Chapter 194 - Days after marriage

For Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen, if the biggest benefit is after the disclosure, it is absolutely no longer necessary to deliberately avoid suspicion, no matter what public occasion, the two can be together. Jiang MoChen was very satisfied with this point. Every time when the two of them attended an event, they would not shy away from Yan QingChi and would talk to him from time to time.

The two of them are very popular, and now they are the first and only same-sex couples in the circle to be married publicly, so no matter when and what occasion, they are the focus of media attention. Some media still directly interview I asked Jiang MoChen about his future plans. Will he be stunned? As a result, Wu Yuan stopped him, saying that he would not answer personal matters.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen once discussed children's issues privately. Yan QingChi's attitude is to let the flow go. If someone photographs them or they accidentally expose the child's existence, then let the public know. If no one has found out, then there is no need to take the initiative to bring it up.

"Just let the flow go. If we keep hiding and tuck in, we can't do many things with the children. This is a bit wronged by the two babies. Besides, I thought about it carefully, even if their existence is exposed, it seems It's not going to be great. YanYan hasn't gone to school yet, and going to school is definitely the same as QiQi—QiQi is always picked up by car to and from school, usually at home or at school. Their school is rich or expensive, and the children of celebrities are also Quite a lot, it won't have any impact, even less at home. As for the online reviews, they are still small. As long as we don't take the initiative to show them, they won't know."

Jiang MoChen has always been accustomed to listening to him on children-related matters, so he did not refute, nodded, and agreed.

"Actually, it is exposed, there is another advantage."

"What?" Jiang MoChen asked him.

"I can openly record the growth of two babies on Weibo every year." Yan QingChi looked at him, "Although it makes no difference to record privately, sometimes I see other stars on their Weibo. Recording the baby's growth, taking photos and telling me where I went with the child today, I am also a little envious. Other children can have it, and my child should have it too."

"What other kids don't have?" Jiang MoChen asked him.

"Then my child must have it." Yan QingChi said: "My baby must be the happiest baby in the world."

Jiang MoChen couldn't help laughing, "I haven't seen you so comparable at other times. I didn't expect it to be all about raising children."

"You don't understand," Yan QingChi said, "When I was a kid, I was thinking, when I grow up, I must be a good Daddy, treat my children well and make them the happiest in the world My child, now I am indeed grown up and have this ability, so of course I have to fulfill the promise I made."

Hearing his words, Jiang MoChen thought of what Yan QingChi once said that he grew up in an orphanage when he was a child, and was not picked up by his adoptive father until he was eight years old. This is probably his own wish when he was young.

Jiang MoChen hugged him, let him lean in his arms, and whispered, "You are already a good Daddy, and QiQi and YanYan are indeed the happiest children in the world-to be your children is enough. Happy."

Yan QingChi looked up at him, "What about you? It's very happy to be my child, isn't it happy to be my lover?"

Jiang MoChen bowed his head and kissed him, "Of course I am also very happy, even I am even happier than the children, because you can only accompany them until they grow up and get married, but you can stay with me for the rest of my life."

Yan QingChi chuckled, "Why are you still comparing with your own children? Your comparability is not weaker than mine."

"Have I ever said that I am weak in comparison?" Jiang MoChen asked him.

"Don't you?"

"Definitely not. I am so self-aware how to do such self-slapstick things."

Yan QingChi heard the words slap face, and became lively, "It seems that you have never done slap face."

"Am I? I don't have it, I may have amnesia."

"Do you need me to help you remember? We first met when..."

"I am in love with you."

Yan QingChi laughed, "Love at first sight? How dare you say it."

Jiang MoChen hugged him and smiled, "Let him pass the past. If you do it again, I will definitely fall in love with you at first sight." He said that, a little curious, "Speaking of which, what did you look like before? and Is there a big difference now?"

"That's really a bit big." Yan QingChi thought about his previous appearance, "I used to be handsome and handsome."

"You paint and let me see."

Yan QingChi opened the quilt and got out of the bed, and walked to the desk in the bedroom. Jiang MoChen followed him along, and saw him looking in the cabinet and found a file bag.

Yan QingChi opened the file bag and took out the drawing paper inside.

"This is?" Jiang MoChen asked.

Yan QingChi faced him with the drawing paper and asked, "Are you familiar with it?"

Jiang MoChen looked at the painting above, and scenes from the past emerged. He smiled and said, "Familiar."

What Yan QingChi holds in his hand is not the same painting they drew before. At the earliest time, Yan QingChi just came to his house to paint with QiQi, and later he and QiQi went to visit Yan QingChi. They were three paintings together. .

Jiang MoChen looked at these paintings, as if he was back when they first fell in love, his eyes softened unconsciously and asked, "Isn't these paintings meant to be reserved for QiQi, why are they here now?"

