Chapter 183 - Husband and wife get together again, sweet

Li Bozhong always seems to be very kind and kind, but when he enters the play, he seems to have changed his personality, putting Yan Ling's hope on his son because he failed to become a special soldier, and Father, who is strict with his son, is vivid. However, Li Bozhong himself is a Father, so he will notice some details that the screenwriter did not notice.

He would pick up a cup of hot water for Yan Ling after Yan Ling's training, and put it on the table. After Yan Ling fell asleep, he would open the door to see if he was asleep. Even after he left, he would spend every day. Cleaning his house, helping him hang the quilt on the balcony. Such small details instantly showed Yan Jifeng's love for his son, and made this image more full.

It was the first time that Li Mo saw her own Daddy filming, her eyes straightened in surprise. Although she knew that her old Father had acted in many scenes, she did not expect her old Father to act so well. I thought it was a bronze, but I didn't expect to be a king. Li Mo looked at his own Daddy who was playing with Yan QingChi on the court, and felt that her old Father was really unkind. Why did he hide so many little secrets? Tell her that she still needs to dig layer by layer, does he think he is an onion!

Probably because of his Father's presence, Li Mo had almost exerted 120% of his skill when he was playing against Yan QingChi. She is young and beautiful, and she has the advantage when she comes. In addition, Peng Xiaoai's attitude towards Yan Ling is somewhat similar to her attitude towards Yan QingChi, so she only needs to grasp the degree and add some tenderness to it, while not allowing Peng Xiaoai's liveliness becomes noisy, that's it.

Yan QingChi couldn't help but praise her for the first time she acted in such a good state of performance. Li Mo was very sincere and said, "That's because this role is easy to play. If you turn it over and play a chase after me, I'm probably going to panic."

Yan QingChi looked at her and carefully assessed Li Mo's future development. She looks good and knows to work hard and learn in acting. She is the second generation of stars. Although Li Bozhong has retired, her contacts are still there. So, if he wanted to help Li Mo, he would always be able to help. Besides, although Li Mo has a straight temper, she knows she is patient and is willing to listen to him and Jiang MoChen. If Li Mo can sign Nancheng, it will be a good choice for her and Nancheng.

Seeing him staring at him unblinkingly, Li Mo took a step back in fright, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"do you want..."

"No, I don't want to!" Li Mo reflexively answered.

Yan QingChi was stunned for a moment, and Li Mo realized what stupid he had done, "No, I'm just quick to talk, brother, what do you want to ask me, you say it again."

"I just want to ask you, have you signed an economic company, do you want to sign Nancheng?"

Li Mo pointed to himself and said in surprise: "Can I?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "You are in good condition."

"Of course I would!" Li Mo said happily, but when she was excited, she remembered Li Bozhong's instructions, "Wait, I have to ask me Daddy. You don't know, my dad takes care of me. Yan, when I applied for the art school, my dad told me every day that this circle is a big dye tank. Let me be obedient and report everything to him. It just treats me as a child."

"Then I think you are quite obedient." Yan QingChi said.

Li Mo sighed, "What can I do, who makes me a caring little padded jacket."

Yan QingChi stretched out his hand and patted her, "Go ahead, little cotton jacket, and ask you if Daddy agrees."

"Okay, brother, wait a while for me to come back and tell you." Li Mo said, and ran away.

Of course, Li Bozhong agreed to the signing of Nancheng. After "Best Partner", companies successively offered Li Mo an olive branch, but Li Bozhong had Li Mo refused. He came across Jiang MoChen again this year and recorded a show with Jiang MoChen. He thought highly of him. If Li Mo had to choose a brokerage company to sign, he would of course prefer Nancheng. After all, Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi are both from Nancheng, and they are very comfortable to get along with. Li Bozhong doesn't ask how popular Li Mo can be. He hopes Li Mo can do well and sign Nancheng, which may trouble Jiang MoChen, but he is just such a daughter. If he doesn't find a reliable company, he would rather Li Mo never sign.

