Chapter 182 - The filming of the new movie begins, and see Li Mo again

In the morning, the makeup was set, and in the afternoon, the crew of "Waiting for Spring" officially announced Yan QingChi as the male lead Yan Ling. Yan QingChi reposted the official announcement of the crew on Weibo, with the words: new role, new beginning.

His popularity is now peaking, and his every move is attracting attention. Soon, the forum began to discuss the drama "Waiting for Spring".

"Fuck, I thought it was an idol drama, or a small literary drama, turned out to be a military drama, Yan QingChi is planning to transform?"

"What kind of shape is he turning? Is he still in shape?"

"Checked the information, this director is awesome, the first person in military themes, Yan QingChi, this resource, I am envious."

"His resources have always been good. From his debut to the present, he has made every step very steadily."

"It's said that Nancheng is highly praised, what are your misunderstandings?"

"Xiaohong relies on support, and Dahong relies on fate. There are too many to be held out. He can be so popular now, which means that his life is really red."

"I'm envious of my real name."

"It's not that I said that the resource conversion rate of Yan QingChi is really high. Every drama or variety show on the base has a high rate of return, which is a kind of thing."

"The most terrifying thing is that he still had a rest for a year, and he hasn't filmed for a year, and just this, he didn't fall behind."

"The inventory is reliable. That year, it was all due to Meng Luo Jialin's double-clicking, the big screen plus the small screen, and the popularity of "Come on! Friends!" before, so it didn't matter.

"666, if only our brother can be as smooth as him."


After everyone's discussion, at the end of October, Yan QingChi formally joined the group "Waiting for Spring" and started filming the new drama. On the day of the boot, Yan QingChi discovered that Li Mo was also in the crew.

Li Mo tilted his head and asked him with a smile, "Aren't you surprised?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I want to give you a surprise." Li Mo said, "I said it too early, there will be no such effect."

Yan QingChi smiled helplessly and asked her, "Who are you playing?"

Li Mo was a little embarrassed, and pointed his finger at him, "playing your girlfriend."

Yan QingChi is really surprised now. There are not many female characters in this play, there are only a few, and there are not many scenes. Yan Ling's girlfriend Peng Xiaoai is one of them.

Xiao Ai and Yan Ling are high school classmates. They liked Yan Ling since they were students. They went to college and finally confessed to Yan Ling, but Yan Ling didn't feel much about her. After being rejected, Xiao Ai didn't get discouraged. He had been actively chasing Yan Ling. Even if Yan Ling enlisted in the army later, he would visit Yan Ling regularly and come to play with Yan Ling when he came home from vacation.

During the period when Yan Ling's mentality was out of balance, he returned home from vacation and looked at Xiao Ai, who had been chasing him. He didn't understand, and asked her, "Aren't you tired?"

Xiao Ai thought for a while and said seriously, "It's not very tired. It's my own business to like you. It's not like I like you when it comes to feelings. You will like me. I'm just moving towards My own goal is working hard. After all, besides you, I have not met anyone else who makes my heart move. And, you see, I am by your side now, which is great."

Yan Ling did not speak, until the two people were separated at night, he said to Xiao Ai, "Waiting for someone will be very tiring, my current occupation, even if we are together, we will only get together less and more, if you are sure you can wait. Live, then we can try."

Xiao Ai looked at him in surprise, and was stunned for a while, before nodding vigorously, and said excitedly, "I can, I must be, I am the most patient."

She hugged Yan Ling in the dark, and then happily ran up the stairs of her home.

Peng Xiaoai can be said to be a very idealized female character, lively and lovely, sweet and caring. She can watch a movie with Yan Ling when he doesn't want to talk, without saying anything; she can also be unhappy in Yan Ling. At the time, thought to make him happy. She respects every decision made by Yan Ling, and is willing to wait for Yan Ling's return.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen also discussed this role, saying that if the show is explosive, then whoever plays the heroine will earn it. Because Peng Xiaoai's persona is so good, even if she does not have many scenes, there are only dozens of scenes, but this does not affect the brilliance of this personage. However, Yan QingChi did not expect it to be Li Mo.

Li Mo was surprised when he saw him, and quickly confessed to him the cause and effect of getting the role. "I knew Uncle Kang when I was a child, but I thought it was my dad's ordinary friend. You don't know, my dad's popularity is good, so friends are pretty good. Many, some of them often come to our house for dinner. I'm not a sophomore this year, so I can make movies. I just want to make a few random movies to hone myself, but my dad doesn't like the dramas I choose. On that day, Uncle Kang said that he hadn't decided on the heroine of the drama, and said I could try it."

"Then how can I agree?" Li Mo said, "I haven't filmed yet. I have only played dramas in school before. I will play the heroine directly. I definitely can't, I just said no. As a result, Uncle Kang said it was okay, because the heroine actually didn't have a few scenes, and she didn't have high requirements on acting skills. It just needed the actors to be young and beautiful. When I watched the show later, it turned out that there were not many scenes. I agreed, but I didn't expect that my dad would recommend you to play the male lead."

