The Torture

The boy cried and said, "Please let me go. Why are you doing this to me? What have I done?" After saying this, the boy lost his consciousness.

Discussion between two doctors________

Doctor Lyon: '' We need to finish this work soon."

Doctor Ken: '' But I don't think it's right to finish the job so soon. Because if we take so much blood from his body, the boy will die. So we have to finish the job slowly. And we also need to see the condition of his body. I think we should stop now."

Doctor Lyon: '' No, we should take more blood. How dare you say that? Don't you know how precious his blood is? His blood is very rare. This type of blood is not found anywhere. We will become rich by selling this type of blood."

A nurse rushed to the doctor___________

The Nurse: '' Doctor, the boy's condition is very bad. Please come quickly. "

Doctor Lyon and Ken ran towards the boy_______

Dr. Ken examined the boy's pulse and sighed, saying, "He's dead."

Doctor Lyon: " How is it possible that the boy died so early."

Doctor Ken: " This is possible because of the amount of blood that was taken from his body so it's normal for him to die. He died due to anemia. What will you do now?"

Doctor Lyon: " What else to do now? I will continue with his limbs. "

Doctor Ken: " What do you mean? "

Doctor Lyon: " What else? I will sell his limbs. Now he will not be of any use to us. "

Doctor Ken: " Does his parents know anything about this? "

Doctor Lyon: " How else will they know? I told them that your son had died of a serious illness and they believed me."

They then buried him next to the hospital. From then on, nothing was normal in that hospital. No patient was harmed there. However, the doctors and nurses there have suffered. They disappear from there and their mutilated bodies were found the next day. From then on people started feeling uncomfortable to go there. Since then the place has been abandoned.

Many years later______________

'' My name is Rudolph. I am a second-year student of Belgaria Medical College. I am just an average student. Today a special event will be held on our college campus. I'm really excited about this. I was thinking about this then suddenly a hand grabbed my neck."

Rudolph: '' Aaaah! Who the hell did that? "

A guy: " Have you forgotten me? bro. "

Rudolph: " Jacob! Why did you do that? That hurts."

Jacob: " After a long time we met, how have you been? Have you heard that a special event will be held today? "

Rudolph: " Yes."

Jacob: " Today will be a lot of fun. I'm really excited about this. By the way, where is Selena? Didn't she come today?"

Rudolph: " I don't know, I think she enters campus before us."

" Saying this, we enter in our college. There we meet Selena. After talking for a while, we sat down in our respective seats. Now the ceremony begins. Our instructor gave us a little lecture and also told us about our first mission. Our instructor has divided us into groups. My friends and I are in the same group. There are also three classmates have been added in our group. We became familiar with them. In total there are 6 members in our team. Selena, Jacob, Rihana, Matthew, Ray, and me. Our group will go on the first mission. But I don't know why I have a bad feeling about this mission. I was thinking about this then Jacob started to tell a story."

Jacob began to speak in a creepy voice, " Now I will tell you a story. This is not a false story, it is a true story. There is a hospital on the way of our mission. This is the story of that hospital where some unusual things happened. The name of that hospital is William Fort Hospital. It is said that it was established in the 1700s. There are rumors that doctors and nurses have disappeared from there. And the next day their crushed bodies were found.

Selena and the others shouted.

Selena began to say, '' JACOB! Why are you telling us such terrifying stories? You're done now."

Saying this, Selena punched Jacob.

'' I laughed a lot to see their reaction. Actually me, Selena and Jacob are childhood friends. So it's normal for us to fight. Jacob was often beaten by Selena."

" Suddenly I don't know why I asked Jacob about that hospital."

I said to Jacob, "What was actually happened there?"

Jacob said, " I don't know more than that. I said as much as I knew. "

'' Time passed like this. After finished our chatting, we went home. "

"At the end of dinner, I packed everything I needed. I fell asleep thinking I had to wake up in the morning."

" Huh, Where am I? What is this place? How I came to this place? What's that sound?"

" I looked back and saw a little boy. I think he will be around 10 years old. I asked him, "Who are you and where am I?"

" He didn't reply. Then he pointed me to look backward. I looked back and saw something unusual. I saw the corpse of my friends. I saw that they had died in a very bad way. I woke up immediately after seeing this. "

Rudolph: " *Pant* What was that? It must be a nightmare. Then I quickly called Jacob."

Rudolph: " Hey Jacob, Are you still awake? "

Jacob: " *Yawn* Why, do you need anything? "

Rudolph: " No, nothing. A while ago, I saw a nightmare. "

Jacob: " And, what was it? So what did you see in the dream? "

" I started telling Jacob everything. "

Rudolph: " So what do you think? I have a bad feeling about this mission. I think it's better not to go there."