Li Bo's intention was to wait for Li Mo to graduate, and then ask Jiang MoChen if he could contact him for help and ask Li Mo to sign Nancheng, but Yan QingChi unexpectedly proposed this idea first.

Li Bozhong asked him, "Will it trouble you?"

Yan QingChi shook his head, "No trouble."

"That's good, I can sign with Nancheng, and I'm relieved. With you and MoChen watching, I don't have to worry about whether she is a girl every day and will encounter any bad things in this circle."

Yan QingChi can understand Li Bozhong's worries. After all, which parent does not worry about his children? Especially in places like the entertainment industry.

"Don't worry," he assured Li Bozhong, "Nancheng is still a very user-friendly company. If Li Mo is unwilling, just communicate with the agent properly. If the communication doesn't work, you can Come directly to me or Jiang MoChen."

Li Mo nodded, "Okay."

"But," Yan QingChi looked at her, "you have to be obedient yourself. You can't play Miss Yu's temper. If you become like Yu Xiaoyu, I can't help you."

Li Mo couldn't believe it, "Brother, you compare me to Yu Xiaoyu! I'm so sad! I'm going to take off fans for one second, no, one minute!"

Yan QingChi and Li Bozhong couldn't help laughing when they heard her words. The sky was blue, and everyone was in a good mood.

After the filming of the city scene was over, the crew moved into the army and carried out closed shooting. Yan QingChi's advantages have been fully utilized here. His skill, physical fitness, and accuracy in shooting are just like the Yan Ling in the play, so that other actors look at him and feel that they can already be self-reliant without using their brains. Substituted in.

Director Kang and the screenwriter were also surprised. Xiao Liu asked him secretly, "You used to be a soldier?"

Yan QingChi shook his head, "No."

"Then your skill, the accuracy of your target shooting, and your physical ability, now you say that your original name is Yan Ling and your stage name is Yan QingChi, I believe."

Yan QingChi thinks he is quite humorous, he smiled, "Maybe this is my fate with this character."

Xiao Liu nodded with emotion and patted him on the shoulder. "I turned around and said to Director Kang that I should invite Mr. Li Bozhong to have a meal, but he recommended you. Otherwise, if you missed such a good fit with you People, I guess I will regret it for life."

Yan QingChi smiled, "How can it be so serious."

Xiao Liu said very seriously, "You don't understand. I write a play. It's like giving birth to a child. Finding a suitable actor to play the male lead is like finding a Daddy for the child. If I get an irresponsible In the hands of others, can I not regret it?"

Yan QingChi looked at him, vaguely felt that this relationship was wrong, the play was like a child, he was the one who gave birth to the child, and he was the child's Daddy, then the two of them...

Yan QingChi bowed his head and was silent, fearing that his thoughts would scare the screenwriter Xiao Liu, who was not easy to raise a child.

"Waiting for Spring" was shot in the army until the end of February of the second year. When Yan QingChi went home again, Yan Yan was already very proficient in walking. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Yan Yan chasing the car in the living room with short legs.

Seeing Yan QingChi entering the house, Yan Yan tilted his head and looked at him carefully for a while, before finally remembering, turned around, and ran towards him, Yan QingChi was afraid of him falling, and quickly put down his salute to hug him.

YanYan was picked up by him and happily shouted in his arms, "Daddy, Daddy."

Yan QingChi hugged him around, YanYan laughed hahaha and shouted, "Come again, come again."

Yan QingChi had no choice but to hold him for a few more turns.

He just decided and looked up unconsciously and saw Jiang MoChen on the stairs not far away, looking at him tenderly.

Yan QingChi felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar. He looked at Jiang MoChen and smiled, "I'm back."

Jiang MoChen nodded and said, "Welcome home."

Yan QingChi listened to these four words, but for some reason, he was suddenly moved.

He lowered his head, hid his emotions, teased Yan Yan in his arms, and then kissed Yan Yan.

