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Chapter Twenty

Imani's P.O.V

I was feeling several types of emotions right now, but the strongest was betrayal. I still couldn't comprehend how everything with Izaiah was a complete, utter lie. He was my best friend, the person I went to for everything. Now I couldn't look at him without wanting to murder the hell out of him and cry.

"It's going to be okay, little one, we got you." Nazaire whispers in my ear, rubbing my arms soothingly.

"Give me the girl."

I feel my body freeze up. "Over our dead bodies." Nazaire hisses menacingly, tightening his hold on me.

"Dad, why are you doing this now?" Iza-Israel grunts out, I notice he now sports a busted lip and bruised cheek and I couldn't help the little smirk of accomplishment flicker on my lips briefly.

"Boy, you must have known that I would've come to collect her at some point, you were bound to leave her ass."

"Why do you want her so bad? Huh?"

"Well, you must know, your mother simply bores the hell out of me, I slept through all the women at our cartel and even got to use little miss over here." He pointed at my sister, who looks down in shame, well you should be, you cheating hoe.

"I needed something....new and that will be her." Ezekiel's eyes looked hungry as they gazed at me which makes me uncomfortable,

Nazaire quickly gets up, and pushes me behind him. "Listen here bucko, you're not going to lay a single slimy hand on her, understand."

"She was sold to me, meaning she's mine, so if you don't hand her over, it's war."

"Then bitch, let there be war."

*3 months later*

"Like it or not but we're not going anywhere, little one. We're here to stay."

It's crazy how I just knew deep down in my gut, that those two weren't going to stay. I run my fingers over the golden necklace around my neck as that day flashes back in my head.

"Then bitch, let there be war."

"Sebastiano, you don'-" Izaiah begins to speak

"Listen here enculé, you're lucky I don't have a gun with me or else you would be dead right now." Nazaire spits out, about to make his way to a crouched Izaiah but I grab his arm, holding him back because if anyone was going to touch that son of a bitch, it was going to be me.

"Are you really going to wage war over her? Is she really worth it?" Ezekiel snarls, his perverted gaze switching over to me.

I watch as Sebastiano brings his fist up and lands a bone crunching punch to Ezekiel's face causing him to crumble to the ground, disoriented.

My sister lets out a shriek and rushes to his side, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the sight.

"Vale più di quanto tu possa mai sapere." Sebastiano hisses, walking back towards Nazaire and I.

"I want all you pieces of shits gone. Now."

Nia hoists up Ezekiel, wobbling from having to support almost all his weight on her. She looks over at Izaiah, expecting him to help her out but he just sits there.

"Eske sa ou reyelman vle?" She speaks up for the second time tonight and I feel anger at her dumb question. [Translation: Is that what you really want?]

"Mwen pa gen okenn chwa! ou te lakoz sa a!" I respond which she simply rolls her eyes at.

[Translation: I have no choice! you caused this!]

"Se konsa, dramatik, I had myself to take care of but now...." her eyes narrow as she tells me this. To be honest, I wasn't surprised or hurt by her confession, she was never a family women, always using people around her as if they were her slaves.

"You selfish, old bitch" I grit out, I stalk up to her and grab a hair full of her weave and drag her to the door, she quickly lets go of Ezekiel and starts to shout and claw at my hand, trying to get free.

I throw the door open and shove her out, she stumbles and lands flat on her ass "Rot in hell, bitch."

I turn around and march back to my living room. Izaiah was now standing up but he was slightly hunched over and Sebastiano and Nazaire were glaring at him.

"I want you and you deadbeat of a father out of my house right now" I demand, I couldn't even look him in his eyes, it hurt too much.

"Imani, please let me explain." He pleads, walking over to me, but I quickly step back and point shake my head.

"Out. You've had plenty of time to explain. Now leave before you're escorted." I tell him, while pointing at the door.

From my peripheral vision, I watch as he slowly limps past me, and heads to the door, but stops and turn towards me, "I'll be back, Imani, yes I lied about a lot of things but I would have never betrayed you." He then walks out, the sound of his car from across the street could be heard moments later. Those were his last words to me that night.

"Get the fuck up." I turn just in time to see Sebastiano land a kick to Ezekiel's chest, causing him to groan and turn over, finally lifting himself off the ground.

He grabs onto the wall nearest to him to help him stay upright, and glances at all of us "This is far from over." He slurs out before stumbling out the door, I quickly slam it shut and lock it.

Pressing my back against the now closed door, I slid down and rethink everything that happened tonight. Why? Why now of all times? And why me?

I don't even notice I'm crying until Nazaire slides down beside me and pulls me to his chest, whispering how everything was going to be okay soon and to let it all out. And I do, I let all my emotions out.

When I'm finished, I notice Sebastiano had seated himself behind me, running his hand up and down my back. He must have joined us in the middle of my little break down.

"I think our girl needs some time alone." Nazaire speaks up, his eyes staring straight at Sebastiano. Honestly that was the last thing I wanted but I didn't tell them that, not wanting to appear too clingy.

"Wha—" Sebastiano begins but suddenly shuts up when Nazaire shoots him a look. I get the memo immediately, they wanted to leave, they didn't need all this drama.

"It's cool, y'all can go."  I quickly wipe the rest of my tears and get up from in between them, and they follow suit.

Sebastiano wraps an arm around my waist and tilts my head up with his free hand, so I'm looking into his dark blue eyes. "Don't think for a second that we're not coming back, principessa." He tells me, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful gold necklace that spelt out the words S.I.N.

"Stands for Sebastiano, Imani, and Nazaire baby" Nazaire tells me, taking the necklace from Sebastiano , clipping it around my neck gently.

"We're just going to wrap something up, don't worry it won't be too long, but remember what I said, Like it or not, we're not going anywhere, little one. We're here to stay." He assures and I couldn't  help but believe them.

They looked so honest and sincere, but I should have known better when it came to those two, I shouldn't have been so freaking gullible.

That night, I had admitted to myself that I had fallen for them but I couldn't bring myself to mutter those sinful words that I so wanted to indulge myself in.
