Page V - Music's Refuge

Theodore neatly stacked up the books after he had prevented the accident that was about to happen. "You seem pretty knowledgeable about books."

"Yes. Well... I don't really have nothing else to do in my time." The librarian replied as she tried to cover her face again with the book she's reading.

"We're... the same age right?"

"Yes... Why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering why a person like you is in the library as a librarian when we just basically arrived here."

"My sister... is here years ago. I've been visiting her here frequently... I'm always at this library and the librarian position is open so..."

"You were just dragged in it?"


Theodore realizes that there's nothing to talk about, "I see. Farewell." As soon as he was about to leave, the librarian called out to him.

"W- wait!" She moved the cover on her face off as she stood up to call out for Theodore.


"W- what's your name?"


"I just wanted t- to... thank you for helping me earlier."

"It wasn't anything much. Just be careful next time. Well then."

As much as he tried to avoid talking more, the librarian tried to pursue at him for more. "I- I'm Celaine Edelstein! I want to get to know you more!" She shouted to get the attention of Theodore again, but as soon as she realized what she had done, she covered her face in embarrassment. "U- uh e- eh..."

Theodore let out an exasperated sigh and replied, "I'm Theodore Payne." And walked out of the library with the second volume of The Broken Pieces and the two other books he borrowed.

He looked at the time on the watch on his arms and it pointed at exactly 7:30 PM. It seems that he has been in the library for too long. He walked back to his dormroom. He was hesitant to open the door because of the environment but he did and saw Ray sleeping on the floor. With a sigh of relief, he went on his bed and read the rest of the book as he waited to fall asleep.

The next morning arrived and Theodore rushed out of the dorm.

"HEYYY!!! THEODORE!!! WAIT!!! ARE YOU JOSEPH!?" Ray was shouting at him. He was to get up and catch up to Theodore to drag him to his game but he remembered that the game he's playing can't be paused. "Darn!" He gave up in the end and let go of Theodore.

"Silence and peace, something that I need." Theodore thought to himself. He remembered about Celaine and how he'll be dragged into a conversation. "I guess the library is off limits... for now." So he tried to find another location to read the other books he had. As he travelled around the vicinity of the academy, he heard... music?

As he turned to look for the sound, he then saw the greenery that extended until his eyes could see. Trees were surrounding the entire area. But he was captivated at something else.

There was someone under the tree with just her white blouse and skirt as her uniform was wrapped around her waist. She has a short blue hair and she was there sitting with her guitar in her hand singing a song that was only for Theodore to hear. She looked at Theodore and smiled and continued singing.

The leaves of the trees fell as the wind becomes stronger their way.

Theodore let out a smirk and returned to his blank face and sat behind the tree in which the one on the other side is the mysterious girl singing. As he sat down taking in the voice of the girl who was singing, he sat there silently as he took in everything around him as he read his book.

As they spend hours bonding in a topic-less conversation, they both looked at the distance as they watched the sun set. It was none other than magical.

Theodore finished the book he was reading and was about to set off until he was stopped by the girl. "Hmm?"

"Hey." The girl called out to him. She dropped her guitar on the grassy land with the case on and looked at him directly at the eye.

"What?" He answered in a cold voice.

"You've got one nasty face kid."

"Kid? Aren't we basically the same age..?"

"I'm a year above you so show some respect to your seniors."

"Well then venerable lady, may I please get up and leave."

"Pfft- venerable lady?" She slightly giggled. "I'm just joking being a year above you. We're both first years. You're interesting. What's your name?"

"...Theodore Payne."

"So Theo then?"

Theodore let out an exasperated sigh. But he's willing to do anything to get out of this awkward situation. "Do what you see fit. Well then. I'll be going now. Thank you very muc-"

"Hold on." She stopped Theo from standing up and performed a kabedon on him by slamming the tree with her palm, preventing him from standing up. "Heh."

"Isn't this supposed to be the other way around? And a kabedon in this day and age..."

"Why? You got your heart racing?"

"Instead of my heart racing, I felt like it stopped because I thought you were going to slap me."

"You're one funny guy. I guess I'll tell you my glorious name."

"No that isn't needed. I just have t-"

"My name is Gwyneth Cadence. Nice to meet you. You can just call me Gwen like everybody else."

"Cool." Theodore pretended to read his book just to get away from the conversation.

"How'd you like my concert?"

"It was nice. I guess."

"Hey! That hurts. I guess? Are you serious? Also stop trying to pretend reading that book. Look at me." Gwen used her free other hand to pick up Theodore's face from his chin to force him to look up to her. "You've got a pretty face." She smirked as she looked at his eyes.

"..." Theodore closed his book abruptly which startled Gwen causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. He ignored her and stood up. "Farewell." He immediately left the scene.

"See you around Theo!" Gwen waved her hand as Theodore walked away.

"Can I read in peace..." He thought to himself.