Victoria's Lost Page VII

"Its... a different life living away from father. I thought I finally found my own sanctuary. But it seems like he's never going o let me go.

I enjoyed it all. All those small but meaningful conversations. The way I interact with everyone. I thought that everything is just going to be fine as long as I lived peacefully.

The peaceful town, the farmland that stretches out as far as the eyes could see. People smiling and looking at me not as a tool, but someone like I'm a normal human being.

I feel like all of that is just going to go away.

I've only been here in this place for a month, and we've already been caught a week before.

As soon as night struck, Theodore always left me at midnight. I pretend to sleep and not care about it, but I hear it all.

Outside of our home, I could hear the loud sound of flesh hitting each other. The same sound that I heard in that night between Theodore and Ray.