Jacob: " Hmm, I understand what you're trying to say but it's just a dream. Don't worry about this. I think you dreamed something unusual because of fatigue. I think it's your imagination. Now sleep. You have to get up in the morning. "

Rudolph: '' Maybe you're right. It's just my imagination."

" I fell asleep saying nothing more."

The next day ___________

Jacob: " Woohoo. Today will be a lot of fun. Don't you think so, bro?"

Rudolph: " Yep."

Jacob: " Where is everyone? "

" Suddenly a call came from behind. "

Rudolph: "Oh, it's Selena's voice. She is calling us."

Selena: " Hey, Jacob and Rudolph. We are here."

" The two of us went to her. I saw that everyone was present."

Selena: " Where have you two been for so long? We were looking for the two of you. However, the bus will leave now. So get on the bus."

" We got on the bus. Then the bus started moving at its own speed. The place we are going for our mission is far away. We'll get there at night. In the meantime, we were all having fun inside the bus. Many times passed. Suddenly the bus stopped. We thought that we arrived at our destination. Suddenly I told the bus driver."

Rudolph: " Have we arrived?"

Bus Driver: "No, the car is not moving."

Rudolph: " Try again then."

Bus Driver: " I'm trying but nothing is happening."

Rudolph: " I think that the car has run out of oil."

" I saw that the car really ran out of oil. The driver of the car went to fetch oil. We waited for him. Time passed and it was almost evening but we could not find the driver anywhere."

Rihana: " Where is the driver? Why he hasn't come yet? "

Ray: " Yes, Where is the driver?"

Jacob: " Calm down, he will come. Why worrying? He will come back soon. Maybe he's stuck somewhere."

Matthew: "Yes, nothing to worry about. He will come back soon."

Selena: " Well, I understand he will come, but we have to make arrangements to stay. I don't see any hotel near here. Then where will we spend the night? Now we need to find a place to stay. "

Rudolph: " You're right, Selena. We need to find a place to stay."

" We start looking for a place to stay."

A few minutes later,

Rudolph: " Argh, I can't find anything. Has anyone found a place to stay?"

" Suddenly I heard Matthew's voice. He said he got a place to stay."

Mattew: "I found a place to stay."

Selena: " Where?"

Matthew: " Follow me."

" When we reached there, we saw a big building. We couldn't see anything because it was dark. Then Ray pushed the door. "

" *Creak* "

" Selena started to say as soon as she entered________"

Selena: " It's too dark here, I can't see anything. Does anyone have a flashlight?"

Rudolph: " No, I don't have a torch. Does everyone else have a torchlight?"

They said, "No. We don't have any torchlight with us."

Rihana: " Then use the mobile flashlight."

" When we about to turn on the torchlight of our mobile, we see that there is no charge on our mobile phone. We were all surprised to see this."

Ray: " Huh, My mobile was charged, then why is it shows that there is no charge on my phone? Very suspicious."

Jacob: " Hey, mine too."

Rudolph: " What should we do now? "

Matthew: " Don't worry, I'll see if I can do something. I will go out and see if I can find anything to enlighten."

" After saying this, he left."


Matthew: " Tsk-tsk, Why did I come here? I wish I could stay at my house now. That would be great."

A little further ahead,

Matthew:" Oh I found some woods. Wait, What's this? A grave. Whose grave is it? Why there is no name written in this grave? "

" Suddenly a hand came from the grave and took Matthew inside the grave."

Matthew: " Aaaah! Somebody help me."

Rihana: " Isn't that Matthew's voice? I think he is in trouble."

Selena: " I think so too."

Rudolph: " I think he needs help. We need to help him."

" When we were running towards him then immediately the door slammed shut. We tried but could not open the door."

Jacob: " Damn! The door is not opening. What should we do now?"

Rudolph: " Is there another door to go outside?"

Jacob: " Wait, let me see."

" A few minutes later, Jacob came to us and said that he had found a door but it was not going to open at all."

Selena: " It's weird. Why no door is opening? "

Ray: " What should we do now?"

Rihana: " What else to do? There is no other way but to sit. Now we have to wait until morning."

Rudolph: " Yes, You're right. We have to wait."

Rihana: " But Matthew is still out. He needs our help. "

Ray: " How will we help him? We are also trapped in here."

Jacob: " We should all fall asleep without talking so much. Everyone has to get up in the morning, right?"

Rudolph: " Yes, It's too late. Let's sleep now. "

" We entered a room next to us. I saw that the room is quite big."

Jacob: " We have to spend the night in this room."

Selena: " Ugh, So much dust here. Looks like this room hasn't been cleaned for a long time."

Jacob: " Clean the place and go to sleep."

Rudolph: " The place looks very strange to me. Isn't it, Jacob?"

