Chapter 172 - Jiang Mochen: Wearing a couple outfit

To accompany QiQi on his birthday, Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen are about to start their second recording. QiQi is still in the excitement of just celebrating their birthday, and seeing them both are going to leave, they are very reluctant. Yan QingChi hugged him and coaxed for a while, and promised that they would come back after ten days. QiQi reluctantly agreed, breaking his fingers and drawing the calendar, waiting for them to come back.

In order to divert his attention, Jiang Mu always used YanYan to tease him. QiQi played with YanYan without teasing and teasing. Ten days passed in a blink of an eye. When Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen came back, they found that their eldest son had long forgotten their unwillingness when they left. He was playing with the younger son. One ran fast in the front, and the other crawled and chased behind. Both laughed. See the teeth but not the eyes.

Seeing them come back, QiQi changed direction and plunged into Yan QingChi's arms. Yan Yan chased him and crawled over, sitting on the carpet and reaching out to hug.

Jiang MoChen picked him up, YanYan waved his hands in his arms happily, babbling and talking. Jiang MoChen hugged him, YanYan found this kind of up and down game very interesting, laughed out of his arms, and called him affectionately, "Daddy."

The two stayed at home for another three days, and then left to participate in the last recording of "Best Partner".

At the end of the recording, Yan QingChi also noticed that Yu Xiaoyu was really following a growth route. From the second recording, she deliberately suppressed her willfulness, even if she wanted to lose her temper sometimes, she abruptly endured it. At the third recording, Yu Xiaoyu even began to actively help others, scared Li Mo step by step behind her old Father, wondering if she was blind.

In the last episode, the program team recorded a very sensational, regardless of the relationship between the guests present, they were portrayed into the image of hello, me, everyone. After the recording, the other guests and the program staff returned to China by plane. Jiang MoChen didn't come with them for personal reasons, so Yan QingChi naturally stayed.

"Don't you go home in a hurry?" Yan QingChi asked him.

"Don't worry," Jiang MoChen said, "Anyway, you and I have not accepted a new job now, and there is nothing to do when I go back. It's better to play here for two more days."

Yan QingChi felt that what he said also made sense, "Then play for two more days. Anyway, there is no camera to follow. We go wherever we want, and we won't be bound."


Jiang MoChen looked at the map on the tablet and chose a small island. He was very interested and said to Yan QingChi, "Go here, let's see the sea."

"Okay, I haven't been to the beach for a long time. If the children are here, you can build a small castle with them."

"Although the children are not here, I am here. You can build a small castle with me." Jiang MoChen suggested to him.

Yan QingChi looked at him and said in pain: "Student Jiang, your age is no longer suitable for a small castle."

"Heart-struck, classmate Yan."

Yan QingChi smiled and sat beside him, "But I can lie down on a recliner with you and basking in the sun, drinking a drink and looking at the beauties."

"Looking at what?" Jiang MoChen asked him.

Yan QingChi immediately changed his words, "Look at you, look at you with a drink."

"It's pretty much the same." Jiang MoChen satisfied.

Yan QingChi thinks that he looks jealous from time to time is quite interesting, leaning against him, watching the island scenery on the tablet with him.

The two took the car and then transferred to the boat on the island. Yan QingChi looked at the endless sea in front of him, and felt that his mood was a lot lighter. Jiang MoChen checked in, and the two of them left their luggage and ran to the beach to play.

I don't know why, there are no other people on the island, and no other people staying in the hotel. Yan QingChi is a little puzzled, "Is it very biased here? Or it is the off-season now, why is there no one?"

Jiang MoChen shook his head, "Who knows."

"Could it be the island that we shouldn't be on?" Yan QingChi looked at him.

Jiang MoChen was helpless, "The sky is blue, can you not scare yourself?"

"I just think it's weird, don't you think?"

"I think it's pretty good, only the two of us, I'm very satisfied."

Yan QingChi felt that he was really dazzled by love, thinking about the world of two people with one heart, and he didn't care about anything else. But it didn't matter, he thought, the soldiers came to cover the water and the earth. His own strength is not weak. Jiang MoChen also has the protagonist's halo. Even if he really goes on an island that shouldn't be on, it should be fine.

"Well, as long as you feel good, let's go, I will accompany you to build a small castle."

That's how it is said, but after all they are adults, neither of them actually went to build a small castle, but played in the sea.

Although this island has few people, there are a lot of things that should be there. Surfing, skydiving, submarine diving, etc., Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen have not left, and they have played twice more.

"I now think that fewer people are the benefit of fewer people." Yan QingChi moved his wet hair back as he walked ashore. He looked at Jiang MoChen and smiled, "With fewer people, this island feels like It's like being contracted by the two of us, and I can play the projects I like to play several times."

"Don't you worry about what island you shouldn't be on now?" Jiang MoChen teased him.

Yan QingChi smiled and said: "That's not all already on the island, worry about what use, it is better to enjoy the blue sky and green water."

