Chapter 173 - Jiang Mochen: I made a confession, proposed marriage, and Qingchi agreed!

"Okay." Yan QingChi put on short sleeves and watched Jiang MoChen turn around, pointing to his clothes, "Satisfied?"

Jiang MoChen nodded, "Very satisfied."

He pulled Yan QingChi, and the two of them looked at each other in front of the mirror in the room. The short sleeves on the two of them are almost the same, they are all white bases, except that Yan QingChi's short sleeve shoulders are a string of stars; Jiang MoChen's is a swallow.

Yan QingChi looked at this very familiar swallow, "You designed this short sleeve, right?"


Yan QingChi pointed to the swallow on his clothes, "It's too obvious."

"What I want is this effect."

"But why are my clothes not small houses but stars?" Yan QingChi was puzzled, he felt that according to Jiang MoChen's meaning, his short sleeves should be a house.

"Chen means at first the location of the North Star. So, the little house belongs to the fans, and the North Star belongs to you."

Yan QingChi was taken aback, "Then I am not special?"

"You are not special, don't you know?"

Yan QingChi smiled unconsciously, reached out and took his hand.

"Does it look good?" Jiang MoChen asked him looking at the clothes of two people in the mirror.

Yan QingChi nodded, closed his eyes and blew, "It looks good."

"I wanted to wear this with you when I was in country e."

"Then thank you for holding it back, otherwise your fans will explode when the show is broadcast."

"Even if I didn't wear it, I guess they would be frightened when the show was broadcast."

Yan QingChi thought about their interaction, and could only feel sorry for Little House Sister in his heart, and also felt sorry for himself for a second.

"Let's go." Jiang MoChen saw enough, and pulled him out, "Let's go outside."

The two went downstairs together and returned to the beach.

At this time, the sun was about to set, and the golden afterglow was projected on the blue sea, and the whole sea was reflected like a warm silk satin with a gradient color. Yan QingChi looked at the sea and exclaimed, "It's beautiful."


Yan QingChi turned his head to look at him, "We are the people who have seen the sunrise together now, and the sunset."

Jiang MoChen stretched out his hand to embrace him, Yan QingChi leaned on him, feeling a little, "Like life." He said, "From beginning to end, I have seen the beginning and the end."

"What do you want?" Jiang MoChen looked down at him, "How old are you? Your life is still very long. It's just one day's sunset, and tomorrow, the sun will rise again."

Yan QingChi smiled, "Then let's watch the sunrise together tomorrow."

"Okay." Jiang MoChen said.

Yan QingChi pulled Jiang MoChen and walked forward along the beach. There was sea breeze blowing. Although it could not blow away the heat and humidity in the air, it brought a hint of coolness. Yan QingChi looked at the beach and the sea in front of him, as well as the sun that has not yet set on the sea, and felt peace in his heart, "Take a picture." He said, "With such a beautiful view, I'm sorry to not take pictures."

Jiang MoChen had no objection, and took out his mobile phone to take a selfie of the two of them.

Taking pictures, the two people continued to walk forward. The sky slowly darkened. Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen were walking and chatting, but suddenly heard a "shoo". He looked up and saw a firework in the air. It exploded and exploded into a rain of fireworks, falling into the sea one after another.

Yan QingChi quickly pulled Jiang MoChen, "Fireworks."

Jiang MoChen looked at him with a smile, gave a gentle "um", and looked up to the sky with him.

After the first firework rain, soon, the second and third fireworks of different colors exploded in the air and scattered in the sea like shooting stars. Then came the star-shaped fireworks, of different sizes, brightly dotted in the sky, like gems, Yan QingChi sharply noticed that there was a spoon-like shape in the sky on the right.

"Is that the Big Dipper?" he asked.

Jiang MoChen nodded, "Yes."

Before Yan QingChi could express his surprise with him, he heard a "bang", the pink fireworks exploded in the air and painted them into the shape of candy.

"Pretty," he whispered.

Immediately afterwards, there were red fireworks, burning the sky like a sunrise, and the whole night reflected in it was lit up.

Accompanied by it was a bright yellow firework, which exploded in the sky and stretched to both sides, forming the shape of a bridge.

"Is it Magpie Bridge?" Yan QingChi muttered.

However, before he could understand, he heard another sound. He looked up and saw the blue fireworks scattered into cute swallows in the night. It was the first time that Yan QingChi saw the swallow-shaped fireworks. He turned his head and looked at Jiang MoChen unconsciously, with a bright certainty in his eyes.

Jiang MoChen smiled and looked at him, motioning him to continue watching the fireworks.

Yan QingChi turned his head, this time he saw red fireworks blooming in the sky, forming a huge love, and then other small fireworks exploded next to it, forming love hearts of different sizes, one after another. , One goes one after another, illuminates the entire night sky.

