
Ender, for some reason, found himself unwilling to interrupt the two girl's intimate moments. Instead, he stood and observed the scene without knowing what he should do at the moment.

He had received a report containing all of the notable figures in the town before coming here, and he didn't remember the nun. ''So their interaction must be based on real interest rather than benefits,'' he thought.

Sighing, ''Which is something dangerous to do,'' he added quietly. Truly caring for someone was equal to putting them in the position of a potential hostage. Knowing that, Ender watched more carefully Sora and her nameless new lover to figure out the true nature of the relationship.

Still, it could not be said that his pure curiosity was the only reason he chose to watch. Sora, who arouses him more than he experienced when he was young and careless, plus causes his hunger for her to grow rather than diminish no matter how he satisfies their lust, was a joy to watch for anyone interested in women.

After several gentle kisses, Sora lifted the nun's veil to reveal her innocent and shy expression. Although the blonde woman seemed a little too inexperienced for his taste, it was a fact that she was beautiful. Her features were soft, with her little pointy nose and babyish cheeks, she was resembling the young angels that artists liked to portray.

On the other hand, the brunette next to her was another definition of beauty. Her features were sharp, It was like the gods couldn't decide whether she should be beautiful or handsome while they creating her, so they had decided to give her both. With her high cheekbones and sharp jawline, she had an expression that can make people want to beg for mercy.

Shaking his head, ''Praising a woman's beauty. What am I, poet?'' Ender thought.

Still, he set his mind to seek for a spell that targets his mind or heart later, when he has time to spare. Turning his attention to the nun standing up in front of Sora, who is still sitting on the marble bench now, he wondered why he let someone in his bed that he suspects that cast a spell or poisons him.

''I want you to look at me, I like it when you look at me. I like others watching me, but of all your people, I like the way you look at me the most,'' the nun said.

''Clearly exhibitionist,'' the fox murmured but Sora was the only one who heard the fox speaking, so she ignored it.

Getting down her knees, Miran leaned her head on Sora's knees, ''Glad you came. I missed you,'' she said with a soft voice.

''Stand up. You will get cold,'' said Sora. Although it is not snowing right now, the weather was too cold to melt the snow that fell yesterday and Miran was not wearing anything to protect her from the cold.

For once, Miran didn't listen the order and stayed on her ground. ''You never let me touch you,'' she said pouting. ''I want you to feel good too.'' Leaning her face on Sora's lap, she hugged her waist.

''I feel good when you listen to my words. Will you stand up now?'' Getting rid of Miran's grip wouldn't be difficult for Sora. It wouldn't be difficult even if they were both human, Miran had a fragile body in terms of humans.

No need to mention, Sora wasn't a human. Even a subspecies that were weak compared to other demonic creatures were stronger than regular humans. However, meeting disobedience with brute force was not a good way to gain the respect and loyalty of subordinates.

Refusing to stand up, Miran shook her head. Sighing, ''What do you want?'' Sora asked.

Taking her gaze away from Sora's eyes and looking down, ''I want to kiss you,'' she said.

''Why not?'' thought Sora. She took Miran's face into her hands and looked at lips that seemed to have been carved from ruby. ''Go on. But if I hear you make me say something a second time again, I will have to take you out of the temple and discipline myself.''

In response, Miran kissed Sora's hand and lifted her head from her lap. Then, she found the end of Sora's long skirt and started lifting. Wondering what her purpose was, Sora let her do what she wanted.

Since she's only allowed to use her lips, not to touch, Miran touched with her lips on the skin where the boots ended. Miran kissed the inside of her thighs and with every kiss she got a little higher until she reached the panties. Breathing out shivering, she kissed the panties.

At that exact moment, Sora sensed lust coming from someone apart from two of them. Before another moment passed, she had recognized the familiar lust. People's lusts were different from each other like their smells, and Sora was familiar that lust. She looked at the direction she sensed the lust from.

Realizing that he was discovered when their eyes met, Ender broke his conceal and took a step forward.