Victoria's Lost Page VI

What was once the room of an esteemed honor within the current political world, is now a desolate wasteland. As broken pieces were everywhere. Conrad sat there in his chair while the desk in front of him is broken.

He was contemplating about what to do. Veins could be seen popping on his head as his blood rose to his head due to anger. Conrad tapped on his phone and began to call on Victoria's number. After waiting for a few seconds, the ringing stopped as it was declined. "I see. So this is how you want to play Victoria. I spent too much of my resources in cultivating you. And now you're running away. Like it or not, you won't be able to escape." 



Theodore walked down the bus and wore the hat as the hot blaze of the sun penetrated through their skins. "Well, I exactly didn't expect this. To think that you'd really choose this. Are you sure?"