The City Of Deads

It's a long and lonely night. Daniel was on his way home after celebrating his friend's birthday. While driving, he suddenly saw someone standing at a distance. He could not see well because of the darkness. Going a little farther, he saw someone in a white dress standing in front of his car.

Daniel: "Who are you? Why are you standing in front of my car?"

No answer came from that person.

Daniel: "What do you want?"

Now that person began to look back. Seeing him, Daniel became frightened and started driving fast. While driving fast, he looked back and saw the man running after him as well. Suddenly the car stopped at an unknown place. He tried hard but could not drive. He thought that the man was still chasing him. Then he looked back and saw no one else there. Thinking it was too late, Daniel looked for a place to stay. While searching for a place to stay, he found a house. He noticed that the house was quite large and old. He could not see the house well because it was night. As soon as he entered the house, he was surprised. He noticed that the house was very old on the outside but quite new on the inside. He felt as if someone had cleaned the inside. He thought that since the house is clean so surely someone lives here. Thinking this, he started calling.

Daniel: '' Is anyone here? ''

Daniel called again, '' Is anyone here? ''

Now he could hear someone's footsteps. He saw someone coming down the stairs and he's coming towards him. Seeing Daniel, the man asked______

The Man: '' Who are you and why did you come to my house? ''

Daniel replied, '' Actually I am stuck in this place and it's late-night so I'm looking for a place to stay. Can I spend the night here if you don't mind? I will leave in the morning.''

The Man: '' I have no complaints. You can stay here. You must have come from far away and you're very tired and hungry now, aren't you? ''

Daniel: '' Yes.''

The Man: '' First, wash your hands and face then I will bring some food for you. ''

After Daniel finished eating, the man showed him the bedroom. Thinking he had to get up in the morning, Daniel fell asleep early. Sometime later, he woke up after hearing some strange noises. He peeks in and is frightened by what he sees. He saw that all the members of the house were coming towards him and One by one, everyone is now turning into a skeleton. Seeing this, he did not stand there and immediately fled from there. As he ran he saw that he had come a long way. Going a little farther, he saw a hotel. He entered the hotel. Seeing his condition, the hotel manager came running and asked what happened to him?. With a little rest, Daniel began to tell the hotel manager all the facts. The hotel manager heard his story and understood everything and told him___________

Hotel Manager: '' A few days ago, all the members of that house died suddenly.''

Daniel: '' Died suddenly, how is that possible? ''

Hotel Manager: '' In fact, they are not the only ones who died suddenly.''

Daniel: '' What do you mean? ''

Hotel Manager: '' And yes one more thing. "

Daniel: '' What is it? ''

Daniel now noticed a horrible smile on the hotel manager's face. Now the hotel manager began to speak in a strange tone__________

Hotel Manager: '' In fact, it's not just a matter of that house, those who come to this place never go back. "

Saying this, the hotel manager slowly started coming towards him. Now Daniel began to step back and said_________

Daniel: '' What do you mean and why are you coming to me? "

Now the hotel manager began to say______

Hotel Manager: '' All the dead people live here. No living people live here. Those who come here die. I am also one of those dead. Only the dead people live here. Because this is the city of the dead. ''

After hearing this, Daniel's eyes began to close. He tried hard to survive but all was in vain. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes he saw someone's devilish smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~