Chapter 195 - Variety invitation from "the family"

QiQi's exposure came suddenly. It happened just before the summer. Yan QingChi broadcasted a live broadcast for a brand he endorsed, but QiQi ran in and entered the public's attention.

On the day of the incident, Jiang MoChen went to the company early, and Yan QingChi saw that the two children were sleeping, so he took his mobile phone into the study room and broadcast live in the study room.

The content of the live broadcast is very simple, to promote the brand, and chat with fans by the way. Yan QingChi is the first live broadcast, so after explaining the content requested by the brand in a step-by-step manner, some don't know what to say, but there are still 20 minutes before the end of the live broadcast, so he had to pick some questions on the barrage. Reply.

"Are there any plans to film recently? Yes, it's just a drama selection. There is currently no suitable drama."

"Is my brother at home? Yes, he is at home. This is the study."

"Is President Jiang there? He is not here, he has gone to work."

"Brother and Mr. Jiang who usually cook at home?" Yan QingChi chuckled, "Why do you ask more and more life, or return to my live broadcast..."

Before he could say anything, the door suddenly opened, Yan QingChi looked up, and QiQi looked at him with surprise and called, "Daddy!"

Yan QingChi thought "bad", and quickly reached out and turned off the live broadcast, locked the phone directly, and didn't care whether the brand would be dissatisfied because of this. After all, QiQi's appearance was completely beyond his expectation.

QiQi closed the door and ran to him, "I thought you were not at home, so you are here."

"Why did you come here?" Yan QingChi asked him.

QiQi replied: "YanYan woke up and wanted to play hide-and-seek with me. If I hide him looking for it, I want to hide here."

"Then you hide it quickly, don't Yan Yan come in for a while, and it's not good to find you here."

QiQi "En En" nodded, after watching for a long time, finally got into the cabinet by the window and reminded him, "Daddy, you can't tell YanYan."

"Relax, I haven't seen anything."

QiQi was satisfied and got in.

Yan QingChi saw him get into the cabinet and turned on the phone again. Sure enough, he saw the "Daddy." on Weibo and forums discussing QiQi.

"shock! ! ! Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen actually have children! ! ! ! "

"Fuck! ! I have a hallucination? ? Yan QingChi just broadcast live, and he heard a kid calling him Daddy! "

"Is there a problem with my ears? When Yan QingChi was broadcasting the live broadcast just now, why did he hear the voice of a child, or call him Daddy!"

"Lord, you have no auditory hallucinations!! I heard it too, it sounds like a boy, did he and Jiang MoChen adopt/adopt a child?"

"No, didn't they two just got married not long?"

"It's not impossible. This pair develops in a flash. It doesn't take long for the relationship to be announced, and the wedding will be held after receiving the license. It is all possible to adopt/bring up children."

"Curious about what the baby looks like, and don't know which type of baby they like, cute, smart, cold, or mature."

"I think it sounds cute, it feels soft and cute."

"Ahhhh, want to see it."

Soon, the entry of [Yan QingChi son] was on the hot search. After Guan Mei listened to Yan QingChi's explanation of the cause and results, he removed the hot search without saying anything, and then went to negotiate with the brand this time. Problems with the live broadcast.

When Jiang MoChen came back in the evening, the discussion about the child on the forum and Weibo had been suppressed by the fans on both sides, but the two fans were also very curious and discussed quietly in the group.

Yan QingChi was a little worried, "I really didn't expect QiQi to come in, obviously when I entered the study, he was still sleeping, why did he wake up so soon."

"It's okay," Jiang MoChen persuaded him, "Don't you want to go with the flow? Now that the existence of QiQi has been exposed, then you simply disclose QiQi's identity, so that you can be like other stars in the future. Isn't it good to record the baby's growth on Weibo?"

Yan QingChi sighed, "Fortunately, it's just that it came too suddenly."

"Sooner or later, we will face it," Jiang MoChen was very open about it. "I never thought that the two of them would never be exposed, so there is not much difference between early exposure and late exposure. Don't worry."

Yan QingChi looked at him and nodded helplessly, "I can only comfort myself like this."

However, Yan QingChi did not expect that it was such an accident that he would receive an invitation from the "The Family" program group.

"So, you mean, the "the family" program group contacted you and wanted me and Jiang MoChen to take QiQi to participate in their variety show?"

"That's right, that's right." Guan Mei responded. "Wuyuan should have received the same invitation. Do you think you are interested?"

"I need to discuss this matter with Jiang MoChen, but "the family" is very keen. There is a voice on QiQi. No one is on the scene. He came just smelling it."

