The man at the Lamppost

Many of us like to hear ghost stories. I like it too. In my childhood, I used to hear a lot of ghost stories from my grandparents. And I thought ghosts only exist in fairy tales. Not that I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts but since that day my faith has grown even more.

After office work, I left the office to go home. It was half-past eleven on my watch. Thinking it was too late, I searched for the bus but could not find it. So I started walking alone. Those who were with me left long ago. As I walked I saw there were no people around. I was a little scared in my mind but I started walking with courage. Going a little further, I saw a lamppost. The lamppost is standing towards me like a monster. I noticed a man sitting under the lamppost. Just as I was about to leave, the man handed me his begging bowl.

He said, '' Give me something in the name of God. I haven't eaten for a long time. ''

I said, '' I have nothing to give you.''

After saying this, I left from there. I thought that who in the world would beg at midnight on a lonely street. Also, I heard some spooky facts about this place. Which caused more fear in me. I was about to think about this suddenly a strong hand came and grabbed my shoulder.

I said angrily, '' What's your problem, man? I have told you that I don't have enough money to give you."

It is not possible to express in words what I saw looking back while saying this. I saw a man whose face was distorted. It looks like someone smashed his face with a stone. I have never seen such a horrible and distorted face before. I was even more frightened when he gave me a horrible smile with his distorted face. Seeing that, I started running without a moment's delay. I looked back and saw no one there. When I looked at the front I saw that he was standing right in front of me. Seeing this I became more frightened and started running with my eyes closed. As soon as I reached my house, I fainted. The next day I opened my eyes and saw I was inside my house. I found out that I had been suffering from fever for three days in a row. Then I told everyone what happened that night. Then I asked many people about this. But No one knows anything about this. Then suddenly an old man came and told me that he knew something about this. He started to talk about this matter.

Then he said, '' The body of a British Bengali boy was found hanging in a lamppost in the 1800s.''

I said, ''Did he commit suicide?"

He said, ''I can't say for sure whether it was suicide or murder.''

I said, '' Murder.''

He said, '' Yes, murder. Many say it's murder. I think so too. ''

I said, '' Why do you think so?''

He said, '' Because as far as I heard, his face was crushed with something heavy. As far as is known, his stepmother was involved in the incident.''

I said, '' How did you know it was his stepmother's scheme?''

He said, '' No it's not just my idea it was everyone's idea. Because it is known that he had a quarrel with his stepmother before his death.''

I said, '' Do you know why the quarrel took place?''

He said, ''I think, only for the property.''

I said, '' Just for the property.''

He said, '' Maybe. ''

I said, '' Then what happened to his stepmother.''

He said, '' She was imprisoned but However, she was released within a few days as no evidence was found.''

I said, '' Is she was the murderer? ''

He said, '' I don't know so much, I'm just saying what I've heard.''

I said, '' Oh, thank you.''

After the conversation, he left. Now I understand what actually happened. From then on I came home early. From then on, I never go to that street of that lamppost again. History has not yet revealed what actually happened to that person and what happened there at the lamppost. Is it murder or suicide?

~~~~~~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~