Yan QingChi kept seeing all the fireworks disappear before turning his head to look at Jiang MoChen. He was about to say something, but found that the coconut trees on the island were covered with star lights and moon lights at some point. Now they are all lit up, shining brightly, like an unreal fairy tale world. Against them.

Suddenly, a white light flashed, and Yan QingChi followed the white light to look around, only to find that a small white light bulb was buried on the beach at some point, and now the light bulb was on, as if a silver rim was set on the beach.

Yan QingChi looked at the scenery in front of him and couldn't stop the smile in his eyes. He raised his lips unconsciously and looked at Jiang MoChen.

Jiang MoChen looked at him and asked, "Does it look good?"

Yan QingChi nodded, warmly said: "It looks good."

He unconsciously lowered the volume, as if he was afraid of disturbing this fairy tale dream.

Jiang MoChen smiled, "Come on, come here."

He stretched his hand to hold Yan QingChi, took him a few steps forward, and then let him get better.

Yan QingChi didn't quite understand what he wanted to do, but quietly cooperated with him.

Jiang MoChen looked at him, "Okay."

Yan QingChi nodded.

Then Jiang MoChen lowered his body and turned on the switch hidden under the shells on the beach.

With a "huh", the whole beach lit up.

Yan QingChi looked in astonishment, and saw large and small stars on the beach. He unconsciously looked around, and he saw a place behind him, which was different from the other stars. It was the Big Dipper.

He looked at the Big Dipper and thought of the Big Dipper-shaped fireworks that had just appeared in the sky. He also thought of that night when he and Jiang MoChen were watching the stars in the mountains. He regretted that he had never seen the Big Dipper when he was so old, Jiang. MoChen drew a Big Dipper on the ground and gave it to him.

He smiled softly and heard Jiang MoChen's gentle voice saying, "The North Star is the closest star to the North Celestial Pole. It is located at the intersection of the Big Dipper and the two stars, Tianshu and Tianxuan. Five times as far away, your current position is where the North Star is, which is where I am."

Yan QingChi turned to look at him.

Jiang MoChen smiled slightly, then, took a step back and half-kneeled towards him.

"I've actually waited for this day for a long time, and sometimes I feel that either shouldn't wait for this day. Anyway, we've known each other for so long and have been together for so long, so why bother to choose a day? Why let you wait so long and let me wait so long. Tell you early, you are happy, and I am happy too?"

Yan QingChi looked at him with a premonition that he was going to say something, and his eyes were a bit sour unconsciously.

"But again, I feel that that would be very unfair to you. How many memorable days are there in a person's life? When we got the certificate, I didn't ask your thoughts. I just wanted to get married as soon as possible. I have chosen a date that is suitable for marriage, and I got the certificate with you. Then, for other memorable days, naturally you have to choose a time, choose a good time, the right time, so that you can be worthy of you, right?"

Yan QingChi smiled and whispered softly, "I don't care so much."

"I know, you are always very open-minded, very casual, and you don't want to care about or care about many things, but because you don't care, I want to help you care about it, otherwise..." Jiang MoChen saw While holding him, a little choked up and said: "Otherwise, I will feel sorry for you."

Yan QingChi felt a little bit sore in his eyes again. He thought that when he had just given birth to YanYan, he wanted to give YanYan and Jiang MoChen the surnames, but Jiang MoChen insisted on letting YanYan and his surnames. He said that he didn't care about these, Jiang MoChen asked him Can't you think more about yourself?

How did he answer Jiang MoChen at that time? He said, "Isn't there you? It's fine if you love me."

Yan QingChi lowered his head and smiled. He looked at Jiang MoChen, his eyes were full of tenderness, "So you chose today, my birthday?"

Jiang MoChen nodded, "This is the most important day for you, so..." Jiang MoChen took out the box with the ring from his pocket, opened it slowly, and looked at Yan QingChi with sincere and affectionate eyes, "So , I want to ask you today, Mr. Yan QingChi, would you like to marry me and spend your life together?"

Yan QingChi looked at him, at that moment, somehow he couldn't speak.

He looked at Jiang MoChen, and countless scenes flashed in front of him. He seemed to see them again at the very beginning-two people were sitting in the box. Jiang MoChen had no feelings for him, and he also felt Jiang MoChen's gentle surface. There is hypocrisy and indifference underneath.

Their love was not beautiful at the beginning, there was no emotion, only a marriage, but fortunately, in this marriage built home, they have been working hard to get close to each other, understand each other, and tolerate each other. . They are sitting on the train that has reached the end and set off again from the starting point, wanting to see the scenery they missed along the way, and now they have seen it.

That is their colorful and brilliant flowers, and that is their colorful and bright stars.

Yan QingChi feels that if this is the love and marriage he can only have once in his life, then he is very satisfied, whether it is the beginning of the story or the course of the story, he is very satisfied.

He likes Jiang MoChen. He has known that he likes him from a long time ago. Maybe he can't remember the exact time, but the feeling of liking has been buried in his heart.

