"So Mr. Gamma... you are a part of my pack now." I grin at him as I stuff my face. This is the best news ever.

"Yes." He responds in a questioning way.

"Hi ya mate!" I link. I see him jump and it is sooo adorable. I start to bounce up and down watching his shocked face. This is great!

"Hello Emily." He links back. I hold in a squeal. I love that I can communicate with him privately.

"I'm gonna have fun with this!" I link. He can't push me away now.

"We are in the same room I don't think that is nessicary." He says aloud.

"I know but now it will be harder for you to push me away since I can link you... oh! And you're not an Alpha anymore so you can't command me... I think I'm gonna like this new Gamma version of my mate." I grin at him. Yes I think I like the Asher version better than Titan. I knew that name seemed off.

He seems to lose focus for a few minutes. My guess is he's either mind linking someone or arguing with his wolf. I play with my mashed potatoes and wait until it just gets to awkward.

"Asher are you okay? You kinda zoned out on me." I ask him. Hes starting to worry me.

"I'm fine... listen. I need to go... we really shouldn't spend alot of time together... I don't want to hurt you and if you get attached to me that's what will happen. I care to much about you to hurt you." He rushes out the words and my jaw drops. He's my mate! How can he not want to spend time with me?

"No... you can't do this again. I am your mate. You say you care about me and don't want to hurt me? Well this is hurting me!" I yell as the anger takes over. He doesn't get to do this! He can't go from sweet and telling me he cares about me to telling me to get lost! He stands up and goes to leave.

"I'm sorry... good night." He says and tries to leave but I'm not letting him get away that easy!

"No! Just talk to me Asher!" I yell as we walk upstairs.

"No. I can't have you getting attached to me." He says walking into his room. I slip past him as he tries to shut the door in my face. How rude! "Please Meme." He starts to argue. "If you get attached to me it will hurt you when I'm gone."

I push him against the door and push myself onto my tiptoes to kiss him. Asher stiffens at my touch but soon has his arms around my lower back. I run my hands through his soft hair and grip tight. Slowly I begin to lower myself from my toes pulling my herculean mate down with me.

We continue to kiss a moment longer before I pull away. He goes to speak again but I don't think I can hear him reject me again.

"I'm already attached you moron." I say grabbing the door knob and slipping out into the hall.

I run to my room trying not to cry before I'm behind closed doors. On my way I run into a chest.

"Meme... hay. No don't cry. What's wrong lil' sis." Matty holds me.

"I'm fine Matty... just let me go." I say as the tears start to fall.

"Not gonna happen." He says wrapping an arm around me and leading me to my room. He tucks me into bed and sits next to me. "Mate problems?" He asks. I just nod and put my face on his shoulder.

"Spill sis... having a mate of my own I am uniquely qualified to help." He says.

"He is just so hot and cold. He says he cares about me then tells me he doesn't want to be around me! I don't know what to do, Matty. I just want my mate and he doesn't want me!" I sob into my big brothers chest and I can feel him growl.

"I'll kill him. That would solve this. I know you like Bane. He has to be better than this punk! How could he say he doesn't want you? The boy is a fool Meme." He rants.

"He's my mate, Matty... I can't help but want him. It just hurts that he doesn't feel it too." I tell him. Crying harder

"Shhhh... hay, he'll come around... I'll talk to him okay?" He try's to calm me.

"Matty, No! Don't hurt him!" I beg.

"I said talk. I'm not Addicus I can control myself." He says.

"Just stay with me. Please, don't tell anyone. Don't confront him. It will all work out." I say and he nods.

"Okay, I'll leave it for now but he better shape up or get out." He huffs. Soon I'm asleep dreaming my mate will love me.