Li Mo's affection is a little subtle, "Brother, do you believe me, I'm just a sister fan!"

"What do you mean?" Yan QingChi didn't quite understand why she said this suddenly.

"It means that I am not a fan of girlfriend!" Li Mo was very depressed. "If I were a fan of girlfriend, this would be a dream, but I am a fan of my sister, which is a bit embarrassing."

Although Yan QingChi often reads forums, he almost knows that there are various fan groups in the fan circle, but he really does not understand the different mentalities of these different fans.

So he selectively skipped the link he didn't understand, and silently sent Jiang MoChen a WeChat: Guess who played Peng Xiaoai?

Jiang MoChen asked him, "I know."


Jiang MoChen thought for a while, "Isn't it Li Mo?"

Yan QingChi looked up and looked around, "Are you really not around?"

"I guess, I know, if you can get on line with this drama, then Li Mo will not be left."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, it's her."

"Then you guys are pretty destined, so shoot well."

Jiang MoChen just said here, and then went to privately knock on Li Mo.

"Xiao Mo, are you playing Peng Xiaoai?"

Li Mo looked up at Yan QingChi, Yan QingChi asked her, "What's wrong?"

Li Mo said with some guilty conscience, "No, nothing, just look at you."

Yan QingChi thought she was a little strange, squinted at her, scared Li Mo immediately lowered his head and turned to Jiang MoChen to reply to WeChat, "En."

Yan QingChi looked at her with a guilty conscience, was silent, picked up his own drama, and decided to let her go.

On the other side, Jiang MoChen and Li Mo are having a cordial meeting.

"Then do you want to hug your QingChi brother?" Jiang MoChen asked Li Mo.

Looking at this familiar sentence pattern, Li Mo burst into tears, and replied, "No, I don't want to!"

Jiang MoChen smiled back at her, "Good."

Li Mo wailed inwardly, she was just a sister fan! The younger sister fan hopes that her brother can have better development, but she never dared to think about her brother!

Li Mo looked at the good words in the dialog box, slowly put away the phone, and sighed.

Li Mo is not stupid. Of course, she can feel that there should be something between Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi, otherwise Jiang MoChen would not ask himself this question before shooting. But just because she is not stupid, so since the person involved didn't say anything, she didn't want to guess anything. Anyway, whether it was Jiang MoChen or Yan QingChi, she liked it very much. As long as the two brothers were happy, she thought it would be good.

Li Mo only announced it when "Waiting for Spring" started. She didn't have many scenes and she was a newcomer. She was not noticed, but just happened to catch the wind of "The Best Partner". The enthusiasm has not yet dissipated, so I was surprised when I saw her and Yan QingChi playing the hero and heroine in this drama.

But after everyone turned over Li Bozhong's resume, they understood.

"Ms. Li worked with so many directors when he was young."

"These directors don't need all of them to have contact with him, but as long as there are a few good relations, Li Mo's stardom will not have to worry about."

"Don't worry about it anymore? At the age of 19, before graduating from university, I will play the leading role. I took Yan QingChi, which is almost the same."

"Speaking of which, it may be that Yan QingChi can get this resource as recommended by Li Bozhong, otherwise Yan QingChi and director Kang Sheng don't know the people, and Director Kang has his own queen team."

"Then he is also very good. He became friends with Jiang MoChen when he participated in "Lost", "Come on! Friends!" and Sun Xun and Chen Xuanlang have a good relationship, not to mention "Mianmian Cotton Candy", Wei Lan It's all because of him who beat people directly, and now I'm recording "Best Partner" and I've been directly recommended by my seniors. This resource conversion rate is really amazing."

"But it's normal for Li Bozhong to like him. Li Mo is not a fan of him and Jiang MoChen. My daughter likes him. Daddy must have a good impression. Besides, during the "Best Partner" period, Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi have always taken care of Li Mo and them. ."

"Fuck! A terrible idea came up. Wouldn't Teacher Li want to help her daughter chase stars and help them both?!"

"Wake up upstairs and let Sister Li Mo go. My sister has a strong desire to survive. I said on Weibo that I'm a fan of my sister. I just want to call my brother and don't dare to think of anything else."

"Hahahaha, my sister is kind of cute."

Since "Waiting for Spring" was filmed jointly with the People's Liberation Army Film Studio, for the convenience of shooting, the director first shot the city drama before moving to the army.

There are not many scenes in the city drama, mainly around Yan Ling and his Father, Yan Ling and Peng Xiaoai. In order to save money, Director Kang directly took Li Bozhong into a cameo and asked him to play Yan Ling's Father. For many years, Li Bo just wanted to raise birds and walk dogs at home in his later years, but he couldn't stand the invitation of his old friends. What's more, his daughter was still in the crew of an old friend, so he had to go out again and resume his acting career.