"You're up early." Matthias says as he walks into the kitchen. I stare at my glass of orange juice and nod.

"I kept waking up... couldn't sleep so I figured I'd save Addy the trouble of waking me." I tell him.

"I talked to the boy." He says and I freeze.

"You what!? Matty, I said I didn't want you to!" I whine.

"Its good I did tho." He smiles at me.

"Okay spill. You can't say that and not tell me what he said." I say.

"He loves you. That much is clear. He's just scared." He tells me.

"Of what?" I ask. I mean he is a tough wolf what could he possibly fear?

"He's convinced he's gonna die in this war and he doesn't want you hurt if he does." He explains.

"Poor mate." My wolf whines.

"But he's trying to protect us." I tell her.

"I don't want protecting. I want Mate." She growls.

"Me too." I agree.

"Wow! Little Miss Emily up before me? Did I enter the twilight zone?" Addicus asks as he joins us.

"Maybe... but if were in "To Serve Man" I hope you end up on the space ship." I tell him. It's a classic episode.

"They'd fight over me. I'm just so delicious!" He grins.

"Gag me with a spoon... come on cupcake let's get to training." I say heading to the door.

"Yea yea. I still need my rematch." Addy bumps my shoulder as he catches up and Matthias joins us.

"Who knows what your mate has planned. Hes in charge of training now." Matty says and I stop in my tracks.

"Asher is training us?" I ask.

"Well he is the Gamma." Addicus reminds me.

"Matty." I whine. "I don't want to go."

"You need to confront him. What better time than during training?" He asks and I sigh.



The field is full but Asher is nowhere in sight.

"Where is our new Gamma?" Addy asks Matty and he shrugs.

"Maybe he overslept." I suggest.

"He was up at 3AM. Maybe he got lost." Matty says.

"Or maybe he's here." I say sencing his presence. I look over and see him talking to Uncle Malak before stepping up in front of the crowd of warriors.

"For those of you who don't know I am Asher Frasier your new Gamma. I will be training you for the upcoming war against the hunters. I won't go easy on you so bring your best." He begins and I can hear people around me murmuring.

"Shut it pup! We know how to fight!" Frank, a seasoned warrior, says. Asher turns to him but then quickly addresses  Randy who is running up to him.

"You killed her!" He yells lunging at Asher who dodges him.

"Who did he kill?" Frank asks.

"My sister!" Randy throws a punch. "My family!" He tries to kick. "My pack!" He goes to tackle Asher but like his previous attacks Ash simply dodges. He rolls on the ground and someone helps him up. "He's one of them! I saw him leave my house! He killed her! My baby sister! She was 10!"

Many gasps cross the crowd. Randy lunges for him but the people hold him back.

"Is it true?" One of them asks.

"Let the boy go." Asher commands.

As soon as he is released he charges.

"Focus." Asher yells to the attacking teen. "You want to hurt me? Punish me? Make me pay? You need to control your anger." He charges again. Another uncontrolled punch throws him off balance as Asher dodges him and Randy growls. "Use your anger as horsepower, don't let it in the driver's seat." Randy continues his wild attack panting with tears staining his cheeks. "If you let it control you you will never win. Focus on what you are doing." After that Randy starts to shift.

Once he shifts Randy attacks again.  Asher didn'teven shift! I want to help my mate but Matty holds my arm.

"Just wait." He tells me.

"An unfocused wolf is no better than an unfocused human." Asher continues to coach him. Randy rears up and begins slashing at Asher with his claws. Asher dodges again and Randy takes his fighting stance again. "You won't win with wild attacks." Randy charges. Asher jumps on his back and puts him in a choke hold.

I can see Asher whisper in the wolf's ear but I can't make it out. Soon he releases the boy and stands up as Randy shifts back.

"I'll never forgive you." He hisses.

"I don't expect you to... you want to hit me?" Asher ask. Randy just nods with a clinched jaw. Asher puts his hands behind his back.

"You have 30 seconds. Do your worst pup." He says. What is he doing? When Randy doesn't lunge right at him Asher begins to count down. "27... 26..." before the next number comes out Randy attacks. I watch the boy beat my mate as I struggle in my brother's grasp. Why is he doing this? Stupid man! After the time is up Asher stops the boy and stands back in front of us.

"Now as I was saying. We will start with endurance training in human form. They expect you to rely on your wolf... let's surprise them. I want you running laps. Don't stop until 0700 then get breakfast. Shifting training will start at 1300 and run until 1500 wolf endurance at 1900 until 2000. I assume that one won't need to much work." He explains as if nothing happened. I can see his broken nose from here. He looks extremely hurt but you wouldn't know by his actions or posture.

"We do two a days not three!" Someone yells.

"Not any more." Asher respond.

"We know how to shift pup! I've been shifting since before you were born!" Frank yells.

"Show me what you got then. You want to challenge me be my guest!" Asher says approaching the man.

Frank shifts and stands up to Asher who still hasn't shown his wolf.

"Just worry about yourself." Asher says I'd guess responding to a mind link.

As Frank charges Asher jumps over him and in the blink of an eye he is a wolf pinning Frank to the ground. I didn't know it was possible to shift so quickly.

"What was that?" Frank asks as he shifts back.

"You should be able to shift in under 5 seconds. This way you are not limited to one form. I'm going to make you into living weapons. That is how we are going to take down the hunters." Asher explains to the group. Everyone stands around staring at him in shock. I guess I'm not the only one surprised.  "I thought I said to RUN!" Asher yells and we all scatter.

Matthias leads our group as we start running laps. Uncle Malak joins us for a bit as Asher observes. I don't think he even realizes I'm here. After way to much running I decided to call out to my mate.

"Asher." I say as we go to make another lap. I run over to him panting from my run. "Can I talk to you?" He looks over to Uncle Malak.

"Can you take over a minute?" He asks and Malak nods

"So... Matty talked to you?" I say as we enter the woods away from the men but it sounds like a question.

"Yea." He answers.

"Well I just... you aren't going to die Asher! And even if you are I still want to get to know you first! You are my mate!" I yell letting all of my feelings out.

"No Meme! I won't let you! It will only hurt you." He argues.

"I can make my own decisions Asher!" I growl.

"As can I and I won't allow myself to hurt you." He snaps back.

"I know you want me so stop this! Give us a chance!" I scream trying to convince him.

"I can't... you deserve so much more." He says and my heart breaks. He doesn't think he's good enough? That's Bull!

"I want you! You are my mate! I think I deserve my mate!" I kiss him. I don't know what came over me but I need him to know that I'm not giving up on him. He pushes me against a tree falling into the kiss. After a moment he pushes me away.

"Dang it woman!" He yells. Just then Uncle Malak comes over to us.

"Alpha wants you in his office, Asher." He says.

Asher looks back at me and with a sigh runs off.

"You okay, Meme?" My uncle asks. I just nod and run back to my room. This sucks!