YanYan held his face in both hands, and kissed him "Boom", and smiled at him with his eyes bent.

Yan QingChi couldn't help squeezing his face, "Why are you so behaved and caring."

YanYan waved his small fist and giggled.

Jiang MoChen went down the stairs, approached him, took a closer look, and said, "Hair is short"

"It's normal to have short hair, thank goodness if it doesn't make sense."

"It's okay, it looks good this way, very energetic."

"The teacher who sculpted me also said the same."

Yan QingChi said and handed YanYan into Jiang MoChen's arms, "You hold it first, I'll change my clothes."

Jiang MoChen took YanYan and looked at YanYan. Suddenly, he said, "Kiss me."

YanYan hugged his face and kissed him with a good temper. Jiang MoChen was a little worried, "Baby, do you know who would let you kiss?"

Yan Yan looked at him innocently.

"You can't let someone kiss you in the future, you just go and kiss me obediently, understand?"

Yan Yan lowered his head and began to play hands.

"Forget it, you don't understand this now, so let's talk about it later." He put YanYan underground and patted his little butt lightly, "Let's play."

Yan Yan went to play in his car again.

Yan QingChi changed his home clothes and sat on the ground to play with YanYan for a while. When he saw Jiang MoChen preparing to cook, he took YanYan to Aunt Zhang and asked her to help him watch, and went to the kitchen to chat with Jiang MoChen.

Jiang MoChen saw him come in and asked, "Aren't you playing with YanYan?"

Yan QingChi walked to him, leaned on the liu desk, whispered, "Come to accompany you."

Jiang MoChen looked up at him, Yan QingChi smiled at him slightly.

"You are here now, do you want to influence my cooking?" Jiang MoChen said.

"Nothing." Yan QingChi did not admit.

"You think you are here, I can concentrate on cooking?"

"Can't it?" Yan QingChi asked him, "Then what do you want to do?"

Jiang MoChen looked at him, "What do you think?"

Yan QingChi thought for a while, straightened up, hugged him, "Is that so?"

Jiang MoChen chuckled, "You treat us as elementary school students and fall in love."

He said, he kissed Yan QingChi directly.

Yan QingChi kissed back very cooperatively, and then after the kiss was over, he looked at him tenderly and asked, "Do you miss me?"

"What do you think?" Jiang MoChen looked at him, "Isn't this nonsense."

"Of course not, I asked this sentence, and you answered that you miss me, I can answer that I miss you too."

"Can't you just say it? I still need me to ask and answer with you." Jiang MoChen thought he was a little funny, and laughed unconsciously.

Yan QingChi didn't care about him, and said very kindly, "Well then, I miss you."

Jiang MoChen felt his heart soft in an instant. He hugged Yan QingChi and looked at him intently. Then he kissed his forehead and pressed him in his arms, "I miss you too."

Yan QingChi slowly raised the corners of his mouth, but deliberately said: "For another, this collided with what I just said, nothing new."

Jiang MoChen let go and looked at him, "Isn't this the drama you just designed?"

"But it was vetoed by you." Yan QingChi said plausibly, "So you change one. You are not allowed to say the lines I just designed."

Jiang MoChen was amused by him, "That's OK."

"if not?"

"Well," Jiang MoChen looked at him, then lowered his head to his ear and whispered, "I like you."

Yan QingChi was satisfied, "Passed."

Jiang MoChen smiled unconsciously, and put his arm in his arms. "When you come back, this home will instantly become alive. If you are not here, I feel a little less angry."

"Two kids aren't vigorous enough?"

"That's different," Jiang MoChen said, "you are the brightest color in this home."

He looked at Yan QingChi with gentle eyes, "QiQi and YanYan can accompany each other, but you are the only one who can accompany me."

Yan QingChi looked at him, nodded gently, went up and kissed him, "Then I can stay with you for a long time."

Jiang MoChen smiled, bowed his head and kissed him, and the two kissed again unconsciously, laughing softly, enjoying the rare affection.