"QiQi has too many paintings. I asked him if he could give these paintings to me. He agreed, and I took them and kept them for myself." Yan QingChi looked at the paintings in his hand, "After all, this is also very good to me. Important memories."

Jiang MoChen smiled and stretched out his hand to embrace him, turned his head and kissed him.

Yan QingChi looked at him, opened the file bag, and took out a few more pictures—there were four people in the same painting, an elderly handsome and elegant man, an elderly gentle and dignified woman, and one who looked like a dozen A very lively and sunny boy, and a gentle and handsome young man.

Jiang MoChen pointed to the smiling young man on the painting and asked, "Is this you?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "This is what I painted just now. I missed my family very much and I was afraid that I would forget them. So I drew several paintings. When I missed them, I took them out. one look."

"If your parents and younger brothers know that you have had a good time here, you also have family and friends who love you, and lovers and children, they will definitely be happy for you."

Yan QingChi said "En", "I feel so too."

Jiang MoChen looked at the painting on the table, looked at the Yan QingChi he was not familiar with, gently stroked the master's cheek, and said softly: "I think it's better to look like you came."

"It's a little more handsome, isn't it? The current face is good-looking or good-looking, but a little too soft."

"It's okay. Whatever you do, it looks good."

Yan QingChi "tsk", "Just you can talk."

Jiang MoChen hugged him and smiled, "Because in my eyes, as long as it is you, it looks very good."

Yan QingChi glanced at him, there was obvious happiness in his eyes. He put away the painting, put it back in his file bag, and locked it in the cabinet, just like when he was a child, he locked his precious things in his small box.

"Okay, go to sleep." Yan QingChi said.

Jiang MoChen nodded, "I hope you can have a good dream."

"I hope I can dream of my family."

"Yes." Jiang MoChen said.

That night, Yan QingChi really dreamed of his parents and younger brother. He dreamed that he took Jiang MoChen and QiQiYanYan back home. His parents were very surprised. While holding YanYan, they pulled QiQi and asked him about these years. Have a good time, listen to him telling his story here.

His younger brother has grown up and has become a lot more mature than before. When he saw him go home, he suddenly seemed to be back when he was a child. He was aggrieved and acted like a baby. He also stared at Jiang MoChen from time to time, as if he was The culprit who forcibly destroyed their family reunion.

Yan QingChi woke up the next day and laughed for a long time, Jiang MoChen asked him, "What are you laughing at?"

"I dreamed of my family.

"That's really worth being happy." Jiang MoChen said.

"But my brother doesn't like you and always stares at you secretly."

"Huh?" Jiang MoChen recalled the young boy in the painting he saw last night, "Why don't you like me? Did I bully him in your dream?"

"Of course not. He just heard that I came to this world and married you, so he didn't like you. Maybe you abducted me."

Jiang MoChen thought for a while, and felt that there was no way to refute this. Although Yan QingChi came to this world not because of him, he was indeed the biggest beneficiary after Yan QingChi came to this world, so he could only hold Yan QingChi Said, "Then there is no way, I can only wrong my brother and continue to dislike me."

Yan QingChi smiled, "It would be nice if you two could really meet, my brother is very cute, you will know when you meet."

"My dear," Jiang MoChen looked at him, "I think according to what I heard you describe to your brother, if we really meet, it might be the scene in your dream. After all, there is no brother Will see his brother's lover pleasing to the eye."

Jiang MoChen asked him, "If your brother and I fall into the water at the same time, who do you save?"

"I won't save anyone," Yan QingChi pushed him, "Are you stupid, you can't swim around to save him, and then tell him that I am your savior from today, let him Listen carefully to you."

Jiang MoChen didn't expect this to happen, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are such a clever ghost, you can still come up with this answer."

Yan QingChi was very proud, "That's because your thinking is too limited. Believe it or not, if you react slowly, my brother should swim around to rescue you, and then sneered, "You only do this, even swimming. will not?'"

Jiang MoChen: "...Are you sure your brother is as cute as you said? Isn't it scary?"

Yan QingChi looked at him, "You know, in the eyes of every younger brother, his younger brother is the cutest. Of course, his younger brother will indeed show the cutest side in front of him, as far as other people are concerned. , That's different."

Jiang MoChen sighed deeply, "I was a little lucky to be inexplicably unexpected."

Yan QingChi chuckled lightly, thinking about the scene where Jiang MoChen met his younger brother. It was really, it was fun to think about it.

"You and my brother can't see it anymore. After QiQi grows up, let's see what the status of YanYan and QiQi's lovers are."

"You are thinking too early, Yan Yan is only two and a half years old."

"Life, don't you just have to look forward to it, so that it will be exciting."