Jacob: " Yes."

Rudolph: " It seems like a hospital room. It looks like that hospital. Which you were talking about before. Is it really that haunted?"

Jacob: " I am saying what I have heard from people's mouths. However, let's sleep now."

A few hours later,

Ray: " I need to go to the washroom. Damn! Where is the washroom? Huh, A kid. Wait a minute, Isn't it strange? How did a kid come at this old and abandoned building and what's he doing at this hour? I have to find out. Hey, kid. Where are you from? And what are you doing here? Don't you know that coming here alone at this time is very dangerous for you?"

The boy said, " Umm... I live here."

Ray: " What the hell are you talking about? Have you ever seen someone live in such an old building? You must be lying."

The boy: " No, I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth."

Ray: " Maybe he is telling the truth. Maybe he lives here with his parents. Anyway, can you show me where the washroom is?"

The boy: " Ok, just follow me. Here is the washroom."

Ray: " Thank you."

A few minutes later,

Ray: " Ah ... I feel refreshed now. Huh, You haven't gone yet."

The boy: "....."

Ray: " What's the matter, why aren't you talking?"

The boy: * smirk *

Ray: " Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"The boy lifted him into the air and threw him down very hard. As a result, all the bones in his body were broken and crushed. His body was then dumped inside the commode."

Next day,

Selena shouted, " Aaaah! "

Rudolph: " * rush * What happened? "

" She pointed her finger in that direction. I looked in that direction where Selena was pointing. Then I saw something horrible."

Rudolph: " How is this possible? How did it happen? "

Selena: " I don't know. I came to the washroom to wash my face and then I saw this."

" Jacob and Rihana also came after hearing our voices."

Jacob: " * Yawn* Why so much fuss? What happened?"

Rihana: " Yes, What happened?"

Selena: " * sob* RAY."

Jacob: " What happened to Ray?"

" We showed them Ray's body. They were shocked to see it."

Rihana: " Who did this? Who killed Ray so ruthlessly? I don't think anything is normal in this building. First Matthew then Ray. What's going on here? We should leave now. "

Selena: " But Ray."

Jacob: '' Rihanna is right. We should leave now."

Selena: " Why no one has come looking for us yet."

Rudolph: " Don't know. But Let's get out of here."

" We went to the door again. We tried again to open the door but unfortunately, it did not open. "

Jacob: " * sigh* The door is still not open. What to do now?"

Rihana: " Damn! If I had some charge on my mobile then I could call someone now."

Rudolph: '' There is no point in regretting now. We need to find a way."

Jacob: " We searched a lot but we couldn't find a way out."

Selena: " What should we do now?"

Rihana: " What else? We will have to stay here again until we find a way. How good it would be If I were at home now."

Jacob: '' Let's see if we can find anything by searching again."

Rudolph: " Then we should separate our ways now. I should check the north now."

Selena: " Then I should go to the south."

Rihana: " Then I should go upstairs."

Jacob: " Then I stay here. Let's see if I can find anything here."

" Then we search again to see if we can find a way out."

Rihana: " *pant pant* How many more stairs do I have to climb? I am very tired right now. Finally, I arrived. Hmm, This place is almost in ruins. Huh, A room. I think I can find something there. Suddenly, why do I feel dizzy now? Huh, Where am I? Wait a minute, If I recalled my memory, I saw this place was a complete mess. By the way, why does it look like an operation room? How did the doctor come to such a place? Wait a minute, what are they doing here? Wait, what? Why are they taking so much blood from that kid? I need to stop them. Huh, What's going on? Why my surroundings are getting blurred? "

A mysterious voice: '' Rihana, please help me."

Rihana: ''Who is behind me? Who is calling me? "


Rihana: '' Who are you? Why are you calling me?"

A boy: " Rihana, please help me."

Rihana: " How do you know my name?"

A boy: " RIHANA''

Rihana: " No, don't come here? Help me. Please somebody help me. Jacob, Rudolph, Selena, where are you guys? Please help me. "

A boy: " Found you, Rihana."

Rihana: " Aaaah! "

Jacob: " Hey, Rihana. Wake up. "

Selena: " Please wake up, Rihana."

Rihana: " * pant* "

Rudolph: " Are you okay. Rihana"

Rihana: " What happened to me? "

Rudolph: " Don't know. We found you unconscious here."

Jacob: " What happened here? Rihana."

Rihana: " Umm... Now I remember. I was exploring this place. Then I saw a room nearby. As soon as I entered the room, I felt a little dizzy then. What I saw then was one of the scariest moments of my life. "

Jacob: " So what did you see? Tell us all the facts."

" Then Rihana told us all the facts. We were shocked after hearing that from her."

Jacob: '' Can you tell me exactly what the boy looks like?"

