Theodore's Torn Page VI

The pain that I feel from my body from top to bottom became worse and worse as time passed on as I desperately tried to call out to the old lady in my hands.

Everything was going to be alright... I repeated to myself over and over, again and again trying to console myself and redirect myself from the fact.

I couldn't take it.

I didn't want it to happen.

But it did.

I placed my fingers on her neck to try and check for her pulse but there was nothing. I began to shake the old lady's body trying to wake her up. But I felt something different.

I held the old lady's body in my hands, cold like a block of an ice. Her warm blood just spilling out and forming around my hands.

I began to lose control over myself as I began to regret everything that had happened. I felt like everything was my fault once again.

Thousands of questions began to form in my mind trying to force myself to be given an answer.

I began to lose it.