"If I were the director of their program group, I would try to invite you after knowing that you have children. After all, the two of you are so popular, coupled with your child's debut, this rating is really something to think about. It's all very exciting."

"It's a pity that we don't necessarily agree."

"The attention of "the family" is good, and the program group is very well-measured, it will not mess up the editing and affect the image of the children. Most importantly, this program is more destined for family interaction, and the children will not spend time together. Especially many, it effectively avoids the tearing of fans caused by children's misunderstandings. Generally speaking, it is not bad. You and Jiang can think about it, provided that if you are willing to expose your children."

"Okay, thank you for taking care of it."

"You are welcome. You have neither received variety shows nor dramas this year. To be honest, your inventory is running out."

"That's okay. "Waiting for Spring" will be released during the summer. When I wait for the second half of the year, I will take another play, which can be regarded as a guarantee that at least one work will meet the audience a year."

"Although I think your arrangement like this, there are too few works, but since you just won the Golden Goose Award, it is most important to maintain your reputation at this time, so I also support your decision to control the quality of the play first, and then the rest. Say it again."


"Then you and President Jiang will tell me after you decide, and I will give you a reply."

"Okay." Yan QingChi hung up the phone, the phone tapped his palm lightly, thinking secretly, do you want to go to this variety show?

After Jiang MoChen heard Wu Yuan tell him about the variety show invitation, he was a bit undecided for a while. He felt that recording was not impossible. Quan was going out to play with his children, but at the same time he was worried that QiQi would be wronged during the recording. It's not what he wants to see.

"Can't we talk to the program team in advance? Just say that if something unpleasant happens during the recording, we have the right to leave directly." Yan QingChi asked after hearing his concerns.

"This should be ok. Besides, if we really don't want to record, they can't record according to us."

"Isn't that all right?" Yan QingChi thought for a while, "We wrote our rights into the contract in advance like we recorded "Best Partner" at the time, and asked us to give us the shots before the show was broadcast. Look at the sample, if we don't agree, we won't be able to broadcast it, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Jiang MoChen nodded, "So, you want to record this variety show?"

"I actually didn't think about it, but I think that if Guan Mei said, this variety show focuses more on family relationships, and will not allow children to be together often, which will lead to disputes. We can all treat it as a publicly funded family outing. Isn't it? The two of us have never taken QiQi to travel. This time we have such an opportunity to go to six places, so it's not bad to go. For one thing, it's a formal appearance for QiQi, and it won't make netizens too We have been guessing what he really looks like and what his personality is; secondly, it can be regarded as hanging out with him. QiQi is definitely willing to go. He has always liked going out."

"If you decide, then record it."

"It can be recorded, but it must be ensured that QiQi will not be harmed."

"Don't worry," Jiang MoChen looked at him, "We were watching during the recording. He will be fine. When it is broadcast, your fans and my fans add up, I think no one can win. Them."

Yan QingChi thought for a while, "This is, for so many years, except for Wei Lan's fans, I really haven't seen a group of fans who dared to tear up with your fans. Alas, Little House Sister is really one of the fans in the world. Domineering."

"So rest assured, they will protect their little prince."

"Then we can also tell the little prince to make the little prince happy."

"it is good."

QiQi was really happy to hear that he could go out with them and asked excitedly, "Really?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "That is when there may be many uncles and aunts following, we have to play games according to their rules, are you willing?"

QiQi nodded, "I am willing, as long as I can hang out with you, I am willing to do anything."

Yan QingChi listened to his words, his heart softened, touched his head and asked him, "Is it because I rarely hang out with Daddy before?"

QiQi nodded, holding his arm, "So I want to go, I want to be with Daddy, can I go, Daddy?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "Of course, you can do it if you want."

QiQi laughed instantly and asked him excitedly, "Then when shall we go out?"

"Don't worry, you have to wait, I promised you, and I won't regret it."

"En." QiQi smiled with bent eyes.

YanYan tilted his head to look at them, looked at Jiang MoChen puzzledly, and asked, "Daddy, where are you going? YanYan wants to go too, can YanYan go?"

Jiang MoChen looked at him, "You? Are you too young?"

"YanYan is not young anymore, YanYan is two and a half years old! He is a big kid!" YanYan patted his little chest.

Jiang MoChen was amused by him, "He is an older child at two and a half years old, then what is your brother? A super-large child?"

QiQi laughed when he heard the words.

YanYan watched them both laugh, and laughed at the unknown reason, not forgetting to fight for their rights, "YanYan is going, YanYan is going too."