Chapter 184 - "Wulin in the Mist" was shortlisted for the Golden Goose Award, Yanqing Chi is close to the hometown

In March, Jiang MoChen's previous film "Transferring Dreams" was officially released in China. Because of the previous awards at international film festivals, this film has a good reputation and pre-sales have been rising.

Jiang MoChen, as the leading actor, naturally inevitably runs a road show publicity, but he gave Yan QingChi a movie ticket for the premiere, and the two watched the premiere together in the cinema.

"Importing Flowers and Receiving Dreams" tells that Lin Yunhui, a teacher, wakes up and prepares to go to work as usual, but his wife asks him how he designed the drawings at the dinner table. Lin Yunhui said he was a teacher, how could he draw design drawings, but his wife said he was obviously a designer. Lin Yunhui felt that his wife was joking with him, so she didn't take it seriously, and left home to go to school. However, the school did not have a teacher like him. Instead, his boss called to ask him why he didn't come to work today and why the design draft was still there. No?

Lin Yunhui was surprised. He didn't understand. He was obviously a teacher. Why did everyone say that he was a designer? He looked for clues in his doubts, and finally discovered the truth of what shocked him.

This movie has repeated climaxes and reversals. Lin Yunhui is under Jiang MoChen's interpretation, and vividly presents a pitiful and sad image that has never given up. The audience can't help but follow his emotional changes in the story. The change finally turned into a sigh.

Yan QingChi still sighed for a long time after seeing it, feeling that life is like a dream, dreams are like life, true and false, false and true.

He was sighing for Jiang MoChen, but there was good news from "Wulin in the Mist" over there, "Wu Lin in the Mist" was successfully nominated for the Golden Goose Film Festival.

After the official announcement was released, the oats all exploded, and they forwarded the lottery on Weibo to pray for good luck for "Wulin in the Mist". Yan QingChi was also a little surprised. Although he was rushing for the award for this film, he was really shortlisted, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He looked at Jiang MoChen, "How come I don't think it is so real this time?"

Jiang MoChen smiled and hugged him in his arms, "Normally, when I was selected as the best actor for the first time, I didn't think it was true, just a few more times."

Yan QingChi leaned in his arms, but still couldn't believe it.

His excitement arrived a full day later than everyone else. On the next day, Yan QingChi got up earlier than usual. After running on the treadmill for a long time, he stopped and sat on the ground, feeling his heartbeat speeding up. He was a little confused as to whether it was the acceleration of his heartbeat after exercise or the joy of knowing that he was shortlisted, or maybe even something else, but when he was so truly aware that he was only one step away from his goal, he was uncomfortable. Ban produced some emotions that resembled homesickness.

Yan QingChi started to worry seriously for the first time, what if he didn't win this time? If there is no award, then their relationship is public, do they still need to delay later?

Yan QingChi sat quietly on the ground and thought for a while, then went back to the room and took a shower. Jiang MoChen was woken up by him, looked at his watch, and it was time for him to get up. As soon as he sat up, Yan QingChi walked up to him and sat down.

"Good morning." Yan QingChi kissed his eyebrows.

Jiang MoChen smiled, gave him a kiss, and asked him, "Why do I get up so early today, I can't hug you."

He knew that Yan QingChi got up, almost at five or six o'clock, he held Yan QingChi and wanted him to sleep a little longer, but Yan QingChi did not promise him as before, just gave him a kiss and let him continue to sleep.

Jiang MoChen habitually accommodated him, so he let go of his hand obediently, and fell asleep again under the trend of sleepiness.

Yan QingChi looked at him. When Jiang MoChen first woke up, he always had the feeling of a lazy large dog. It looked very close, and it made people want to be close. So he moved forward and hugged him. He whispered softly in his ear, "Then I will let you hold it now."

"Am I thinking about this with you?" Jiang MoChen said, and hugged him, and asked him, "Is it because of the shortlist?"

Yan QingChi nodded, he looked at Jiang MoChen and said frankly, "I am actually a little panicked."


"Yes, I'm a bit worried. The finalists are shortlisted, but the particles are not harvested." He looked at Jiang MoChen, "When I played Meng Luo, I just entered the entertainment circle. At that time, I just wanted to make money, so for Meng Luo , Did I use my heart? I used it, but it was only with my heart. Including his nomination, I was in a very sudden state of ignorance, the feeling was like a pie suddenly fell from the sky, beautiful It's not true. So although I wanted to win a prize, but I didn't get it, and I wouldn't feel too sad."

"However, this film is different. This film, from the very beginning, I just won the prize, and he was indeed shortlisted in the main competition unit, but the higher the score, the harder the fall, and I am afraid that this film will not be collected. I am afraid that I will sit in a chair again, but I can only applaud others. Of course I know that I have been lucky to have come along this way. Even if I fail this time, I still have a lot to come, but I will lose heart and desire to win. , But it makes me unable to calmly face the possible failure this time. So I think a lot in the morning," he looked at Jiang MoChen, "I have decided, no matter this time, whether I won the prize or not, this Whether the film has won awards, this year, we will make it public."