Jiang MoChen chuckled lightly and hugged him, "Go back and rush, it's time to eat later."

Yan QingChi nodded and went back to the hotel with him.

The two went into the bathroom alternately to rinse. Yan QingChi came out and found that Jiang MoChen didn't know why he was not in the room. He looked for it in the hotel suite. He was indeed not there. Did something go out?

Yan QingChi took out his mobile phone and prepared to send him a WeChat message, and saw that Jiang MoChen had already given him a message on WeChat, saying that the front desk had something to ask him, so he went to deal with it.

Yan QingChi sat on the bed and asked him: What's the matter? Has it been processed?

He waited, Jiang MoChen did not reply.

Yan QingChi guessed that he didn't deal with it, so he quit WeChat and went to Weibo to shop around. After walking around, Yan QingChi was surprised to find that his birthday had arrived.

Yan QingChi looked at a row of blessings on Weibo and fell helplessly on the bed. Although he has been here for two years, but after all he had been on his own birthday for more than 20 years before, and suddenly changed his birthday, Yan QingChi couldn't remember it all the time. Last year, Jiang MoChen reminded him that he reacted, but he did not expect to forget it again this year.

Wait, Yan QingChi suddenly sat up with a carp. If today is his birthday, it is impossible for Jiang MoChen not to know. and so...

He held his hands and thought about it, and sorted out everything in an instant. No wonder Jiang MoChen didn't return to China with the show crew. No wonder he was coming to this small island. Is there no other tourists on this island besides them? Yan QingChi laughed, thinking that when he asked Jiang MoChen why there was no one on this island, he even pretended to answer that he didn't know, and instantly felt that Jiang MoChen, the actor, was not for nothing. The performance was a lifelike performance, and he believed Up!

He thought that Jiang MoChen tried so hard to hide from himself and brought himself to this island, just to celebrate his birthday and surprise himself. He felt that Jiang MoChen was not easy, especially when he thought about this island. Only their two tourists are very problematic!

Yan QingChi laughed in a low voice and lay back on the bed. He is not curious about where Jiang MoChen has gone and what problems he has dealt with. Do you still have to think about it? It must be a birthday surprise for himself, so he just needs to be good. Wait, cooperate with his performance, just pretend that you don't know anything yet.

Yan QingChi thought so, quit Weibo, opened a video and started watching.

Jiang MoChen came back soon, Yan QingChi pretended to know nothing and asked him, "What's the matter? It's been so long?"

"I checked a few pieces of information with me at the front desk, and talked a little longer, and it was only a moment."

Yan QingChi nodded, "That's it."

Jiang MoChen has changed into simple white short-sleeved jeans and asked him, "Would you like to go for a walk? Then you can eat directly."

Yan QingChi certainly agreed.

When Jiang MoChen heard the words, Limala opened the closet and took out the same clothes as him, "Here, I prepared it for you."

Yan QingChi looked at the clothes on his hand, then looked at the clothes on his body, "Couple clothes?"

Jiang MoChen smiled.

Yan QingChi couldn't help laughing, "Why are you so persistent, you are not satisfied with similar styles, you actually bought a couple outfit."

"I am willing." Jiang MoChen handed him the clothes, "Quickly put it on."

Yan QingChi took the clothes in his hand and smiled, "Primary school student."

"Then you are also a primary school student."

"Don't classmate Jiang, how come this relationship gets more and more talked about, haven't we all reached the university level before?"

"Because IQ drops when you fall in love, but it drops to a primary school student."

Yan QingChi felt that his thinking was really quick now, and couldn't help but give him a compliment, "Xiu Xiu, you are really getting more and more attractive."

"Dazhao, change clothes quickly."

"Are you sure you want to watch me change clothes here?" Yan QingChi pointed to himself and asked.

Jiang MoChen smiled, "I'm an old husband and wife. I haven't seen anything before, and it's worth turning around."

"Okay." Yan QingChi was also not embarrassed, he pulled off the belt of the bathrobe, looked at Jiang MoChen, and slowly took off the bathrobe.

Jiang MoChen watched him suddenly reveal his upper body so frankly, and was about to get out of bed, and finally turned around silently.

Yan QingChi laughed in his heart, but deliberately teased him, "What's the matter, Mr. Jiang, isn't it an old husband and wife? I haven't seen anything before, and it's worth turning over."

"You want to change your clothes." Jiang MoChen thought he was asking knowingly, "I don't want to spend the rest of my time in the house with you."

"Is it okay to spend time in the house?" Yan QingChi deliberately said while putting on clothes, "We haven't driven for so long, don't you want to go to the mountain to see the night scene?"

Of course Jiang MoChen thought, only now that the conditions do not allow it. He has been preparing for so long, but he didn't want to drag the car right now. The car must be driven, but later.

"Have you changed it?" Jiang MoChen asked him.