Rihana: " I couldn't see his face clearly so I can't say for sure. By the way, What time is it now?"

Jacob: " It's 6 o'clock on my watch."

Rihana: " Have I been unconscious that long? "

Jacob: " Yes, We tried to wake you up but you didn't wake up."

Rudolph: " Anyway, let's eat something now. I'm very hungry right now. Does anyone have some food?"

Jacob: " I have some drinks with me. I have some soda & some juice with me."

Rihana: " I have some biscuits."

Selena: " I have a chocolate bar."

Rudolph: '' And I have some chips with me."

Jacob: '' That's great. At least there is something to eat."

Rudolph: " So let's eat now."

" We talked a lot while eating our meals. Thus some time passed."

Jacob: " *burp* My stomach is full.

Rudolph: " Me too."

Selena: " Now that we have finished eating, we need to fall asleep."

" Then we went to sleep."

Rihana: " * huff * Why am I having that nightmare again and again. Why am I seeing it again? What is the reason behind this? Shit! My head hurts. What time is it now? So it's three o'clock at night now. Anyway, I'm very thirsty now. Where is the water? Damn! There is no water here. Now I have to go to the kitchen to get some water."

Jacob: " Huh, Rihana. Where is she going at this time? I need to follow her."

Rihana: "Today has been a frustrating day for me. By the way, where is the kitchen? Huh, there it is. Let's see, If I can find some water here. I found it."

Jacob: " Oh, she wakes up to drink water. *phew* I wondered what might be happened to her? I think I'm really worried about her. Now that I know the matter, I should sleep now. Wait, no, I shouldn't go now. If she faces any kind of danger later. I need to observe a little more. Huh, who's that? A kid. Wait a minute, Why is he holding a knife? Don't tell me, She is really in trouble. I need to do something."

Rihana: " Huh, Why do I hear someone's footsteps? But I know that everyone is sleeping now. Oh, I see. Someone seems to have wakes up to drink water. But why do I have a bad feeling about this? "


Rihana: " What's going on? Why do I hear that voice again?"

A mysterious voice: " RIHANA."

Rihana: " No, you again. What have I done to you that you are following me? Please don't kill me. Please, I beg you. Noo...Aaaah! "

Jacob: " RIHANA. Oh, shit. He noticed me. I have to run."

* rushing*

Jacob: " * pant pant* Wake up Rudolph, Selina."

Rudolph: " *Yawn* What happened, Jacob?"

Selena: " Yes, What happened? Why did you wake us up? How comfortably I was sleeping? "

Jacob: " Now is not the time to sleep. We should get out of here quickly."

Rudolph: " Calm down, bro. Now tell me what happened."

Jacob: " Now is not the time to relax. He is coming."

Rudolph: '' Who is coming? Who are you talking about?"

Jacob: " The boy Rehana was talking about earlier is coming."

Rudolph: " What? By the way, where is Rihana?"

Jacob: " She is dead. That boy kills her brutally with a knife. He was repeatedly stabbing her in the same place. He then inserted several knives into each part of her body and stuck her to the wall."

Rudolph: " What are you saying?"

Jacob: " I'm telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes."

Selena: "*boo-hoo* He will kill us now."

Rudolph: " Don't cry, Selena."

Jacob: " Now is not the time to talk. He will be here soon. We need to run."


Jacob: " Not good, We need to run. Hurry Rudolph and Selena."

* rush*

Rudolph: " Oh god, I don't want to be trapped here forever."

Jacob: " Shit. The door is still closed. We need to open this door by any means."

Rudolph: " The door is jammed. What should we do now?"

Jacob: " Wait, let me see. I found something heavy that could break this door."

Rudolph: "Good. Now we need to break it."

* smash*

Jacob: " The door is finally broken."

Selena: " Aaaah! Help me. My legs are stuck."

Jacob: " Hurry, Selena."

Selena: "But my legs are stuck in something heavy."

Rudolph: " SELENA! Look behind you."

Selena: " huh?."

Jacob: " Look out, Selena."


" After Jacob pushed Selena, a big black hand came and grabbed Jacob."

Rudolph: " No, Jacob."

Jacob: " Don't worry about me. Get out of here quickly."

Rudolph: " * sob* Why did you do this? My friend. "


" Then that hand took Jacob inside and then the door closed again."

" Then we left the place as soon as possible without a moment's delay. Then the rescue team came and rescued us. In that situation, I was able to control myself but Selina became mentally unbalanced after this incident. "

" And, yes, I was shocked to see one thing and that is that hospital. This is not an ordinary hospital, it was a paranormal hospital. I was even more surprised to see the name of that hospital. Do you know what's the name of that hospital? This is that hospital that Jacob mentioned. "


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~