I had enough of all their shit.

"I don't think so, I came here for a reason, it's time for her sister to finally repay her debt."

Ezekiel chokes out and my grip on him tightens.

"Give me the girl and we leave peacefully."


Wow, I always knew it was too good to be true😔

Izaiah..I mean Israel Markos was a snake all along. So sad😌

I wonder what's going to happen now🧐

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Until next time lovelies💋