Jiang MoChen didn't expect him to make such a big decision, "have you thought about it?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "People's efforts can determine the direction of some things. This is the so-called reliance on one's own strength to turn things around. However, there are other parts that are determined by heaven and are not controlled by human will, such as luck. Win prizes. In fact, it also depends on luck. If I don't win the prize all my life, will we not make it public for the rest of my life? Since it is always open, the paving work has been done last year. The situation this year is so good, it is better to choose this year. With enough cp fans, it's easier for others to accept it and open it directly."

Jiang MoChen smiled and hugged him in his arms and patted his shoulder, "You are too nervous, so you put too much pressure on yourself. In fact, you don't need to be so nervous, although I want to be public, but not so. Worry, there is no difference between us for a year or two."

He looked down at Yan QingChi and said softly, "You are a very good person, and you are also very talented in acting. Even if you did not win the Golden Goose Film Festival this time, there are other film festivals, as well as domestic ones. Golden Gui Award. Even if you retreat 10,000 steps and this one does not win a prize, then the next one, the next one, will also be awarded. The paving that has been made will not be taken back, nor will it be changed, ours The relationship is very good. This is something everyone already knows, so it doesn't need to be this year or next year."

Yan QingChi looked up at him, Jiang MoChen's eyes were tender. He said, "If I want to be public, then everyone will know it for a long time. If you don't have the strength to win prizes, popularity is your ceiling, then I too The meeting will be public early. But once you have the ability and ambition, then publicity becomes a kind of restraint to you. Everyone will not see your efforts and progress, but will only put my mark on you. And After that, if you win the prize again, they will only give the credit to me, which is not fair to you."

"Let's do this," Jiang MoChen stretched out a hand, "Let's make an agreement, if you don't win the prize this time, then I'll wait for you for five years, within five years, whether it's an award on a TV show or If you get any of the awards in the movie, we will make it public. I don't believe that people I am optimistic about will not get any awards in five years."

"Then what if I really didn't get it?" Yan QingChi asked him.

"No." Jiang MoChen said warmly, "You are Yan QingChi, there is nothing you can't do in this world."

Yan QingChi looked at him, and his heart was moved. His flustered and homesickness not only stemmed from his own gains and losses, but also from the award this time, which directly affects whether their feelings can be made public. He watched Jiang MoChen paving the way for their feelings, and felt that he wanted to openly declare their relationship in front of everyone. He wanted to satisfy him, but worried that he could not satisfy him.

If the award can be won by perseverance and hard work, then even if he is allowed to walk the countless stairs by himself, he will keep walking, because he knows that as long as he goes on, he can get what he wants. I want it. However, this kind of award is not something that can be solved by human beings, so Yan QingChi felt flustered.

He has never been afraid of any challenge, but he has never known that he can't beat God's will. He is rare and weak under the pressure that he has imposed on him.

Yan QingChi didn't high-five Jiang MoChen, but hugged him. Jiang MoChen patted him on the back and asked him, "Did I give you too much pressure?"

Yan QingChi shook his head, "It's not you, it's me."

"You are already great, as a lover, you are a very good lover; as Daddy, QiQi and YanYan like you very much; as a son, you are very filial to your parents and my parents; as an idol, you are all the way The achievement of is the greatest pride of fans. You are already great, not to mention, you are still a painter loved by children and big friends. You are the most powerful person among so many people I have met. If you No matter how much pressure, what can we do?"

Yan QingChi smiled lightly when he heard the words, he looked at Jiang MoChen, "Why do you talk like this."

"Of course I like you."

Yan QingChi smiled and looked at him, then leaned forward directly and started kissing him.

Jiang MoChen was a little surprised. It was the first time Yan QingChi was willing to take the initiative to kiss himself after getting up early. He was very witty and didn't break the matter, and kissed him back in cooperation.

Yan QingChi kissed him and became the Yan QingChi who was very confident in everything. He said, "I won't make that promise with you, because I will definitely win the prize this time, even if I don't take it myself, I Will take the movie. I believe."

"Okay," Jiang MoChen looked at him, "I believe it too."

Yan QingChi couldn't help but kissed him again, "Why do you believe everything?"

Jiang MoChen hugged him and coaxed: "It's not that I believe in everything, but I believe in you. I believe in you, so I believe in everything you say."

Yan QingChi smiled, "You look like this, I'm afraid I will like you more and more."

"That's not exactly what I want." Jiang MoChen lowered his head to his forehead, "What I want is that you like me more and more, and you can't live without me."

"A lifetime is very long, I'm only in my twenties."

"So we still have a long time."

Yan QingChi looked at him and nodded, "Then you have to behave well."

"Yes, Mrs. Jiang." Jiang MoChen smiled.