"Okay." He whispered, "I do."

Jiang MoChen reached out and took his hand, and put the ring into his ring finger.

Yan QingChi looked at the ring in his hand, he actually realized a long time ago that they had nothing to symbolize marriage except for the marriage certificate. It's just that he doesn't like to force it, so he never asked Jiang MoChen.

At the beginning, he felt unnecessary. At that time, he thought, if Jiang MoChen was willing to maintain this marriage, he would naturally take the initiative to give it to himself without him speaking; if Jiang MoChen was unwilling, he did not need to stick to this marriage. Later, he also felt unnecessary, but at that time, his idea changed, he would definitely give it to himself, but he didn't know when.

Yan QingChi thought about a lot of time he thought was possible, but did not expect that it would be his birthday.

It was really a surprise.

He stretched out his hand to help Jiang MoChen up, "Kneeling just means it means, how come you still kneel."

Jiang MoChen patted the sand on his pants and smiled, "I want to show my sincerity. Of course, you have to be sincere about marriage proposals."

Yan QingChi chuckled lightly and looked down at the ring in his hand. The shape of the ring is very unique. It is a half-arc swallow holding a star.

He looked up at Jiang MoChen, "You designed it?"

Jiang MoChen nodded, he took the box with the ring to Yan QingChi, looked at the ring inside Yan QingChi's ring, and said warmly: "Help me put it on."

Yan QingChi took out the ring in the box, he looked into the ring

After looking, he saw the initials of their names engraved in it, and he knew it. Yan QingChi gave Jiang MoChen a smile, took his hand and brought him up.

He put the ring on Jiang MoChen and wanted to let go, but Jiang MoChen held his hand instead, lowered his head and kissed his knuckles.

Yan QingChi suddenly felt that his mood was tender, like duck down.

Jiang MoChen looked at him and held him in his arms.

Yan QingChi let him hold and asked him, "How long have you prepared?"

"For a while."

"What about the ring?"

"Since that year's birthday, you suddenly appeared in front of me. When I couldn't restrain my heartbeat, I was ready to design it. I got it in April last year."

"Then why didn't you give it to me last year?" Yan QingChi asked him.

Jiang MoChen looked at him and said seriously: "Because when I fell in love with you, you were a separate individual. This matter is only related to the two of us, so I hope that when I confess my marriage to you, it is only the two of us. Personally, no one else, including YanYan."

Yan QingChi almost instantly thought of the joke he had back then-the sentence he said in the kitchen that fathers are more expensive than sons, "is it because of my words back then?" He asked, "I was just joking. "

"I know." Jiang MoChen hugged him, "Of course I know that you are joking, but for me, I hope you are just you when I confess. If it wasn't because we had YanYan by accident, under normal circumstances, When I confessed to you, it should be the only two of us, right? We will have countless children-related memories in the future, so I hope that there will always be some memories that are only related to you and me, and have nothing to do with children. It has nothing to do with the family, only with you and me, only with love."

Jiang MoChen looked at him, "This idea may be selfish, but if it can, I even hope that the love we simulated before from high school to university are true. You and I can meet earlier, at the youngest and most At a good age, we have liked each other since the beginning of campus. We have enough time and enough memories to belong to ourselves, only to ourselves, do you understand?"

Yan QingChi understands that for Jiang MoChen, his love came too late. He only felt the sweetness of love when he was 28 years old, so he regretted the passing time and regretted that they did not have a better start. . So Jiang MoChen enjoys and focuses on the world of two people more than him.

Yan QingChi reached out and hugged him, "I understand," he said, "If I can, I would also like to get to know you sooner. You are so good, you must be a senior at school. I watched you give a speech in the audience, maybe I like you."

"You are not such a person." Jiang MoChen knew him well.

"How do you know I am not?" Yan QingChi looked at him, "I am not to others, but I am to you."

Jiang MoChen knew that his words were just to make himself happy, but he couldn't restrain the corners of his lips. He squeezed Yan QingChi's face, "Then I am a senior, I will probably be pissed off by you every day. "

"I'm so good, how can I be angry with you. But you, you got the ring a year ago, but you kept it from me for a full year, and the confession was delayed for a year."

"Angry?" Jiang MoChen whispered, "It's okay. Anyway, I will tell you more often in the future. We have a lifetime to make you tired of hearing it."

"I won't." Yan QingChi retorted him, "I have always liked listening to such things."

Jiang MoChen thinks that his unrestricted honesty is really likable every time, "How can you be so likable."

Yan QingChi replied sweetly, "Because I like you and like you, I want to please you."

Jiang MoChen couldn't hold back a happy smile. He hugged Yan QingChi and hugged him tightly in his arms. He only felt that he was really lucky. "Then you succeeded, I already like you very much, the favorite Kind."

Yan QingChi chuckled, "I know."